Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

Blueberry hill! every plant I’ve seen from those have been crazy! Way cool you got a pack of those


Thanks! I’m sooo happy they did too lol. Also super glad I’ll be able to make F2’s, even with the limited selection. We could make F3’s with my and @Som’s F2’s. I kept thinking that I’d get some really bad luck and they’d all come out male from the stress in their early childhood. I’ll top the females and clone them here in a week or 2 though. I’ll pull a couple of the lower branches off the male to clone. I’d like to see how the male grows without being topped. Hoping these OV’s hurry up though. Feels like it’s taking foreverrrrr

We’ll see. I got them off some guy on a Discord server. Not expecting great germination lol. So far it’s in the lead. Whichever one wins, I’ll pop those a week or 2 after I put the OC and JFT into flower.


Came here looking to see if you were logging those Prayer Towers you posted pics of on the Bodhi thread, glad to see you are haha. I grew a couple of those years ago, before they had the “Sativa” and “Indica” designations, but I lost them in a drying mishap, only got to smoke a little bit of “early flower” from a branch that snapped off a couple weeks before I chopped. I’m pretty eager to hear what you think about those.

Anyway, after all that talk on the B thread about Green Crack, I’m seeing this poll. You’ve got Green Lotus seeds? Why are you asking people what you should grow next?!? Haha. Plant some of those!

I voted for Snowhigh’s Purple Mexican Thai, just FYI haha…


I remember reading about the ones you grew and lost, and I was bummed that you didn’t get to write a good smoke report. Def hoping I get some smoke that comes out like Bodhi described though.

I can’t ever decide what to pop lol. I also have a couple more packs of Green Crack x BSHW from Coastal that I’ve really been wanting to pop, but I’m also waiting to see if Jinglepot sends me the F2’s from the pack I sent him to reproduce for OG. He dipped out in the middle of a co-op seed run, which was a really shitty move IMO. I’m kind of salty about the way he just left OG in the middle of a co-op seed run that took 2 rare packs to try and accomplish (he lost the first run due to a freak cold front that came through and I sent him another pack), after getting butthurt over being politically “censored” on a weed growing forum that bans that kind of shit anyway. Dude should have manned up and finished what he promised to do instead of just dipping out like he did. We’ll see what happens, but if I only receive a few sends (or none at all) I’m gonna be pissed. He should have made enough seeds to cover the entire seed run for OG, so if I get less than that, I’ll be cussing that dude for a long time haha. DougDawson told me to email him about a month ago for the F2 seeds, but I haven’t heard anything back from him. He doesn’t seem that interested in reaching out to me, he could have logged into OG and asked for my addy himself instead of asking Doug to do it. It’s like his butthurt over OG is greater than his desire to set things right with the seed run. There’s a right way to go about things and then there’s a wrong way to go about things. Things def aren’t going the right way. It sucks not knowing wtf is going on. I’ll give it another month before I completely give up on getting anything /rant lol

Anyway, if the germination rate on the Blueberry Hill is as crap as I expect it to be, I’ll pop the Green Lotus. I have quite a few of those. A full pack, and then 2 seeds I got as a freebie from a dude on Strainly, and 2 more seeds I got from Mr Childs here on OG. So like 15 seeds or so?

I also have Jungle Boys Green Crack x TK bx1, AG Seed Co Green Crack x ON Haze, JAWS Green Crack x FPOG, Green Crack x Very Berry Kush by Golden Lion, Green Crack x Donny Burger from this dude in Michigan, Appy F3…


If you want a few more BBH seeds, I think I have 7 I’d donate :slight_smile:


Awesome, @HorseBadorites always coming through with the good karma :+1:


Oh, did you used to be on thcfarmer? What was your screen name?

Yeah, I have a little bit of a difficult time deciding what to plant next, too, which is why I start thinking about it like before I’ve even flipped the current grow haha. But I’m still definitely NOT gonna leave it up to other people to decide for me haha!

Pay attention, @BudWhisperer

That sucks, sorry to hear that. That’s for sure the main reason why I’ve never been interested in getting involved with those things. You hear those stories CONSTANTLY.

That’s a lot of Green Crack hybrids… haha. I don’t know anything about those, but I’d say that the Green Lotus is probably your best bet to find actual GC leaners. As much as people complain about the Snow Lotus male, I’ve definitely found plants where the mom “shined through,” like Bodhi said. The second time I grew Goji, they seemed to look pretty “OG-ish”; two of the four Uplifts for sure looked Hells Angel-ish, with the little, calyx-y flowers; second time I ran Larry Lotus, those plants also looked very OG-ish (although, oddly, they didn’t smell or taste nearly as Larry-like as the first time I grew her)…

So yeah, I’d go the Green Lotus route or maybe the Coastal route. I dunno too much about Coastal, but what I have read, they seem to kind of know what they’re doing haha.

Is Green Crack your all-time favorite strain or something? Why do you have so many of those crosses?I’m not judging haha; I’m the same way with Sour Diesel stuff, got a bunch of those in the fridge. And GC is for sure a good strain, always liked that one.


Dude that’s awesome! Many thanks for the offer! Might need those too lol. We’ll see what happens! Have you grown that one before?

I’m on there but I dont ever post or anything. Barely go to the site. I was searching for grow/smoke reports after reading Bodhi’s description for it one day, and came across your thread.

They might show up in the mail one day lol. I know if it was me doing a seed run with someone else’s rare seeds, I’d be communicating with them directly, and I wouldn’t just dip out in the middle of a seed run… Dude was legit until this bs went down. He was crushing some seed runs, was well known in the community… I felt safe sending him my beans… The main reason I sent him the seeds was because he had a Green Crack clone, and was going to do a Green Crack BX alongside the F2’s. The whole situation is just stupid and didn’t need to happen the way it did.

Oh hell yea. These seeds were made when Bob Hemphill was working with Kagyu. 2 top notch breeders! After working at Coastal, Bob H went on to start Crickets and Cicadas Seeds. Both of those guys are legends

Probably nostalgia more than anything. I had legit Green Crack ONCE about 25ish years ago and have never forgotten about the taste and the buzz. Every other time I’ve gotten “Green Crack” it was shit lol, so when we got permission from our slave master overlords to grow our own, I searched my ass off for legit breeders that made crosses with it etc… I got the GC x BSHW from Top Dawg. He has some High Biscus packs still. I think you grew out a cross or something not terribly long ago? Maybe it was Puna Budder?



Oh sadness. I straight lived on Green Crack for like a year and a half. Was my daytime, stay in shape meds. Never wanted to eat while I was blazed on that stuff and it made the work day just fly by. Miss that clone :cry:


It was Doc’s Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai. Good weed. Pretty sure he got that PCB from Kiona. I’ve still got a decent amount of those seeds left, definitely not in the market for more haha.


I have. 2015. Dropped 4, 2 cracked, 1 lady. Kept her for a few years, til she was murdered by a mite goon squad. Nice uppy high, with a hint of blueberry. I was growing in mud, and never did do her justice :frowning:


Nice! Did you ever take any pics?


Yeah, but the mites got them too!


Wait… Is “mites” a euphemism, or did they actually eat the photos too lol?


Actually, the ether ate them… almost as bad for me as mites :frowning:


Wait! You got some ether, man?


Not since I had my tonsils out…now that I think about it, my very first trip, lol!


" Ah, devil ether. It makes you behave like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel. Total loss of all basic motor skills. Blurred vision, no balance, numb tongue. The mind recoils in horror, unable to communicate with the spinal column."


Welllll the BBH might get pushed back. I just won an auction for a pack of PTS and PTI from Shoe


“Dogs fucked the pope! No fault of mine!”