"People's Garden": Good or Bad?

So you believe…
That if the situation was right the food could be taken from the community to feed say the president, Brad pitt or anyone else for that matter.

I wonder if they could do that?
Does anyone have a valid reason why they could not?

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Yeah they can definitely do it. I can’t imagine what circumstance could lead to it happening, but it could happen. According to the law the food can be taken out of your pantry or refrigerator. Or your garden. Any food, any water, anywhere.

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That’s right. They knew the risks and they still wanted to eat that food because they felt it was less of a risk than eating the commercial food that is messed with by being irradiated or hit with chlorine gas or whatever the f*ck else they do during processing. As far as I’m concerned it is their right to feel that way and who am I to tell them what to eat?
With that said, anyone that fears eating such food would not give any business to the guy so they have nothing to fear from it. It’s like anything else in life that is risky but enjoyable. Skydiving, Cliff climbing, scuba diving, etc. If doing that sort of stuff scares you then don’t do it. You don’t need the government to tell you that.

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We seem to be of the same mind on this subject. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks again for the lead!
Very cool farm indeed!

I have a quick question.
I wonder is there a great deal of difference between the 2 farms, the one being fined and this one?
I wonder how do they differ, besides Govt compliance?

I wonder if the folks on the Salatin farm think more govt. intervention/reach or less would be beneficial?
I am using I wonder, so as not to direct the question at anyone specific.
A polite debate is very important to a good debate, I feel anyway. :smiley:

This is really the point I have been trying to make.
The people are capable without the help of the govt.

Some here seem to think they need the govt to protect them.
I am of the opposite mind.

I also do not believe the govt. is the best at keeping folks safe.
I feel history has shown us, that govt protection is far from perfect.

Just look at the legal drug market.
Does everyone feel they can trust the govt to do what is really best for you/us in your unique situation?
Or are we all happy with general laws for everyone painted with very broad strokes?

I personally feel, to really begin to solve our food issues, the Salatin farm model is a great way to start.
Why is the govt not promoting these farms?


The motivation behind my rant/rants is this…

More and more research points to processed foods being a huge cause of illness.
We as a people should be moving toward something like the Salatin farm model

Instead, we seem to be harassing those that are following that same Salatin farm model.

Yes, I get it, it is a matter of public safety.
But as has been stated above, this is voluntary participation.
If you feel it is unsafe, do not participate.

If you feel irradiated food ect. is not for you, should there not be another choice?
If some of you like your food and cannabis irradiated or treated with chlorine gas ect. you are truly free to have at it.
But I feel most of us would like to opt out.

It is hard to find good food these days.
If you buy it, it can cost big $$$$ to eat well.
The direction we seem to be moving may not be the way to fix these issues.


Grew up behind the iron curtain… Or under it depending on the view… Haven’t forgotten much.


Where did you grow up? I befriended a bunch of people from Romania and Ukraine over the last couple decades. They lived under communism and told me enough about it to scare the s*** out of me. I knew an older Romanian fellow that actually defected in a mig and flew it to Germany where he stayed for a couple years before his family was imprisoned back in Romania and he had to return. It took him 7 years to get out again, this time with his family. He told me one thing that more than anything else has stuck with me thru the years. What blew him away when he came into port in New York, more than the bustling streets and the tall skyscrapers? Chicken. Just chicken. He could not believe how much chicken there was. Chicken wings, chicken tenders, fried chicken, roasted chicken. Chicken At lunch, chicken at dinner, chicken everywhere. And I was thinking to myself, then said, yeah we sure have a lot of ways to cook chicken… He said no, no my friend, you misunderstand me. In Romania we only got chicken twice a year. Christmas and Easter. It was a special occasion when you could afford to eat chicken. Before his family’s 300 acre farm was siezed and redistributed they had chicken several days a week. Then the Communists broke the farm up into 3 acre parcels and his family didn’t even get to keep the 3 acre parcel that included the house and barn. That was given to a party member of course. The productivity of the farm dropped off of a cliff. Some people figured out that if they didn’t want to work, others would have to work harder for them to pick up the slack if they wanted to continue to receive the same alottement of food.
Then those people that originally worked harder to pick up the slack of the others got tired of working so hard and getting no more than the slacker… So they stopped working so hard…and productivity slid more…and the process snowballed until nobody wanted to work hard. What would be the point? Why would anybody work 80 hours a week if they were making the same money as 40 hours a week. Why work fast if getting more done gets you the same result as working slowly? When you slow the pace to meet that of the slowest person everybody suffers, as you well know.
Now let me clarify and tell you that I think community gardens are an excellent idea. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and get to enjoy some quality time with them… You get to help people grow food, that otherwise may not have had the opportunity to have a garden and experience it’s pleasures. You will learn about new crops that you probably wouldn’t have grown and you will get to sample new things and you will love some of them. You will love some of your neighbors too. I like the idea so much I am seriously considering it.
But Would I register such a garden with the government? No, thank you, I would not. I think a couple fliers in the local convenience stores should suffice.


After his listeria infected milk hospitalized 2 and killed 1…

I think I am with the USDA on that case…




I have a question on this topic.
If it is registered with the usda could they then claim it as govt property under an emergency act?

They could do that whether it’s registered or not.

The risk of that ever happening is pretty much nil, though.

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I’d be happy for them to take over my garden. Maybe then they could help eradicate those damn chipmunks that decimated my tomatoes this year.

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You say that with such confidence.
How can you be so sure?

Well they would not even know you have one if you don’t register it.


The feds taking over my garden would encourage me to use toxic chemicals as a preventative.


I would imagine the same way folks don’t let eminent domain worry them. Just realized what thread this is, perhaps we should take this to chat thread and off meme thread.


I say that with such confidence because the majority of gardens (99%) that you would be concerned with are small, personal gardens. If there were ever a food shortage or war that would necessitate the emergency takeover of food production by the government, they wouldn’t go after your personal farm. They’d go for the big farms that can feed a nation.

Now, may they ask people to try their hand at gardening to supplement personal intake, sure. But they have no interest in somebodies small garden behind their garage.

So this thread is just for memes?
I had no idea.
Is there a thread for current events?

The chat thread would be a fine place. This is a continuation of the “Things that make you go Hmmm thread” that got closed permanently because of political stuff constantly being brought up. That’s why this one got named “Non Political Things That Make You Go Hmmm”. So yeah, this one is basically just for memes and occasional comments on them bud.


First it’s, “We welcome gardens nationwide to join us in the People’s Garden effort and all it represents”…

Then it’s, “We require all gardens nationwide to register with us in the People’s Garden effort and all it represents”

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Really, there were rumors going around that here in California they were going to ban outdoor gardens under the auspices of “Drought Relief and Water Conservation” but the ones actually pushing it was the supermarket lobby. More veggie growing, less veggie buying. What better way to know where to “raid” for illegal growing?


Can you provide an article regarding this?