Silver Pearl (Sensi Seeds)

** (Insert mysterious/imaginative BS story here) **

Original Silver Pearl


lol your first line is priceless!


The story of Sensi Seeds’ Silver Pearl is one whispered in hushed tones amongst Amsterdam’s cannabis connoisseurs, a tale steeped in mystery and intrigue. It begins not in a high-tech laboratory, but amidst the misty mountains of Nepal, where ancient strains have thrived for centuries.

Legend has it that a renowned botanist, driven by a thirst for rare genetic treasures, ventured deep into the Himalayas, seeking out elusive landrace varieties. He spent years traversing treacherous terrain, enduring harsh weather and perilous encounters, all in pursuit of cannabis strains whispered to possess unparalleled potency and unique medicinal properties.

Finally, he stumbled upon a hidden valley, shrouded in mist and guarded by ancient traditions. There, nestled amongst terraced fields and whispering waterfalls, grew a strain unlike any he had ever encountered: a plant with silver-dusted leaves that shimmered in the sunlight, producing buds dense with resinous crystals. This was the primordial ancestor of Silver Pearl.

The botanist carefully collected seeds from these sacred plants, bringing them back to Amsterdam, where Sensi Seeds awaited. Ben Dronkers, the founder of Sensi Seeds and a pioneer in cannabis preservation, recognized the exceptional qualities of this Himalayan treasure.

He nurtured the seeds with utmost care, crossing them with other legendary strains like Skunk #1, creating a hybrid that retained the potency and unique silver sheen of its ancestor while adding complexity and depth to its aroma and flavor profile. This meticulous breeding process culminated in the birth of Silver Pearl - a strain that captured the essence of its Himalayan roots while embodying the innovative spirit of Sensi Seeds.

Today, Silver Pearl stands as a testament to the enduring power of exploration, dedication, and the pursuit of exceptional cannabis genetics. Its story is a reminder that the most remarkable strains often emerge from unexpected journeys, whispering secrets of ancient traditions and unlocking new frontiers in cannabis cultivation and enjoyment.


Very cool, have been seeding true sliver pearl for years. It’s an amazing strain IMO. Best of luck with your grow. :v:


silver pearl s1, sorry these were not the s1/fem .

humm …


Some guy in Germany just posted that he inherited a The Seed Bank Silver Pearl reproduction, seems to be from a private grower who ordered back in the 80‘s and kept them pure. He also got NL#1, Four and More, Durban and Mazar I Sharif.



Dope one ^^


@CocoaCoir Omg you had me laughing so hard. Well done.


Legit Silver Pearl pictures that I’ve found off the web.



This one I stol… borrowed off @ClassicGenetix IG


Okay so I have to ask. Are you planning on a seed increase since it’s apparently rare to find it pure

Off to a great start


Whats the provenance on these Rocket? Silver pearl always seemed an interesting line that got overshadowed by the NLs and Skunks

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“Early 2000’s” Sensi Silver Pearl, which was really the final 90’s batch before losing the NL5 mother.


I’m going to be straight up honest. I hope you do great work with these and I see a pack of them someday.

I had a cut of Silver Pearl in the late 90s. It was awesome.


Is the bust that cost them all these og moms known at all? People consistently reference it


Bust or lack of maintenance, I honestly couldn’t tell you which was their down fall. Technically they still have the same genetics but they’re far from being F1s.


For some reason I feel like I REALLY need this story to be true. 🫣

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I had Silver Pearl for one of my first grows around 1996 and it didn’t look like the pictures here and in Sensis catalogues. So, to say that THE Silver Pearl was like this or like that in the old days is wrong. Truth is that Sensi never had stable lines for many if not most of their varieties. And nothing has changed for the better, lol…Not with Sensi and not with any of the older seed breeders. I saw a newer Interview with one guy from Serious Seeds recently and he talked about exzessive breeding work and going far as to F10 or F11 and I just stopped listening cause they don’t even found a way in all those years to fix their Bubblegum…


Most silver pearls looked like the pictures I posted above. There’s also phenotypes that are wider leaf types, like the one posted by Sensi in their catalog.


Perfect pearl (Silver Pearl s1) by Souvenir Seeds

Florida Krippy & Crippy (Suspected Silver Pearls)

Kromes Triangle, aka The White (Another SP suspect)