Powie Wowie - New Strain that rocks. Need testers.

Hey Guys!
My Powie Pineapple and Powie Poison grow is underway! Putting my faith in the seeds and going direct into Octopot.

Thanks you again so much BobbyB!


These two hatched Thursday late morning/early afternoon. Super Excited! :100:

Please be girls… Please. :pray:

Both Pineapple and Poison popped the same day within an hour or two of each other. Not sure if thats a coincidence or consistency in genetics… :thinking:

Good sign either way.

Has anyone noticed a correlation between males and females sprouting earlier or later than the other? Could be a trackable trait?


I thought 9 days ago, I’d be chopping my Pineapple and Pink 2.0, plants.
However, the scope is just not showing me they are ripe just yet, so I just slide them to the side, and packed 4 other plants directly under the LED’s.
They very, very fragrant when scoped! But not ready just yet! So, I spin them and wait.

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i have 200w led indoor for vegging young plant and outdoor sun for flowering plant… seeds its very hard to buy where im from… and it so expensive…im love to test your seeds if i can… let me know !!! thanks you

I tried experimenting with the seed pop time in correlation with Sexing results and its a 50/50 crapshoot some earlier ones made males some didnt they were females at about the same frequency of a group of about 50 beans,all grown in the same control group all inputs and light and temp and media identical.I dont think there is a relationship in picking sex by seed pop time from what i got.That theory reminds me of that if there is a volcano shaped indent at the bottom of the bean its a female.I never got that to work for me it was always 50/50 too


Here’s day 13 of seedling…

Both Powie Pineapple and Powie Poison looking good!
Not sure when I’ll see signs of sex…

Here’s some in-tent cam shots…


I haven’t figured out which comes up first. I have a 30-40% male rate.

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Thats good to know! Better than 50/50…

Both basically popped within an hour or two of each other. Pretty cool.
Poison is just a tad bigger than Pineapple. They should start showing sex in the next week or three.
Didnt purchase testing kits yet. I will at some point, but Ive never grown from regular seed, and if a male pops up, I want to experience the whole … well… Experience. Then trash him like yesterdays news. :100:


Or you could make the “experience” continue by keeping the male and breeding with him. Its the way of the Universe. “Gettin jiggy wit it”. :rainbow:


Not yet ready to play Frankesteins Monster. Perhaps another year :100:. Although it is tempting

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Checkout my grow journal and then DM if you have more beans you’d like tested. I’ll shoot you my deets. K++ @BobbyBudz on making such wonderful strains, I’m outta likes :+1:t5:


Shoot me your mailing address to bobby@bobbybudz.com and I’ll shoot you some beans.
If you are down for trading some I am always down for new strains as well.



Where did you get the Pineapple Express? Is it the Humboldt heirloom? @BobbyBudz

That was an NFS from Respect Genetics.

### Pineapple Express x Deep Line Alchemy #5


Overgrown, anyone? :100:
Powie twins still NOT showing sex. They must be in cahoots with the wife! :rofl:


After this weekends trim and train, looking good!

My androgynous gals… guys… Whatever they are…


Hey guys! These Powie roots are just killing it. Still not sure if girls or boys, but look at those Octopot roots…

These are Day 38 Veg roots. Im really impressed, so far.

Done training them down. Going vertical now!

Going to be heartbroken if at least one of these doesnt end up being female. They are just so vigorous! Kinda shorter, I think.


I tried something I read on here somewhere: if you are growing indoors, you can take your plants down to 12-hour days for 4-5 days, and they’ll show their sex. As soon as you know what’s what, revert to your grow cycle
(I do 19 on/ 5 hours off) for grow.

They should revert back to growing stage with no problems. This is the first time I have tried it, but it worked. Now on grow cycle for Fems, they stuck the males and their female mates in another tent, sharing a bag to get seeds. Left that tent on 12 hour days as those are just for seed.


Very cool tip! I’d read something like that a while back, but hadnt really considered trying.
How far along were your plants at the time? Ive read that can have a bearing on reverting back. Mine are Day 39 Veg and could turn at any moment, but trying to go bigger and hold veg till end of this month or start of September.

Here’s live in-tent shots…


What did you do to get your stems so big?

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