Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

Did you then vacuum seal the ziploc bags inside of good vac bags? They’re definitely airtight and waterproof. Look into sous vide cooking and whatnot.

Edit: You seem to keep coming in here and making statements seemingly without reading all of the posts or just lacking comprehension of the posts. Nobody said just freeze ziploc bags. I made it very clear I didn’t have all of those cuts and how I would go about handling them. But, you’ve popped in twice now to give advice that’s not pertinent to the conversation or misunderstood. It’s annoying to me.


Your weed will also store better in a freezer vac sealed in proper bags than in glass jars with air inside, unless you’re purging those jars in one of those ways to remove air before freezing.


Don’t forget how much space jars take up

Good morning


That too. Haha. Could you imagine loading that many jars up, purging them with CO2 or whatever they use, and then stacking them in a freezer. The clanking of glass would have my nerves on edge too. You selling flower from a broken glass jar?? Nahh. Wasted flower. Haha


Multiple freezers just to stack jars for storage. Then, you’d have to open them all, expose the flower to the conditions, and transfer the flower to new bags just to sell them. Sounds fun. Haha

My boss and I discussed glass jars for packaging when ny started. We decided against it just on weight!!
Do you know how much a pound of eights in glass jars weighs!!!


I vacuum up the runoff every morning at 9:15 before the lights go off at 9:30 and I really wanted to get a picture for everyone before they shut off, but they shut off right when I finished vacuuming and went to grab my phone. I’ll take one this evening if I remember. I need to swap a taller plant and smaller plants places in the tent. I should just toss the two short ladies, but they look too good for me to cull them. Another boring four or so weeks and then things will start getting interesting,


Glove bags rock
get rid of the glass jars


I agree fully with that statement :ok_hand:

Just thought I’d throw out I’m a clean shaven, short haired, and have no tattoos. Seeing pictures and conversations makes me think I’m in a pretty small minority of growers. Haha


its so funny it makes no difference but i am feeling weird for not having a tattoo myself nowdays. i definitely dont fit in. i cant shave tho. beard dont stop growing for a second whats up with the cap junky lol, is it good


Message received. Peace.

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I don’t have any tats or piercing or a beard… but I am pretty fly for a white guy…:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


Haha The Cap Junky is really good. It’s like an improved MAC1 to me. Slightly different taste and smell, but pretty similar. Grows super easy and great vigor. I had it in a run with the Bandaid Haze #7, Corey Stardawg, and Hollywood Pure Kush. That plant was the easiest in the tent and looks amazing when flowering and as trimmed flower. I’ll get it back after this run and post pics of me running it.


Four days into 11.5/12.5. Super exciting photos I know. Haha.


I want LEDs without the far red diodes, so my pics don’t make my plants look yellow. Haha. They definitely don’t look like that in-person.


Friggin mind reader! :joy: I always look at your overhead shots and think “Why are they so limey? Must be the lights.” Then as always I scroll down to some close ups and as always, think “ Damn, those have gorgeous color!” :joy: I did the same thing this time, read your last post and chuckled. :grin:
Looking nice in there as usual! :fist:t3: @PatHealy


Haha Like minds. I’ll have to start taking lights off pics with just the bedroom light on. It’s driving me nuts.

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Joint burning forever. My bad. Haha


No Tom Petty? Brother we need to talk… the rest is okay and in line. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: