Pearly Bud Pheno Question

I am growing some cryptic labs pearl stem I received from @Upstate. Some of the pheno are referred to as “wheat” pheno as I recall. They look very much like the pictures above. I’ll try to post some photos later.


Those pearl stems are so freaking sexy.

@rasterman what did @deeez99 use as outcross for the bc1, also an Oaxacan?


Yes @Magu I did! Many multiples over 3-5 generations! Mine started out from Black Creme Autos from @JohnnyPotseed beans that I then crossed with something else he’d sent me. They are definitely a labor of Love as the weight is ridiculously low. I was working towards creating a purple calyx SoP pheno and succeeded pretty well.



Kept a few green ones around as well…



Fun stuff! I passed the remaining seeds on to someone here at OG to carry on, as I had too many ‘other’ projects running. If anybody remembers that story, please let me know how they went!



Black Creme Auto is a strain I am familiar with, for producing that string of Pearl or Pearly structure… I have zero experience yet, my exposure came from @Tlander, he has grown a few beautiful specimens

Did not know he was typing. Good Evening @Tlander


Good mornin Missin’! It’s sunset here now! 555! I thought it ‘might’ have been you I sent the remaining seed stock to from that project? Doesn’t sound like it! Hmmm, I’d search my DM’s but Life is too short for that! :rofl:

Good luck with your project @Juno If somebody reads the above and gets in contact w/me I’ll see if they made any extra seeds. By the 4th or 5th generation I think I was getting about 80% SoP and 75% purple pheno. Seems to me that one time a few months ago I came across a small brown paper bag in the drying tent of ones that didn’t get shifted to the refrigerator with the ones I sent away…but who knows where they ended uP? :crazy_face:

Found another one…




I have them Sir !

And with this conversation, if you could refresh me with the Flowering times, I WILL germinate a pair for a Southern Ontario experience !

I’ve been itching, and CRIPPY @anonymous4289 has left the door Open for a Late Germ, I know there is room, so @Tlander, I’m Ready !

Could be Wet any day now, awaiting a pkg.
I know they are right here… 555



No idea, I’m just growing the seeds. But I do believe it’s pure Oaxacan.


Oh, very cool! I’d bet on either a red, yellow or pearl-colored 3D-printed puck!

As I said, they were autoflowers and for the second generation I used another JPS purple autoflower male (would have to look it uP) that showed the SoP traits. From then on I just kept selecting and back-crossing them until I got what I was looking for. Can’t remember the season, but I think I started the first ones (sure it’s in my thread somewhere!) in Oct??? End of long season anyway and I ‘think’ every generation after that stayed around 90 days from germination to harvest.

Good luck with them! I think I grew most of them in 1-2 gallon airpots. I tried to use the search function on my thread with the words “String of Pearls” to find pictures, but there’s a ton of hits! If you want to re-check dates (and if you have that much time!) I’m pretty sure there will be photos from soak to harvest!

Astoundingly, I just found some notes; The original autos were JPS’s Black Cream - courtesy of @Nagel420

I had 2 other auto strains from him; 1) Ice Cream Morning (Gelato x Durban Sunrise) and 2) Blue Maria (Auto Maria 2 x Blue Cookies). Pretty sure it was the Ice Cream Morning male I used in the second generation.

Notes say first beans planted on Oct. 9th, 2022 or … maybe that’s the date I ordered them???..There should be dates on the harvest photos in the thread.



Just a thought: Sour Diesel and the Chem family have pearly buds often, just with much better yield/more hybridized


“Pearl” is dope ^^ I prefer 100 times that “pop corn” lmao
God buddy you got the OG power full throttle over here ^^

Introducing a male in the S3 at this step is imho necessary to push over the heterosis (F1), to work the floral trait. But to keep it short and handy to breed, i vote for the chem hybrid outcross suggested.

S3, outcross, BX … i invoke @LonelyOC ^^ This kind of strategy is less experimental for him than for me.


Mr. @Juno, you have heard the response from @Tlander about the Black/Dark Creme Auto.

Do you have any desires from your end, for this kind of pheno in your project?

I “will be” soaking 4 when the mailman arrives, the rest are available if they’re needed …

re: SoP Autos


Chem 91 x Sour Bubble showing pearly structure. Little different, little more dense, but to my eye very clear pearl bud structure, not just your average foxtails.


That looks Uber dank. Does it smell like SB? Everything I cross it with comes out sour bubble with a different structure lol.

I can also vouch for these, this one isn’t exactly pearl stem, but pretty close, I wasn’t looking for that trait here, but the majority of them grow out with the pearl pheno’s, It’s nice and potent too.


Thank you! Actually, was pretty close to Chem 91. Definitely had a slight SB edge to it in some phenos, but apparently Chem91 is pretty dominant genetically.


Oh I am obsessed with this… this is all I’m gonna be thinking about


5 of the Black Creme autos (@Tlander’s) just got Wet

The Mail-Lady arrived with another anticipated pkg., so its all a Go !

Be back in a few weeks, and we’ll get them outside


Sorry Missinbissin,
I haven’t reached out due to the beans being Auto. I do have a few packs of Bodhi’s Oaxacan and I think Copa’s as well and will search through those. Thanks everyone for the feedback. Now I can confidently move on to the next step and will share the beans to those of you that have contributed and commented when the time comes. I sure am glad that a lot of you on here share and help others.
Thanks again


Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

@Juno props for going all the way to S3!!!
Before I can give some advice to you, it would be great to know the segregation rate of the S1s, S2s and S3s?

It will give us an idea which type of gene that’s behind this expression. That would also give us a clue for what type of cultivar you should be on the lookout for, since you have a hard time finding one with the same type of expression.

I have seen these phenos in my own hunt when running sativa landraces. They are quite rare which makes me suspect that it’s a recessive polygenic trait. But it’s easier to pin point if it doesn’t follow the punnet square.

Hope I can help you further.

Pz :v:t2:


I think that’s the conclusion @RandyCalifornia and others had when discussing the inbreeding of the destroyer pearl pheno (they called it “freak”) on ICM. They’re still active, might be worth asking them. Might even still have some beans to trade :wink:


Interesting to see the BC’s being used in this project! I never saw the SoP look in what I’ve grown, but I was going for the color when I made the seeds so… I could average 80-114 grams per plant on a 90-95 day seed to chop schedule with 9 plants in a 3x3. Using 3g fabric pots they would have 1 main and 4-6 side “small bat” colas, hitting about 36" tall (fitting nicely within the footprint of a 3g fabric pot). I do notice about a 50/50 split between green leaves / purple leaves, but the buds were pretty consistently purple.

They are also feminized seeds, so what was the other original auto they were crossed to when you saw the SoP’s develop?