Planet of OZZZ

Thank you for such a huge compliment, I’ll take it! :pray:

I haven’t tried much of Dinafems offerings so really I’m not the best person to comment on their gear.

I can’t say I have their entire catalogue but probably around 85% of it lol.

Right now, as far as ACEs gear goes I only have a Malawi fem that just broke ground, her tap root got a little messed up and it slowed her down, I thought she wasn’t going to make it but she just keeps trucking along. :joy::joy::joy:

There will be more to follow though, golden tigers gonna have to happen soon too!


These plants are gorgeous and I’ll be following this one as well

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Thanks brother. More to come!


All caught up now…
Your plants and buds are :fire::fire::fire:… (Especially herbal cocaine)…
It changes my whole perspective of sativa…
I’ll be following this thread brother…


Awesome bro! Love the look of that unique bud. Not a sativa guy whatsoever as I can’t seem to find the right ones (not for lack of trying 20+ years) but I’m slowly beginning to expand and play . Still just stick to hybrids as far as sativa is concerned though.


Thanks man! She’s definitely very interesting phenotype! Can’t wait to see how she smokes.

Here’s a video, check out the oil content on my fingers. Not black sticky trichomes but rather straight oily-grease


I gotta echo the statements up above @TopShelfTrees1

Check out any of ACEs bangers.

I’d suggest the straight Malawi or golden tiger. Those are no slouches and I think you’d be very happy with them. Some of the Malawi phenos have hit over 30% if well grown.

Not bad for a P4 African Sativa :metal::metal::metal:


Looks :fire: mate… But your whole grow is looking fire !

Nice work


So I’m still having issues with coco in Autopots. As I may have mentioned, Ive had plans on switching my entire grow room over to Autopots and initially I thought coco was the best medium for this. We are talking both flower tents and my permanent mother tent.

As I’ve mentioned earlier I have a test plant going to see how it would go, well the test plant is running into problems after seven weeks of veg. Everything has been mostly fine with the exception of needing more calcium … anytime I experimented by removing the cal mag she would start getting spotty, but after adding it back all was well again…… until recently.

I cannot figure out what the problem is. She’s yellowing significantly and showing calcium deficiencies despite numerous adjustments and checks and balances as well as now always using full strength cal mag.

Originally I had her at around 1.2-1.3 EC PH 5.9-6.0 in the res.

Feeding her with RO water, full strength cal mag, and canna coco A &B nutes.

PH in the autopot trays themselves are also spot on at 5.9/6.0

I thought maybe she just wasn’t getting enough feed overall as she’s getting large, so I upped the base canna nutes up to 1.5 EC. She still is yellowed out and shows calcium deficiencies.

So I thought we’ll maybe it’s something with the canna A/B nutes, so I pulled the res, cleaned it out with H202 and dried and rinsed thoroughly. Mixed up the recommended dose of Maxigrow … 1 teaspoon/ 5 grams per gal, with full strength cal mag which comes out to right at 2.0 EC…… after three days nothing changed at all. She literally did not react one bit.

Alright, so at this point it’s clearly lockout of some kind right? Either that or maybe the coco needs “rebufferrd” as I’ve heard some suggest.

So I pulled the plant, flushed her with 1 gallon of plain RO water first. Water going in was 5.8 PH, water coming out was 6.4 PH! Ok! Now we are getting somewhere, so clearly the ph inside the pot itself is climbing for some reason…. But i have no idea what to do about it. So I then flushed with 2 more gallons of a strong cal mag solution in an attempt to rebuffer the coco. 450ppm, 5.8 ph going in, runoff coming out was still 6.4

I’m not going to waste ten gallons of water flushing a single plant every month to keep things in check especially when many times I have 30 plants or so going.

So today I decided to pull her and kill her and start over with new clones. Here she is waiting for the chop.

I’m not sure what’s up but I couldn’t do it lol :rofl::D

I got all sentimental lmao.

Despite the yellowing, I’ve trained her into a perfect bush and chopping her and trashing her just felt like such a waste. So I threw her outside in a large pot of soil. I’m sure she will struggle with the shock, she has no hardening off to the sun, her rootball is in coco while the container is filled with amended soil… but at least she’s got a chance now haha. Go big momma go! :metal::metal::joy:

We will see. Here she is outdoors at the end of my container garden

Here’s her rootball coming out of the autopot. Looks nice and healthy…. No root rot that I can see. I have no clue what the hell the issue was as far as WHY the root zone PH is rising inside the pot when ph in the tray and the res is normal … nor what to do about it. Any suggestions??


So I should mention I have other plants in coco that I’m hand watering from the top with runoff and they are doing great, so this is clearly an issue with what I am doing in the autopots.

Also I have three other clones in early veg in coco and autopots still doing well… at this point. Im guessing it’s only a matter of time before they follow the same downward trend?

We’ll see. I also put a clone into 100% perilite in the autopot, basically it’s like a hempy bucket at that point to test out another method and see if I get the same results as the coco plant. You can see the perilite pot to the left here but I forgot to take a picture of the plant itself. Will throw out updates as things progress.


I think I have my coco and autopot issues resolved, I dropped res PH to around 5.6 and added silica. The girls have exploded since I did that, now keep in mind the big plant that was having the issues is now moved outside but the smaller plants that were in the smaller 2 gallon autopots have responded fantastically! :thumbsup:

So much so that I’m going to go ahead and flip them as they are growing at an insane rate. If I am able to get through to harvest without any major hiccups I will go ahead and move forward with setting up the new 8’x4’ tent with the complete autopot system and two new HLG Diablo boards.

…. But right now that might be a little cart before the horse, we will see how these girls do first on this test flower run now that I seem to have them sustainably happy in veg with the new setup.

Currently feeding maxigrow at 1 tsp/ gal, cal mag at 5 ml/gal, and I’ve just now added hydroguard 2 ml/gal and silica blast at 2 ml / gal. Comes out to around 1.8 EC and 5.5-5.6 ph but that rises over the course of several days to around 5.9 PH. I’ll address this later but for now it’s staying in range and the girls seem happy happy :D:good:

As for big momma, I have given her a foilar, it was with cannas bio rhizotonic, biovega, and cal mag. I also hit her with some silica blast.

She is starting to green up from the inside out now, but I’m guessing she won’t make a full recovery for a month or so until she gets her roots firmly established out into the amended soil that surrounds the coco rootball.

Not only that, but she’s got a tough mountain to climb because currently our hours of light are around 11.5 …. And increasing by the day to our summer solstice. So she’ll likely start flowering, then will have to revert to veg, then will have to flower again normally come fall lol :rofl::eek:

I don’t know how she will do, but it’s ok if she doesn’t make it she’s not my primary focus now, the indoor plants are, but hey man…. At least I gave her a chance! Haha I’ll continue to water her snd feed her, but the rest is up to her. Talk about a stress test aye? Hahaha

Here she is, still yellow but greening up from the inside out.


Panama mixed male pollen off to the freezer for future projects, I pollinated a few lowers on the original hazes for some panama x original haze beans :metal::metal::metal:

Also the panama girls are producing seeds nicely. Currently stripped their lower halves and am feeding them sparingly around 1.2-1.4 EC depending on how ambitious I am that day lol. I think April 14th will be 7 weeks from pollination so should have some nice beans by then :wink:


Flipped the three panama red clones in coco on Wednesday, will be my first test run in coco and autopots. So far so good


Week 1 of 12/12, girls are still stretching and imo looking spot on.

Not a brown spot, burnt tip or curled leaf in sight :metal::metal::metal:

Currently feeding the RO plus cal mag @ 5 ml/gal, a 50/50 mixture of maxigrow and maxi bloom @ 1 tsp/gal, hydroguard @ 2 ml/gal and silica blast at 2 ml/gal. 1.8 EC PH’d to 5.6 …… to which I’ve noticed the next day it climbs to 5.9 and I add a bit of PH down to the res adjusting it back down to 5.6. Essentially keeping the ph in the 5.6-5.9 range. So far so good.

I’d like to find a way to have PH remain stable, but for now I’ll take it as the girls seem happy as can be. I’m starting to suspect keeping the res extremely clean is the key to stable PH as I’m finding when I see “floaties” in the res PH swings on me whereas when it’s clean as a whistle it seems to stay put. Will incorporate res cleanings every few weeks or so from here on out to see if this is actually the case, but it seems to be related to biological activity from a less than clean res


I did a few runs with autopots when they first came out. Was very respectable and loved the ease. But they didn’t have bigger pots then and I found they just weren’t enough (even with the bubbler dome added) so I put them on the shelf. I’m actually contemplating trying them on my balcony this year…. :thinking: everything is looking great! Glad you got that sorted out. I’ve got some malawi crosses and my mentor has a killer Malawi he’s held for a while. Going to try and grab myself a pack as well. My uncle crossed purple indica with African malawi about 15 years back, still to this day the most euphoric weed I’ve EVER smoked has me and my buddy tripping out for hours. What I would give to have that cross back in my life.


Glad you decided to keep the big momma…
I’m intrigued to see how she turns out…

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Thanks brother!

Not sure how big of pots you need, but they have 2.2 gal, 3.9 gal and 6.6 gal pots now…. Should be large enough for most with coco as a medium anyway.

I have two malawi that are above ground, one is a female the other is unsexed as of now but I’ll be running them along with some modern hybrids after these runs finish up.

I’ve heard a lot about ACEs malawi and it’s devestating psychoactive effect so I’m very anxious to give it a try! Eventually I’ll get around to doing a pheno hunt on the line like I’ve done with the panama here, but need to get the new 8’x4’ tent setup first and get through my backlog of genetics.

Have my current seed run to finish up (3 more weeks-ish), these panama red coco plants to finish also. Then I’ll setup the 8’x4’ tent with all autopots and run some modern hybrids (platinum kush breath, exotics money maker, slurricane IX) as well as these two malawi.

THEN —> I’ve still got seven other seedlings of the Doors x Original haze that I need to run against my two phenos that I’ve shown here, to pick a final keeper……

Then the roster will be finally open for business :joy::joy::joy:

Until then I need to get through all these plants that are chilling in my propagator tent :metal::metal::metal:


She’s doing great out there, she’s greened up nicely now that she’s in soil and I’ve been feeding her organic nutes.

She is starting to flower, but length of daylight is increasing as spring rolls along so she’s going to have to reveg, and then start reflowering again in the fall to make it, so it’ll be interesting to see if I have any issues with her going herm on me from all the stress. Either way it’s an interesting experiment and it’ll be interesting to see how she does

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Time to prune this beast back…. Past time really, but better late than never


You’ve let it go this far, see what the bush will provide!