Planet of OZZZ

Not sure about Canna as I’ve never ran it personally but as for root bound not really as for with mine they protruded through the bottom even with the copper lined sheets and made their way into the water and absolutely devoured my AirPods (bubble domes) I vegged 5 weeks though .


Oh! I should mention I am pre treating the coco by watering the pots to runoff with a 500 ppm cal mag solution and letting it set for 24 hours before planting. Then at plant time I water it again with a proper EC/PH nutrient solution.


@TopShelfTrees1 Ok well that’s great to know I don’t need to worry about rootbound issues. The males in the next tent over are starting to drop pollen now, so I’ll need to keep this girl in veg until I can get them out, and spray everything down with water.

Then I’ll get her flipped ASAP as she’s getting BIG. Hopefully the extra calcium snd reduction of base nutes will reduce the clawing and give her back the calcium she’s lacking. I believe it will, it did before.

Here’s some updated shots of her taken now

…… here you can see the clawing starting to set in

And here the beginnings of calcium deficiency spots.

Overall she’s yellowing out a bit as well… but she did that last time she wasn’t getting enough calcium also, it rectified quickly with full strength cal mag added so I believe the same will happen this time and she’ll be back on track in a few days maybe 3-4 (hopefully).

Also, I’ve recently heard the sweet spot for Ph in coco is 5.8 so I’ll start targeting that instead of closer to 6.0 :call_me_hand:


You got some nice looking plants! And a nice looking pool :slight_smile:


I need to get some of that Killer A5 from Ace. Love those wicked highs lol



Thanks man!

@VAhomegrown Its right up your alley then for sure! I still need to do a proper pheno hunt with the few remaining beans I have, I think I still have 5 or so left :metal::metal::metal:


Doors x original haze pheno #1

A creeper effect on this one with rolling waves of euphoric and psychedelic energy that ebbs and flos building systematically until it peaks out with a slow decline to baseline. Mild heaviness on the comedown. Extremely long lasting

Doors x original haze pheno #2

Extreme soaring cerebral effect. Breaking out this herb after a night of drinking while the party is winding down results in a jolt of social energy. Instead of people smoking and passing out, people get up and grab another drink…. People start getting chatty and won’t shut up. Several times this herb has resulted in people staying up all night talking until the sun comes up. “Herbal cocaine”.


Coco test plant has come back around after adding full strength cal mag to the Canna A/B base nutes. She will be getting flipped very soon


Panama seed run. Males have fully pollinated the females and pistils have died back.

Will pull the males tomorrow, collect pollen and scrap them.


All males have fully pollinated the females and have been officially culled. Their heads have been chopped off to collect additional pollen in order to pollinate the three panama red phenos I found in my original breeders pack pheno hunt as well as store some in the freezer for later.

Im seriously considering hitting a few lower branches on my two original haze S1 plants I have flowering out in the garage :thinking::metal::metal::metal:


What is the make up of the “Doors” portion of the strain?


It is Mr Nice’s “The doors”

I believe it is NL5/Haze x (NL5/Haze A x skunk/Haze C)

So this cross would be

Original Haze x (NL5/Haze x (NL5/Haze A x Skunk/Haze C).

Should be somewhere in the vicinity of around 85-90% haze.


Tom hill haze x Golli 90’s haze


Very interesting bud structure.


Herbal cocaine, I most definitely agree, your hazes look fantastic.

Have you grown out any of the Golden Tiger or zamadelica lines?

I’ve got a destroyer x golden tiger x pck growing outside can’t wait for it to finish up, most of Aces lines are works of art.


She’s 100% foxtails all along her stems. Beautiful :metal::metal::metal:


I couldn’t agree more on ACEs stuff. I share the same sentiment. I have two packs of golden tiger, one from 2015 and a more recent one that is more thai dominant snd more refined.

I have a boatload of different batches of Zamaldelica. A regular os k from 2015, fems from 2019 and recently I bought the zamaldelica breeders pack. Have you looked into that? Now that is an insane mega pack of amazing genetics.

I have not gotten around to growing them out as of yet though. Definitely looking forward to it!!


Think if was 2016 when I was first introduced to Ace seeds.

I haven’t actually purchased directly from ace, was lucky enough to meet an old grower who use to run predominantly ace lines.
Was gifted a few beans of the golden tiger, malawi,Thai chi, zamadelica and killer orange if my memory serves me right.

I’ll have a look at that zamadelica pack, been wanting the erd purt, for a long time among others :rofl:

This is that destroyer x gt x pck
Still a ways to go yet.


She is an absolute beauty man. What monster!! Nice!

I recently received a pack of the killer orange, although that’s not an ACE strain but rather a cross with ACEs Malawi. Regardless I’m sure there will be fire coming out of there.

Im a bit ashamed to admit but i about have their entire catalogue :joy::joy::scream:

I went crazy on their gear for a few years and started buying up almost all of their offerings. Im just now starting to be able to work through all of the gems coming out of their stuff. :metal::metal::metal:


The whole catalog, absolute genius move, I’ll definitely follow along for the ride.

What’s your opinion on Dinafems stuff ? Been eyeing a few of their strains off for awhile now too.

Love your garden too by the way, just a perfect example of how it’s done.