Powie Wowie - New Strain that rocks. Need testers.

Feed em with lots o love :rofl:

I seriously think its the Octopot. Grows em big.
Here’s root ball from the bag. Check out those tap-roots!

There’s also roots in the reservoir. Hydro and soil root systems at once.

The stems always do that. Like a womans freaking forearm :100:

One thing I try to do as well, is give my girls “massage sessions”… Going thru mains and squeezing them, but not quite supercropping. Just getting them soft, then they come back bigger and stronger. I do that for training and mainline style…
But mostly its the Octopot.

Secrets out!


I got to try the massage thing. I’ve been recommended that method countless times


It’s great prep work for training, Gets them all loosened up and flexible.

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That’s a good way to stop snapping branches for sure

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Mine were about a month old. Guess I’ll find out.


Tuesdays out the effendor pic…

Here we are, day 46 of Veg. My longest Veg yet. Powie Twins are shorties for sure :rofl:
Gonna let them keep going unitl end of month, then flip to flower and see whats what.

PPMS around 630-650. Bumping to full strength 2.1EC / 1050 ppm next feeding to prep for Flower nutes.

All plants seem to love Athena Blended at 100% during Flower. Blue Dream needed a bit extra and additional PK, but thats Blue Dream being hungry as fuck…

@BobbyBudz have you noticed any nutrient issues or sensitivity to high ppms?


I use the Humbolt County’s Own nutrients, from soup to nuts. As long as I follow the directions they are happy. When I use too much it can discolor them.


Found mutant leaves… As advertised :100:


That is so cool.

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Minimize is more like it…

Just cracked Powie Pineapple Friday evening :100:

Branches so strong, the main-stem split (audible crack) while attempting some training…


Yes it is!

I think that I yelped out loud when I saw it :rofl:

Just gave final Veg feeding at 1050ppm. Flipping to Flower this weekend! Veg Day 55 today…


Just FYI…

Had Powie Poison and Pineapple under way too much light for a week, and they really ate it up!

Forgot to lower light level as plants getting taller, decided to check Ppfd at top of green and its 1400+ Ppfd. Around 1000 Ppfd at the lower level of growth.

This was the last week or so of Veg, and into this first week of Flower.

May be part of the reason so short, but I know these are supposed to be shorter plants anyway.


I am about to start doing that I broke a big ass branch yesterday I was so mad.


Can u run a 600 watt HPS bulb in a 1,000 watt magnetic HPS ballast just wondering

I lost a main on my Blue Dream grow earlier this year… Had a minor meltdown. In the end, she produced very well…


So here’s updates from the last week…

Balls :100:

Powie Poison went Rogue on me. He’s out.

Also moved Powie Pineapple to the 2x2 grow…

She’s a better fit in here and is Flower Day 16, so wont get much taller anyway.

So, basically a change of environment from 2x4 with Brother Poison… to a shorty 2x2 tent, better suited to her from this point forward.

If anyone follwing her on the Money-pit grow, that has changed to the Mini-pit grow…
Here’s the link…


Man idk how i missed this thread when you started it. Damn i would have loved testing these out for you. Love gdp love maui, Cool cross!

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