Pearly Bud Pheno Question

Thanks @Nagel420 for the message and the original beans! :pray: The first batch I got a bunch of SoP pheno and 2 males (1 purple) and it had me wondering as the puck said Auto-Fems! Same with the batch of Ice Cream Morning (Gelato x Durban Sunrise) which were planted at the same time & were marked as auto-fems…but I got one purple pearl pheno male from the ICM, so used that too. Conditions over here can be pretty stressful, running plants year-round and seeing how they grow differently in long & short seasons… and that probably ‘helps’ bring out any weirdness! Just look through my thread! :rofl: We Do Weirdness Here! :upside_down_face:



Immaculate conception??? Or ya stressing them to the point of going full herm? LOL The beans I made were 100% feminized, did the reversal and pollenation myself, with nothing else making pollen at that time. It was totally controlled, so I am curious on the production of a male! (and in all the ones I have grown and shared locally, nobody has mentioned a male either! and thats easily in the hundreds now!!!)

Very interesting… It was sent to you for a reason! lol


Believe me, I was ‘stoked’ to get a male bro! Wasn’t any stress at all (for me!). That was my very first suto run and like a dummy I figured my 50+ years of transplanting critically-endangered species meant “I know what I’m doing”! In the end, none of the 30+ auto’s got taller than a foot except one I left in a 4" pot and it got to about 18"! :rofl:

The next round I planted 2 beans in each 10 gallon airpot direct seeded and in 40 days they were over the tops of the 2 meter tall cages on stilts!



Yeah that was the ticket for me. Minimal transplanting, and enough space for the plants roots (10g is a lot! They barely filled a 3g for me, and a 5g was a lot of wasted space, and a 1g was way too small). I found the 3g was my sweet spot.

I woulda been stoked too! Finding auto pollen used to be much harder! And even better its in a color you were seeking. Like I said, it was sent to you for a reason!


@rasterman got excited for a reason @Juno. I don’t care what anyone says. In my opinion Dr Greenspoon is a pure Oaxaca, or Oaxaca has a Thai in it, if Grinspoon is in fact a Thai like claimed.

I think you have to use the right Oaxaca. By the late '70s the Pearl types were about bred out. In a recent version that I believe is the same strain they were not there at all. Commercial interests don’t support keeping them in the line. I do😁


80s Durban from @LoveofLandrace throws some phenos like this

Or love.of.landrace on IG


I think this is a trait that is not specific to thai or oaxacan, but is common to NLDs. I’m sure it’s possible to find that phenos in indian or african cultivars. Most likely polygenic recessive as @LonelyOC told. Hard to find and stabilize.

It’s just like the inner stems of buds keep elongating like a branch rather than getting tighter. Hence the calixes being spread.

But there’s usually so much resin everywhere :smiley:


I might actually prefer the pearl buds. It’s really easy to roll doobies. I just roll up the whole plant. :fire:


The pearl size growth seems to be a recessive trait that I happened upon in the S1 generation but it wasn’t as pronounced until I pheno hunted the s2 beans. The genetics broken down would be (Purple Thai x Malawi) (cut from a friend) x Purple Hindu Kush (AK Bean Brains). The F1’s were taken to f4’s to lock down the purple phenos and NLD leaning phenos without the rollercoaster head high that was overwhelming. Most of the gals had a sweet floral scent and about 80% of them were purple phenos by the time I hit the f4 grow but had a sweet earthy biological taste to them that I wasn’t too fond of. I then found a gal that had a Red Wine Floral scent and a sweet lavender like flavor with the pearl growth to boot so I S1 her then searched the s2’s and found one with greater pronounced pearl growth with a sweet floral berry taste and s3 her. Now my goal is to not lose the flavor profile while adding more pearl growth genetics into the mix so that I get a least a 50% rate of pearl phenos and will be able to share the beans within the community for further refinement on which ever side they like to go (those on the hunt for the Terps or Pearls).


These pearls seem to be a little different from the wheat type growth and seems to fall into more of the hops growth pattern. They are pretty dense and while seeded the seed itself peeks out while maturing (still green) due to the density. Here’s a closer pic hope it helps

Here is a shot from the lower branch with the immature seed sticking out. Because of this reason most of the seeds get bleached so I can only pollinate the lower shaded branches and can only produce a limited amount of normal looking seeds.

Edit. Forgot to add that the pearls tend to cluster like grapes. I have a clone that I cut and will flower it when space is available so that I can post up the whole plant.


Hey I’m running some of those right now! Hopefully I get lucky.


Thanks for that @Cannasseur
Nice reminder

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Perfect goal. Well you’re at S3, you can’t really go much further. I think it’s a smart idea to outcross at this point. But it’s interesting that you have found one with terp profile, since from what I’ve remembered. The pearls I’ve found have been very terpeninol forward.
In the S2 how many pearl phenos did you find vs normal phenos?

Pz :v:t2:


Have yalll not watched the strain hunter episode where they find the pearl bud plant in like every garden they went to?

Pretty sure it was Africa episode;
and I’m pretty sure it was Franco who mentioned they look like “Grinspoon” ?

Pearl pheno is what I’m sure would be considered a “recessive” trait too…

Dont “quote” me on the trait part;
The video I can find for proof if y’all don’t believe me…

But from what I see in the video;
And seemingly given, it’s low expression; in large scale landrace gardens…

It could be a recessive trait.


I only found the one in the s2 generation #32. I initially didn’t breed this strain for this type of growth but for toning down the energetic up and down high while retaining the purple color therefore I choose to use the PHK as the first cross f1 as it is always purple during the growth phase and had a sweet stem rub. The f2 choice was chosen in the following order: color, aroma and NLD leaning all the way to f4. In the f4 I found the female with a weird pearl like growth extending from the top of the individual buds (like a pearl bud growing on the top of buds) then my goals changed so I S1 the female instead of going to the f5 and searched the s2’s for more like this and found one out of 40 fem beans. My runs consist of 10 plants at a time as that’s all the room that I have for flowering hence the 5 years that it has taken and not totally towards the pearl trait that was found in late 2021. I do believe that the PHK added the aroma to this cross and I chose the most floral scent for each generation. The Purple Malawi did not exhibit the pearl trait prior to the first cross nor did the PHK. The discovery in the f4 generation lead me to want to reinforce this pearl trait that I found and therefore I was in search for something that had the pearl genes to add consistency for this trait before I inbreed this gal too much. From what I can remember the odor on the Purple Malawi was like woody with a background of citrus while the PHK had a like earthy/hashy floral odor.


I grew put the upstate cryptic labs oaxacan and had a majority of pearl stem phenos and have ran then again
I have several types and only one was not pearl stem. My plants were 10 to 14 foot tall grown outdoors in Oklahoma and had very small yield. Some had stronger effects than others. I have hundreds of seeds both f1 and f2.


seems like a great person from the interactions we had in the past, don’t think they stop in here very often


If my memory serves me correctly…
The Siberian Ruderalis from Khalifa Genetics that @BeTheLight grew, was somewhat “pearly” in structure.


It sure was !

But like, even weirder than grinspoon


Its possible to find Pearls in probably just about any Equatorial, and lots of feral pot gets that look, but its not common ime. But its not just the pearls that makes me think Grinspoon is at least part Oaxacan. Its the exact match in looks. Twins really. The pearly clumps, the darker leaflets with red veins, all single blade or maybe a couple tri blade and stem resin that is extremely rare, especially with Sativas. Flowering time is the same. The branches that come off the main shoot at the tip look somewhat like a fern does.
I’ve only seen the pearls in Oaxaca, Thai/ Laotian, Assam, Moroccan, and a few Uganda shoots but only stem resin like Grinspoon on Oaxacan and one of my old lines, which likely contains Oaxacan. I’d love to find others and they do exist. Some plants ive grown have been prickly on the stem, but with no heads on the stalks and they were spread out more. Pearls have popped out in somewhere less than a quarter of a percent of plants for me.