Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

Them big boys can throw but they don’t seem to go down as much as the smaller boys. That is truely crazy to think the hits they can give, wow, but the hits they can take is scary. Most people big or small couldn’t take one hit from them let alone 12 rounds.:exploding_head:. Boxing and bag work are great training and stamina building.

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The old saying is certainly true “we have weight classes for a reason.” Haha Those heavyweights can turn your lights out with every punch. Craziest thing is watching two big guys just slug it out. The sounds of the impact to their heads is almost sickening and they’ll just stand there exchanging like that. I’m only 5’8 and lean, so I wasn’t messing with those killers. I mostly boxed Mexicans. Some tough SOBs. It can get to you when you’re landing clean with everything you’ve got and they’re still coming forward to throw. I call dudes like that cinder block heads. Time to turn and run or have a weapon. Haha

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Man this fight is legendary! Got my blood pumping now haha

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Right?? You can’t watch that fight and not be pumped up. Round 9 is one of the greatest boxing rounds of all-time. I love the respect between the two all throughout and at the end. That’s how it should be.

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I find myself watching the trilogy every couple years. Ward non stop walking Gatti down. Gatti quick hands firing back. His footwork was really good too. I’m only a fan with no boxing experience but I’d say its one of my favorite battles one to watch.

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The algos are wild. This just popped up in the sidebar. Going to listen to this now.

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you sure we aren’t related Pat? I too boxed as a kid and was taught by my grandpop. My grandparents also owned a pizzeria in Jersey before I was born and they taught me how to make the authentic shit before they had all the fancy names I guess you would call their style more of a grandma pie thin and square baked on a black ancient relic sheet pan that was probably around since the old country.


Definitely have to watch the trilogy every few years or so. Haha. It’s awesome to watch someone like Gatti with the footwork and boxing skill go up against a fairly one-dimensional boxer with the most insane chin ever who can throw bombs when you let him inside and never stops coming forward. Ward did start to mix it up in this fight and find success with the short right and whatnot. Usually he was just looking for that left hook though. Ward should’ve finished Gatti off by just ripping the body after he got the knockdown, but that showed the respect he had for Gatti’s hands and recovery ability that he didn’t want to leave himself open up-top. Both of these guys were already 30 or older for that fight too. That stamina and heart was insanely impressive for any age, but both guys 30+ was nuts. Then, they had two more barn burners. Haha

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Maybe we are related. Haha. I absolutely love Seinfeld and my mother’s side of the family is from Jersey. Tom’s River and Seaside Heights area. Grandfather was a boxer and bartender in AC during the 20’s. Then my mom worked Casino Pier in the 60’s and early 70’s as a kid. Haha


Since age came up do you agree with me that Tyson would have lights out jpaul if they had actually boxed?

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its possible I actually just did a dna test and then spent about 500 hours putting together a family tree and its wild what you find out when you go down the genetic rabbit hole


Tyson now or Tyson when he was boxing or under the age of 50? I don’t know if Mike still has it in him to go up against a science experiment who’s only 23 or something. Tyson when he was boxing or say under the age of 40 would’ve put Jake Paul in the hospital within 40 seconds of the first.

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Any actual top 50 or so pro boxer in Jake Paul’s weight class would demolish him easily.

Edit: His boxing is garbage and he has no gas tank. He can pay Sugar Shane and everyone else to train him around the clock, but he’s not a fighter. He’s a Disney kid.


If only inanimate objects could tell us the stories of their past.

The heart, competitiveness in both blew the doors off those barns. I wish we had more fights like this now. I haven’t been really following so I probably missed a couple great ones that flew under the radar.


Tyson in his prime would have knocked his brain stem off the back of his brain! Tyson still trains and is in decent shape. He may not have the stamina but the power seems like it would still be devastating. I think a few solid head shots would end it but then again jpaul does some mma.


Jake Paul can barely wrestle and I think that’s his only discipline he trains at. I’d love to see him take a real MMA fight. He would get worked, so easily.

I love Tyson man. Being a smaller stocky guy born in the 80s and boxing as a kid, he was who I wanted to be. Get inside that phone booth and drop bombs. But, he has taken a lot of damage over the years from fighting and lifestyle. 23 vs 58 is huge in fighting. I know with all of the HGH and test stuff rich people are on these days they’re prolonging their prime a little more, but a boxer at 58 is pretty shot. I really hope he’s able to just use his patented footwork and dip side-to-side, staying low, coming forward, get inside the phone booth with Paul, negate his reach, and turn his lights out. But, I don’t have high hopes. I really hope the fight doesn’t even happen. It shouldn’t be sanctioned at all. That’s a joke.

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Here’s my grandfather who was into boxing. He was an old grandfather though, because my mom was a surprise/mistake. Haha

They used the pretzel trucks for bootlegging back then.


Lights just came on:

Plants are fine. I’ll flip soon enough to get this over with.

Deciding whether or not I want to hop into the madness of some seed trading tonight or not. Haha.



Thank you sooo much!!! That’s awesome. Made my night. Haha