Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

To close the night out:

This is a dream come true dude. Stoked for you. Being to workout whenever you want in whatever you want is baller.

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Your grow are doing well! You’re ready for the flip exciting times ahead.

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Yard work and workout done. Digging watching these older matches on the big TV. When I was younger (middle school/high school) I remember being able to illegally stream HBO somewhere and get the fights, but no sound or a foreign language, so I’d have a friend with HBO put their landline up against the speaker of their TV with the fight on and listen over the phone while I watched. Haha

Two for today:


Edgar vs Maynard 2 is a great fight if you like MMA.


Ol’ Frankie Edgar is from Tom’s River like my mom too. Haha. He had some real slobber knockers for MMA fights for sure. Some real heart and toughness in that guy.


Edgar shows his heart and spirit in that fight.


Jasmine is blooming and smells nice when you open the front door:


Next up:

Edit: I couldn’t stand Judah, but the man could box.

Pat check out @JohnnyPotseed list of first gen tissues culture clones

I got a few of his offerings and there spot on and reasonably priced


I couldn’t agree more! When it’s a content and follower grab( which both Paul brothers do) neither party involved have the right mindset to fight I would t think.

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Chopped these plants up some more tonight when the lights came on. Trying to get them pruned/shaped up in a way I’d like in 7-10 days and get them flipped to 11.5/12.5. Still need two males to show or choose two more to toss and I don’t really want to toss any of them. Haha


Those are the cuts that interest me from GMO. He doesn’t have Headband or Headband Haze listed. I already bought the Cap Junky and HPK from him before and I think he mentioned a discount for getting cuts of something you already bought from him. Also, have Cap Junky already offered to me by a cool member on here. Two members actually.


Just an idea, you could accept clones as a form of backup for a persons library you hold it as insurance


I’d be down for that. I just really want to buy at least 1-2, preferably 3-4 cuts, on my own so I have something to add in trades that I provided myself. I’d like to be able to trade cuts with others or offer up cuts someone wants for some seeds that interest me. I don’t want to be perceived as a TST or one of those types of characters. Haha. I’m never looking to make any money off of this plant again in my life. I’m not trying to open a clone shop or any of that nonsense. Haha. I could definitely back cuts up for people for sure though. I don’t struggle with keeping plants healthy and mothers pruned up.


I don’t know your financial situation. Just wanted to put a different perspective on it. The recent power outages have caused people to lose their plants. Invaluable to be able to dm a couple members and have them come back


Thanks for the heads-up!! If anyone wants to back up some clones I’m interested in, just let me know.

Other clones/cuts off the top of my head I’m interested in checking out:
-Animal Mints
-Cereal Milk
-Grape Gas
-Jet Fuel Gelato
-Ft Collins Cough
-Grapestomper/Sour Grapes
-Old indica Blueberry cut
-Kush Mints
-Triangle Mints

I’ll add more if I think of any.


There is a never ending list of cuts :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Strawberry cough or Fort Collins cough?


Right?? I spent so long dealing with only three cuts mostly. Moved back home and started looking online and it ruined me. I need to see for myself how they are!!! Haha