Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

I appreciate all of the tips and advice!! Personally, I’ve never found hash or flower to be top quality if they don’t receive a long slow dry and I don’t really want to do all of the work for bubble to make a subpar product. Burping jars, checking constantly, having to “cure” flower and so on aren’t for me. If I can’t have a long slow dry I want it frozen/processed as soon as possible after harvest. I’d rather not consume cannabis than consume anything not really really good.


You should really read more about pressing then. You don’t want a long cure. The best presses in my opinion are after less than a week in the jar. :+1:t3:
I guess that does depend on you gettin the dry you’re after though. Definitely try the ethanol wash and see how ya like it. Explore other options if not.:smiley:


Good luck on your chosen path
I’ll be hanging around watching from my recliner smoken some weed puff puff pass


I appreciate this sentiment. Also I’ve found you get way better yield from doing an ethanol wash. It’s a chemical extraction and is far more complete than most physical extractions such as bubble hash, dry sift, dry ice or the like.


I agree greater quantity still top shelf

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I think I just never learned to like chemical washes. Ethanol is the best and it does purge well and complete. I just have a mental block or something.:joy: I spent a few hundred bucks setting up to do washes. Even got filter flasks… vacuum pump and chamber to help purge. It’s just rather involved to get to a final product that I still had reservations about consuming. I spent another few hundred on a press… took my first dab while the plates were still hot and never looked back. Everyone finds their thing eventually. :+1:t3: Good luck on your quest! @PatHealy :fist:t3:🪶🪶


I don’t want any cure. I don’t really believe in it. I believe everything happens, whatever chemical reactions or breakdowns go down, during the 17 or so day dry and then the flower is at the best it will ever be. Even if I was keeping the flower to smoke, I’d freeze it or put it in the fridge to preserve it. I think flower grown with some errors or problems can mellow out and become less harsh over time as degradation occurs and whatnot. But, shortly we’ll have all sorts of scientific papers and everything on all of it.


Careful! You’re also venturing into unpopular opinions! :joy: I love smoking my flower right off the dry line! Most of the time, I agree, it tastes and hits the hardest when fresh. Curing is also nice. Things change. Not always for the best IMO.


Hahaha I know that one would be super unpopular with many. I’m just hoping not too many people pop into my thread and read through all of the nonsense, so it will just fly under the radar. Haha


I often just don’t get involved in the trying to answer things game. You’re pretty cool and let me say some stuff and didn’t get in my face. :joy: I really believe in this cannabis thing, in all aspects, it’s all about personal preference, body chemistry…etc. environments and people, strains are all different. There is no one answer to anything. Yup! There are some basics but even those laws bend based on certain things. :man_shrugging:t3: Folks should just have fun and if cannabis is stressing you too hard you’re definitely not doing it right! :rofl::rofl:


Definitely. We should all just enjoy the plant/flower more. I try to not ever share any opinions or thoughts on growing on here, but sometimes I do and then I get caught in a loop in my head. “Why did you respond to that?” “What are you doing on the internet talking about weed at your age?” “Why can’t you just let things go?” “What are you doing with your life?” “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Stop being a bitch.” Hahaha

I’m also fairly confident now that within the next 3-5 years we’ll have some pretty good actual scientifically and field tested answers to many things we have been debating for ages regarding cannabis. So, another reason I try to stay out of sharing opinions or getting involved and gets me in my head again. Haha

I’m honestly thinking of taking AG/botany type classes at UF and doing their Master Gardener program at the annex near me. Me in my head again: “If I’m so interested in it, why am I not just going and actually learning it?” “Don’t be a bitch.” Haha


100% I agree with this! Chemical extractions are only “more complete” from a statistics stand point. And that’s referring to cannabinoids only. Terpenes and texture matter for many. You can sort of lose quality standards if you’re just ethanol washing everything because it’ll likely all turn out fairly similar. You definitely lose terps to ethanol.


I think this was also a big part for me in just sticking with the press. Full spectrum. It just hit different and tasted different for me. Yes! Things washed just seemed similar. Every flower press is different. Also the quickness appeals to my lazier side! :rofl:


Hold up here! You guys are talking crazy!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Unless it’s fresh frozen, it has to cure at some point. For the smell and taste to be right in the flower. When it comes to concentrates, it doesn’t matter about the flower but even then, it’s better to cure it after. Jmo

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Shit, I just want to be able to smoke top shelf flower or some form of hash again without having to buy a mini-split and Anden. Hahaha Whatever the easiest way to accomplish that is what I’m after.


Annnnd I’m out! :smiley: Have fun y’all! Stay lifted! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Don’t dip brother, I won’t running you off :rofl:

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17-20 day long slow dry and then it’s at the best it’s going to be. Immediately sold after being trimmed or put in fridge or freezer for storage to stop degradation. I think the “cure” or whatever we’re supposed to call it happens during that long slow dry.


I’m just playing. :wink: You just said something I can’t argue against. I’m not you and for you
I have no doubt you’re right.:grinning:


It doesn’t take that long to dry. It’s all in the stem bend and snap.