Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

That’s the one the mrs is tied to at this moment lol :joy:


Haha It does look like you could get freaky with it. Joseph Pilates was quite the character himself, so who knows what he was getting up to with it back in the day.


I was thinking here would be a good place to let me know which online clone vendors are legit, because I’m seeing more and more mentioned, but I don’t want fake or dirty cuts. So, I’ll list the ones I’ve seen here and if you know something of them, please chime in and let me know. Definitely list ones I don’t list or know of as well. Also, I really struggle paying more than $100 per cut when they should be $15-$30 a pop and then add shipping.


-Boston Clone Co. (They constantly email me emails with pretty good deals. If I lived near them I’d be going nuts picking stuff up from them constantly. Haha)
-The Clone Conservatory (Seems this one might be more for larger ops or local pickup. Darn.)
-Buds and Roses
-GMO House of Clones (Used him once. Seemed legit.)
-Breeders Direct
-The Clone Bank
-Shoreline direct (Wes)
-Cannaventure direct (Rusty)

I’ll add the others as I find them.

Edit: I don’t know why the names are big and bold. Haha


I plan on buying some cuts in a few months after this run and I’m just trying to find the best spot or spots to do so. Thanks for any info shared!!


What are you looking for ?


I’d be happy with a bunch. Haha. I’ll get 3-4 though. Some of these places have insane lists, which makes me a little suspicious but times have changed I guess. It gets me wanting so much. I definitely want the Cap Junky cut back. I’d like something grapey like Sour Grapes/Grapestomper or Grape Pie crossed to something strong. TK is one I should probably have. Animal Mints or something like that would be cool. Wedding Cake interests me. Garanimals. Kid in a candy store syndrome over here. Haha


I don’t know how to word this properly, but I’ll try. I absolutely love and they warm my heart the offers of free cuts/clones and I’ll be taking those of you up on them, but I have to buy some cuts myself so I don’t feel like I’m only taking and not giving back. So, maybe people could list cuts they’d like that aren’t being offered up readily on here and I’ll buy those to get them out to people. I’d still love any clone vendor info and whatnot. I’ll probably use GMO again if nobody lets me know about other/better options. Please let me be able to pay people back and spread some cuts out myself. Haha. People are awesome on here and maybe some people need to peek in here after all of the negative stuff the past few days, because there are still cool/good people on here trying to treat the plant the right way and not make money off of it.


GMO House Of Clones Best Clones. You cant get better than the best.

Clones to get Headband, Headband Haze,


He was definitely easy to deal with and the four I got were solid. He was cool about everything too if there had been problems or anything like that. Also, he said he gives discounts on cuts you’ve already bought from him if you want them again, but I’m not expecting that. Thanks for the info!! What haze is the Headband crossed to in that Headband Haze? That could be one big floppy plant. Haha


Hey @PatHealy ! Love the good energy you bring around OG…I like to lurk around mostly but dang there are so many good folks around here we can’t let that negative stuff get to us. I’ll be hanging in the back…and I’ll always pass the J, pipe, bong, etc, to whoever is ready for the next hit. I agree with @NDNCHILD that one setup does look a bit kinky. LMAO :rofl: :green_heart:


The Original Haze

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Thanks for the info!!

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Im going to sit here and watch this:
Here’s a boxing match:


When you dont have a lot of time and still want to watch a fight


Had fun watching that old fight and I loved listening to Larry, Harold, and Emmanuel. So, next up:


Nice I got Myer lemons first year, tangelo 3rd year and in the ground. Limes as well just not key limes not enough humidity here to set fruit properly. Have a kadota fig and voles cut down my mission fig like a beaver, BASTARDS! Lol


Anyone on here happen to have a recent list of clones from GMO? I know selection will change over the next three months or so before I grab some, but I’d like to check the list out and see what it’s like these days. It would be greatly appreciated!!


For those that only like seeing the big boys go at it. This was a crazy fight:

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Are you a boxer?

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I boxed when I was younger. Just amateur stuff. My one grandfather was a boxer, so I got into it as young as possible. Once I was 19 I decided I didn’t want a busted up face when I was older, scar tissue buildup around my eyes, and the CTE and Parkinson’s. I still like doing bag work and whatnot though. Sparring was always a great workout too, but I think I’ve aged completely out of that. Haha

Edit: Plus, I wasn’t that good. I certainly wasn’t going to earn a living as a professional boxer. Haha