Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

Hmm probably from the dry back… maybe get a kief box or flour shaker and collect the balls and sift them for the pollen? That’s where I’m at with this tk reversal :confused:

They should open up again after a week or so of things back to normal.


Thinking about culling that male and using some of that Master Kush x BBF4 pollen on the SSDD instead. Wouldn’t be surprised if that pollen was no good. Dude that works at a grow shop near me said he got some of that MB232 pollen as well, and he said he barely got any seeds after using it. I’ll give it another week and see what happens.


I did get a bunch of Orange Verde x C99/Herer seeds, too, which is nice


if you need some pollen, im happy to try and resend some again!!


Oh yea, I tore those OV buds I tried to pollinate with the Appy F3 fem pollen, and I found ONE seed lol. Tossed it in a shot glass yesterday. But yea, I’d def be down to try that again! I have 8 OV clones in the cloner, so might be a couple months before I’ll be ready to flip those.


going to have to sprout another appy or 2. got about 5 different kinds of bud and find myself digging into the appy shake more than the nugs from everything else. really good smoke! i also have a few other types of fem pollen and hopefully some useful black lime special reserve f5 (fem) pollen soon. so whenever your ready, let me know.


Will do! Thanks for the offer!

I want to pop more beans since most of my seedlings are on life support, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed if they bounce back. Kinda stuck atm.

I do have a pack of Amnesia Haze x Prayer Tower Sativa from everyone’s favorite breeder, MMS lol. Thought about popping those to try and make a PTS IC, depending on how things go. I have one PTS plant that looks normal. Worst case scenario is I find the opposite sex in the AH x PTS and hit it to that one if I don’t end up with a M & F of PTS. I also want to cross the PTS to Orange Creamsicle, which is Orange Crush x Juicy Fruit Thai. For now, I’m doing the LITFA thing on the PTS and hoping they bounce back.


We’re all “rooting” for you/them. Good luck.


That’s probably the best action to take, I know you were probably still worried about mites but the PTS were probably too small to get hit with that citric acid spray.

You can always make edibles or tincture out of the flower or hash as well if you don’t like the taste of it, there is a great tincture recipe/thread on here if you can get some 190 proof or higher ethanol alcohol, it’s a great way to dose.

If you want to get crazy with things and have some hash, decarb 5 grams of hash and mix into a tablespoon of coconut oil and a 1/2 teaspoon of sunflower lecithin, heat just slightly so they mix throughly (I just keep it in a small metal dish on top of the oven that I leave on after using it for the decarb) before using a dropper to squeeze doses into empty empty capsules. 8-10 drops is enough for a heavy stone in my experience. Just keep the mixture warm as you work so it doesn’t solidify while trying to fill the capsules.


Hey man I know the feeling. I think we have all been there when nothing seems to be breaking our way. Keep your head up and weather this storm!


bummer dude hope things sort them self out and you can keep the harvest.

edit; looks like i replied too soon double bummer about the daydream.


I didn’t watch the video, so maybe they covered this already, but it is worth noting that pyrethrins have a pretty devastating effect on the nervous systems of house cats.

I haven’t checked the concentrations needed to cause problems, or the concentrations in horticultural pesticides. Maybe it wouldn’t cause problems, but if you are a cat owner, I would check before it used pyrethrins inside, or where your cats might hang out.


Cats have died from pyrethrins. Labels exist for a reason. Read em.

Plant painted ladies as companion plants


concentrations vary, my understanding is low concentration of natural pyrethrins (without pyrethroids) were specially bad for aquatic life and thus you need to take various precautions and the video goes thru them as well as explaining pyrethrins. In case of cats, pyrethroids are specially damaging (although they are sensitive to natural pyrethrins but you can find low concentrations or prepare your own, but yeah better to skip any in this case if theres a cat).

Either way @VAhomegrown do you have a cat? if you do, im sorry for suggesting it.

im sorry dude, is that for me? i dont think i have ever addressed you - much less addressed you aggressively.


No not for you or aimed towards you in any way! I thought I replied to the post above me and in a, day off, effed up stooper just jumped on the train of saying pyrethrins could be dangeours to cats and being in the industry i have seen/ gotten calls from dead cats and pyretrins.

If the post above mine was aimed at you and I jumped on some train like an idiot i am sorry. I dont mean any aggresion at all.


oh ok ok! sorry, i misunderstood then. all cool!


Nice that funeral cake sounds killer and lavender jack


Man that one jar is going to be super sweet though! Like a rare treat :+1: Here’s to your luck turning around brother! :sun_with_face: :metal:


I appreciate everyone who weighed in on insecticides. I’ve been battling mites too, and my head is spinning from all the reading and conflicting information.
I have a lot more to read and look up and I hate these bugs so much but appreciate everyone!