
I’ve grown both Sativa & Indica strains in Phototrons…its just a matter of when to flip the lights to 12/12…You need to ask yourself this, what kind of highness do you prefer energetic or narcotic? You have a small P-tron just make sure not to let plant get too tall…I would flip the lights into 12/12 when you plant is 6.5"-7" tall. Hope this helps.


Something for you to think about autoflower seeds bromigo…

Are autoflowers sensitive to light leaks?

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Why autos?

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You were the one thinking of buying auto seeds from your post…

Help me with the right strain

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Yep this was the thread I was thinking of haha . Might be building a small box for a buddy and like the phototron style .

I turned a couple of these into a homemade Phototron bromigo…


I think you are talking abou tthe Black Jack Auto Feminized.
Dude, I overlooked the word Auto in the description!
I dont think Auto is a good idea for me because I want more control on when it flowers. You suggested flipping to flowering when they are just 7".
Is there a strain where you get energetic and narcotic? I guess that would be kind of contradictory.
Im still trying to germinate 30 year old seeds. Ill get an order in for fresh seeds today.

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Get an hybrids I guess…you can post that on your thread other people might be able to suggest a strain…did you try the paper towel method germinating your seeds…

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Yea, I started with 3. I put them in a shotglass for a day then put them on a cotton makup pad remover. I put that on a small plate and put that on a coffee warmer, in my toasty warm bathroom, in the back of a dark closet.

That was three days ago. Nothing so far.
Yesterday, i went through my dwindling stash of 30 year old seeds (30 years ago this stash was poping for me!) and I picked out the most promising looking ones and put them into a shot glass. this morning I put them into the cotton pads. Meanwhile, I should get some real seeds. My nephew, in France, is starting an Exotic Seed sales company. I feel I kind of have to support him, so I am going to get an order in with him for some. He intends on specializing on Heirloom asian strains.


Well, I’m ready to fire up my SWC/TRON again…My buddy has some Chicago tap water for me but he’s still recovering from his eye surgery so he hasn’t been able drive down…
I would like to get SWC/TRON started by the end of this month because I know I will be busy starting my outdoor veggie garden for this year…

These are all my homemade strains that were started from seeds. 6 females out of 9 seeds.

My Summer 2020 CV-19 veggie garden from last year.


Nice! I’ve wanted to do some good outdoor but haven’t been able to do much besides a few hidden around yard because of no cover(legal in Michigan but not supposed to be visible and I live right on main drag through village.


I just saw this this morning at Menards and it would be perfect for your your Phototron for some supplementing lighting bromigo…Hope this helps.


Dude, I appreciate you thinking of me. I am working on making a light array. I have ordered all the parts and am just getting them together. there is a guy on another forum who is a lighting guru. Once I have it put together I will let you know if it was worth it. I have shown him the lights you are pointing me to and he feels that we can do a lot better. Though the price you are paying is hard to beat. Mine will be about $75. when complete. But, a huge bang for the buck. Custom.

The other thing I am working on at this point is sprouting seeds. I have my 30 year old seeds on paper towels. So far, none have popped. I have some good fresh ones coming in the mail. Thats my back up. I really has hoping to get something out of my stash.
I need to start a journal. Should I do it on this forum?


I want you to remember when you’re doing your lighting upgrade that this is a container and you dont want to be building up way too much heat from your new lighting systems & ballasts… you can just start your own thread if you want…I’m just waiting for my damn imported Chicago tap water to get here, as soon as I get it I’m gonna start posting on this thread…I will be growing my Matanuska Thunder Head strain just to see how I did breeding wise…

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I am thinking that I will mount the ballast on the outside to avoid heat. I am not sure if the balast is the heat source or the lights.

Saw these at Menards today


Surprise! I’ve been lurking in the background. I’m interested to see how well that garage light works. I was thinking of making a space bucket with one for small breeding projects.
Can’t wait to see your project all set up.

Finally, my imported Chicago tap was delivered yesterday. Now all I have to do is pull out my big Phototron, its buried behind a bunch of junk because I haven’t used it in 2.5 yrs. As of now I’m only using my small Phototron as a mother/clone chamber. I’m gonna put my Matanuska Thunder Head in the SWC/TRON. I should have it going by the end of this wknd. bromigos…


Well, I got my SWC/TRON out and ready for this wknd. but I have 1 issue, I’m totally out of my flowering mix so I ordered more from Amazon and should be here by next week…I do have enough veg nutes to start my SWC/TRON this weekend.
I know that they stop making Green Fuse Growth & Bloom nutrients probably 10 years ago so now I have to find an alternative…hopefully the Technaflora flora kit has what I need.