"People's Garden": Good or Bad?

Took your advice and started a thread. Anyone who wants to continue this discussion, let’s take it over here, before we earn the “Wrath of Joe”



Yeah…it is an OPTION to be registered…not a requirement.
I think it is because in some communities, there has been fighting over who did how much work, who gets the produce, etc… happened near here so they shut it down.
If people weren’t such immature asshats there would be NO NEED for any oversight!


could be innocent… or along the lines U.N Climate Change narrative. Fertilizer Bands,
Dutch farmers losing there land to new bureaucracies. Good info to obtain for anyone Planning food shortages. Food lobby’s have tons of cash so they could be up to something like WMoon518
said. Voluntary but will it stay voluntary?


in complete agreement with you there we had a community garden in my town i grew up in worked for a while until there became to many chiefs and not enuf indians

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I’m not registering nuttin, no way, no how :slight_smile:



It is only for Community Gardens… not home gardens…

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Well my family seek out independent farmers who sell anything from quarters of beef to whole cows. In my general area there is also a meat packing plant who sells local cuts of beef and pork.
My brother-in-law started an organic farm and has been selling chickens for a couple of years now and is getting ready to branch out into produce next year… I guess what I’m saying is it may be a bit hard to find but you can find good sources of meat without additives or preservatives…
I will admit I did luck out as to where I live because of the choices other than the stores…


so, the link is broken, but i found a story on it. turns out the farm had listeria in it’s raw milk and had killed two people, then refused to comply with health laws so it didn’t kill anyone else. that’s the kind of government i want in my life, the one that tries to keep me alive, yet it is presented as interfering with “muh freedumbs”. talk about a spin.

story if anyone’s interested…

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That’s it, right there. Always best to keep the government out of…pretty much everything you can.


I wonder how many have died of listeria under the watchful eye of the government?

They have been singing that song… since forever.
But today, the Govt. just wants more control.
This is my response to more control and less FREEDOOM
Please, have a listen, it’s a good ol’ tune.
He can’t even run his own life, I’ll be dammed if he’ll run mine.


I must say this does my heart good to hear folks still have stories like this. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I guess I just need to try a bit harder.
I know they are around but I think they keep a low profile to avoid the hassle.
Kinda like cannabis used to be, you can find it you just have to know someone.
I wonder if you can stand on the street corner…" Hey buddy, do you have any Beef you wanna get rid of?"

Reach out to the local Amish/Mormon Farmers… they usually sell halves and quarters during butchering season…or look for ‘Kosher’ producers looking to get rid of their non-Kosher cuts on the cheap!

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I was talking to a cop on Reddit some time ago whose responses were verbose and emotional. He got kind of pissed off when I pointed out police misconduct in Baltimore and Uvalde, and that overdose deaths are now in the six-figures, and I asked exactly why we kept cops around. His answer was the usual “I just want to go home alive at the end of my shift” or words to that effect. My response to that was that I’d like to grow my own medicine without having to worry about a SWAT team smashing my door down at 3AM. HIs response was something to the effect of “Do you know how harmful marijuana is?” along with the usual “THINK OF THE CHILDREN!” appeal to emotion.


Less harmful than a high and mighty moron with a gun.


A high and mighty moron with a gun who is also as vice-ridden as anyone else. Alcoholism is common in that line of work, as is drunk driving and spousal abuse. Those tasked with enforcing the law aren’t exactly the paragon of morality. Some departments have actually rejected applicants who scored high on aptitude tests. I thought that was a joke when I first found out, but it’s not.


The correct response for a police officer in this situation is “it’s my job to enforce the law not judge it.”

Moralizing is above your pay grade, copper.

That’s what they did in Chicago. You should dig around and find the orgs that have done this. Lot’s of “block gardens” on empty lots.

A lot of them don’t understand it, even.

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