Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

We are cool brother, don’t ever think, im gonna force my beliefs on you. When something differs from my opinion, I voice it. To try to help with guys learning. It’s just an opinion and you know what they say. An opinion is just like an a—ole and every one has one!


I’m not curing my weed. I just haven’t smoked it yet!. :rofl:


Someone define cure anyway


Letting something sit in a controlled environment for a certain length of time.


So then what’s dry

Sorry pat. If I’m annoying you tell me to bounce and I’m out


I don’t mind at all. Chat away.


Yes sir better in a small container like jars, bags etc


Can we continue to be unpopular?


Back in the day when we sold it. It was 17-20 day hang dry. Trim it all up and toss it in turkey bags while trimming. Then vac seal up 1 lb packs just to the point before crushing the flower, write the flower name, and then write the date. Black Sharpie. Packs getting sold soon went in the fridge and longer term storage went in the freezer. Haven’t done that since ‘14 though, so I’m old.


Well there is something called freeze dry but I know nothing about that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Freeze dryers are great for hash, but I’m not sure if they’ve dialed them in for flower yet. The flower came out crumbly, but definitely locks in the flavors/terps and looks.


I was gonna wait on Pats Ok but he did like the comment so here goes.
This is more of a question case I scratch my head on it sometimes.
I’ll start by saying I like grove bags. Even the knock offs on Amazon seem to work great. Here’s the thing. We’re supposed to dry at 60/60. Curing is supposed to be great at that range too. Grove says for best results store in the dark at 60/60. My question is if I’m able to obtain those numbers why do I need the grove bags? Why not store at 60/60 in a paper bag? :man_shrugging:t3:


The only downside to that is the trichcomes. Freezing makes them hard, so any movement of the bag equals lost trichs.

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If the room is 60/60 and stays that way you could just keep the plants hanging forever and pick bugs off as you need. Haha Some people have barns in places with perfect climates who just always have perfect weed hanging. No need for them to mess with jars, bags, or anything. The dream. Haha


The paper sucks the moisture out. You want a tighter space for smell and taste. Cannabis is unique in the way it can pick up smells and taste from its surroundings. Ever shared a cut and theirs taste different than what you get? That’s why

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Not in a 60/60 environment… no? :man_shrugging:t3:

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For sure. Had to be gentle and transfer them to the fridge and whatnot. Plenty of idiots liked seeing a bunch of fallen off trichs as well though. “Damn bro, look how crystally this shit is!! It’s all over the bag and stuff. I could smoke a bowl of just this kief!!” Haha


Out of likes, so don’t think I’m not liking for some other reason. Haha

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I did this a year ago in my dry closet before it reverted to a veg closet. Had stuff hanging for 2 months. Never got in a hurry to trim because it was always right! :joy: it stayed around 70 degrees and 55-62 RH. I miss that! :joy:

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I edited my post