Powie Wowie - New Strain that rocks. Need testers.

Gonna be a fun grow show… can’t wait to see what these powie wowies do in flower


Today I’m trying to get them into a bigger area, and I’m so thrilled to what these fine genetics do.
Today, I get to inspect each one up close and personal like, poking around to see, what the naughty bits look like.
I think I got a bit heavy handed with the DownToEarth goodies, last time I mixed up medium… OR, the LAB’s, is really promoting far more biological activity, then I usually get or expected.
It is what is now.


Ok, I got all the spiders vacuumed out of the bigger area, last night.
I will be moving the LED from the tent to that area tonight.
As I pulled each one form the tent, to pick off uglies, maybe fluff the mulch, but I was very surprised with them, nothing to really pick off!! Maybe a couple of spent cotyledons, here and there.
The 3 g, pots seemed fairly heavy, when lifting them out of the tent, but I still filled the saucers with a some Bio Alive tea, I made for them.
I’m still on 18/6, but will begin to reduce the ON times, this week, just a pin or 2 at a times, until I get to 11/13, on/off hours.
4 Pink 2.0’s and 1 Pineapple, they will share space with my ESB’s.

Powie PineApple needed 3 pics sorry. HUGE fan leaves!!

A group cuddle shot.

Ohh sort of floppy looking after all the moving, and handling. popped in a cheapo fan for a bit of air movement. I hope the tea perks them up a bit.
I’ll probably will not update for a month or so, as buds are king, in the grow show arena.
So far, these are excellent genetics, IMHO.
They had a hard trip, and some got smashed, but the survivors are really easy to grow, and need very little care. I probably look in on them less than once a week. Soo easy!!
Anyway see ya’s all later!!


Thanks for the update @webeblzr. I have a pack of these and can’t wait to see how yours turns out. They are all looking very healthy, can’t wait to see how they do in flower time


Damn. Wish I’d seen this sooner. @BobbyBudz if you’d like another tester, I’d love to try those in my Octopots!
These plants look to be insane…Got 2 Octopots in flower now, but will be available in late May. I think Powie Wowie would kill it in my 2x4 with HLG350R.

I humbly offer my Services, my tent and my Octopots. If chosen, they will be my next grow.
If unfamiliar, Octopots grow em big.

Otherwise, loving this thread! Too cool :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


I think this is a heartwarming effort to get this strain out to the people. It takes me back to the days of sharing what you have for other stoners to enjoy. Good on ya!
Puff Puff pass…


I’m so pleased to hear that! Pineapple strains are a favorite over here, and I’m itching to try yours. Just got to get a couple projects finished first. Glad you will be sticking around! :smiley:


No problem, shoot me your address at bobby@bobbybudz.com and I will send you some beans to test. I’d be interested to know how they do in the Octopots too.


Too Awesome!

I don’t even know what to say, other than thanks so much :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:
Whatever strains you send is cool, all four sound like winners!
Thanks again!


Email sent🙂


Lots of user error, but we are moving forward finally. The one in the back is powie wowie around 45 days and the other 2 are powie pineapple around 32 days. Every strain that makes these up is one ive wanted to try, talk about multiple birds with one stone! ! Ive got a bunch of zombies ( about 10) that popped up and I bet some of them are powie… we’ll see lol.


Beans arrived :grin::metal: thank you!!


Awesome! Happy they landed. I sent some extra Powie Strains so you can try them all. I’m really interested what you think of the high.


Thank you, I truly appreciate it! I have a full garden started now, but I’ll have a couple in the next run for sure :metal::metal:


No hurries or worries. Everything happens exactly when it should. Even if we don’t see it at the time. lol.
I’m much more interested that you have a good grow, cure it properly,
and enjoy the best fucking smoke you have had in years. Sorry if it sounds like hype. It won’t be in three months. :slight_smile:


That is exactly how mine look, they are getting a perfect environment I can tell. Not growing tall and stringy, I can’t wait for you to smoke it. :slight_smile:


Well, you’re absolutely right, everything DOES happen for a reason… For instance, your seeds arrived a couple days ago, and I just realized 3 of my plants growing are autos and I’m going to need more beans sooner than I thought :grin::metal::joy:

And it doesn’t sound like hype, it’s making me more excited :grin::grin:. I kinda want to add another bed to my system and throw in 4 more beans :joy:


You crafted these well, man if I can make them look decent everyone can!!


If there even IS anybody sitting on the fence about Bobby’s beans - You need to GTFO!!! :joy:
Here’s a short season outdoor Powie Pineapple

She belongs in/on a picture book! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hangin’ out…

Thanks again buddy! Spectacular!




is testing still goin on or are some seeds ready for sale yet? I’m late to this thread but your creation sounds like a winner, everyones pics look great too