PharmerFil’s Rambling Grow Log

A little update on the Chem Candy Autos:

A few stragglers that I may cull if they don’t get they’re act together but overall I think they’re doing well. It’s looks like #7 is the first male to show itself @Cbizzle

Also got a wild hair yesterday and pulled some Gammathon(BB3 auto x marathon og auto) pollen out of the freezer to make some Chem Candy x Gammathon. I dried the pollen in my dehydrator and have been storing it in the freezer for few months. It looks to me like it worked well!


Yesssss! Everything is looking great man.

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Separated the males and females for the Chem Candy auto project. I’ve ended up with 2 males and 5 females. I’m going to collect and dry the pollen this week, and then pollinate the females.
Day 33

Had to get my 4x8 back up and running since the 4x4 was getting a little crowded. I was hoping to get some room after culling the males but turns out all 8 of them are female.
These pics are from 9/2, 10 days after switching to 12/12

Stone Sour F2

G-Unit F2

Sour 13

Chem D x White Runtz

OG Chem x (SPG x AO)

And the lone Chem Candy Auto day 50

And here they are in the 4x8:

I have some plans for the other side of the tent but this will give a little more room to spread out.


Looking great brother. Props. :sunglasses: :metal:


Beauties all around. :vulcan_salute:


Chem Candy Autos f2’s are coming along nicely. Big thanks to @Cbizzle for making this possible!


Doing great work man! Impressive looking males there too. Starting to get stinky in there?


Plant orgy looks like a good time. :sunglasses: :metal:


Yeah I’m a huge fan of the smell, it’s all chem with just bit of sweetness.

This girl is on day 62 and I think I got it pretty dialed this time so I’m excited to see how much she’ll fatten up.


Here are the Chem Candy Autos about 2 weeks after I removed the males. The plants are absolutely loaded with seeds!


Great work brother. :sunglasses: :metal:


A few pictures from my photo run in the 4x8, these are about 7 weeks since flipping to 12/12.

Chem D x White Runtz

Stone Sour F2, 2 different phenos

G-Unit F2


Looking amazing in there! I feel like I should start some of those f2s right now haha!

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Hell yea, Great variety! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Harvested some plants the last few weeks. The first to come down was chem candy auto on day day 97 from sprout. I’m incredibly happy with how she turned out, great chemical smells along with strong underlying notes of coffee. I was trimming her on the dining room table and left for a bit to walk the dogs. When I got back the place smelled exactly like a hotel lobby in the morning, very strong coffee smells.

The seeded chem candy plants are still going at about day 90. The seeds at the top are mature but I’m going to leave them another week and hopefully the seeds the bottom will finish.

5 chem candy on the bottom left, a scarlet grape behind them and a mix of mephisto, twisted tree, and roc bud stuff on the bottom right that I’ll hopefully be hitting with some Chen candy pollen I saved.


And here’s some final pics of from the photo tent:

Stone Sour f2 harvested day 75

G-Unit f2 harvested day 75

Sour 13 still growing at about day 80 from flip

Chem D x White Runtz harvested day 70

Thanks for stopping by, I’ll be posting some smoke reports soon!


Watchin you! Great Job!! :clap:t3:


Seed shucking day! I had cut down the 5 seeded chem candy autos before I left town for thanksgiving. Started shucking seeds late last night and now I’ve decided I need a seed separator :laughing:

Looks like I should end up with somewhere around 2500-3000 seeds from this run. Thanks again @Cbizzle


Wow bro, excellent work! Looks like some nice hash making material!

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Got some Chem Candy crosses cooking. Kept them small in solo cups and pollinated with some pollen I had dried and put in the freezer. It seemed to work really well so I have one more container I’m saving for another round of crosses. The females I’ve pollinated are:

  • Grape Pinnacle (Roc Bud)
  • Toof Decay (Mephisto)
  • Mephisto’s Wedding
  • Scarlet Grapes f2 from @blowdout2269
  • Jimmy Jacks (Twisted Tree)
  • Twisted Puppy (Twisted Tree)
  • Marathon OG (Dark Owl)
  • Forum Stomper (Mephisto)

Grape Pinnacle x Chem Candy

Toof Decay x Chem Candy