Powie Wowie - New Strain that rocks. Need testers.

If you got any extra seeds I’d love to grow this. Ive got autos in the tent but once they done I got room.

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Beautiful work!!
I got to update mine, I’ve not looked in on them for a days now.

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Haa, haa, haa! I was gonna give people a little shit about the fact that Bobby requested in the very opening of the thread that testers ‘plant these NOW and post’! Yours look fantastic bro! I’m battling whiteflies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, drought, 100 degree temps, water shortages around the island so it’s been one thing after another here! But the Powie’s have Powered through it all! With the P. Wowie’s it was obvious from the start that they were gonna be something special. The P. Pineapple really surprised me with the way they came on fast, hard and so strong at the finish…kind of snuck up on me all of a sudden at the end. The P. Poisons look like they are gonna be similar! I really wanna see somebody’s P.Pinks! I didn’t get those, but they look amazing on the website photos. I’ve also got Baja Blast going and SFV x Baja Blasts (I DID say he was a very generous guy!) :joy:

All-in-all, I am really stoked to have had the chance to run these from Bobby and he’s been incredibly generous with what appear to be top-choice beans! I’ve got more going at all stages of growth right now, and with more beans already on the way I look forward to having these around regularly! Now for the hardest part…the waiting! God knows, it’s not like I haven’t got anything else killer to smoke right now, but I’m just itching to try these based on the way the look and smell! (I’m the wrong one for ‘Taste & Smell’ reports, sorry! Covid took most of it away when it left! But even I could smell these!)

By the way @BobbyBudz , if you want any of the pics in high res just let me know! “Bug-eaten” and “Sun-burned” might not be the look you’re looking to advertise, but hey, it’s what I got! :crazy_face:

@webeblzr Yeah, please DO update! I’m jealous looking at those ‘perfect-leafed’ plants without a single bite out of them, no blemishes, broad fat blades…but it’s also such a pleasure I’ll have to find a way to get over it! :rofl:



Look what showed up this weekend @BobbyBudz

Looks like Bobby sent some Powie Wowie, Powie Pineapple, and slid in some Powie Poison as well. Love it!


I’m still in the boring stages, of my Powie Poaching Project, may have one plant undecided in their sexuality, rare for this late, but it happens.
I’ve been reducing light hours, for a week or so now, but not sure where I’m at, until I see the timer.
I will stay with 11/13 when I get there.
Not really much to say, I give a does of LAB’s with a tablespoon of dried molasses, once a week to 10 days or so. I may need to dose a couple in 1 gallon pots as they dry back kind quick…but they may get all piled into a 10 g pot, for a more communal growing. Aw, hell that is the ESB’s in the same room, so never mind, different project.

So all you other Powie Poachers, Post em up!!


Powie Wowie girl going strong :pray:t2: :fire: via @BobbyBudz


So Cool, They are looking good! I tell the “undecided” every day,
I would hate to have to kill you for deciding to turn male.
Please don’t make me do that! And about70% turn female.

Males are easy to bag for pollen for your next experiment.


Color me inspired. Love all the pics yall. I got this Powie Wowie rounding out week 1 of flower. I think this one is a boy though what do yall think?

Here are the powie pineapple ready to take its place if the wowie is male

I would pop more powie woie right now, but… there’s this. In the 2 pans on the right, 11 zombies that popped up when it started getting warm. I know some of these gotta be Wowie or Pineapple( it was to cold when I initially started trying to pop seeds this year, and alot of seed got rolled into my soil lol)


My whole world (plants) got up ended and I had to move them to safety.
This was not a fun adventure at all.
I had to place them into the last tent ever, kicking out 4- Old Timer hazes, to my Martha, that is currently empty.
Tear down TLTE, then set it back up, THEN relocate my Powie Pink 2.0 an Pineapple, and ESB’s, into it again.
Then tear it BACK down and reset it up again after the space invaders leave!!
Whole grow area, is disassembled, all my 6" ducting, LED’s and drivers, all my panda walls, so sad
BUT I did save the plants, and maybe, this coming Friday, rebuild it all from scratch again.
Powie pink 2.0

Powie Pineapple

These are 2 females from my grip of beans. The others showed male bits, after I flowered them.
I just hope, they make it through this unplanned space invader visit, as the repairs are made to my floor drains.


Sounds like a busy time @webeblzr , after tearing down and rebuilding that many times, you probably look like a nascar pit crew. :grinning::grinning:


Thank you for the giggle man. If I do not laugh, I’d be crying, but crying does not get much done.
Thursday, late afternoon, I should be rework it, pulling an all night hang fest to reinvent my area, LOL!


Well, last look at this guy (Powie wowie). I know this sounds kinda sus, but I really wish that guy was a girl lol.

Powie pineapple #2 coming in hot. Topped today and going straight in to flower( i got 3 cuts, because I never get it right the first time).

Powie pineapple #1 got topped too. Prob go into flower by the end of the week… or tommorrow lol.

My soil is mostly recycled. Has a lil bit of everything in there. Mostly FF happy frog and ocean forest and promix garden mix. I added a bag of mushroom compost and 2 small bigs of ocean forest( and apparently fungus nats) this year and have been amending with Pennington rejuvenat all purpose dry( I just started using this one this year) I plan to add a little FF cavern culture in flower. In the flower tent is 2 groplanner 150w lights.


Fuckin beautiful man, I love it all.


I’d wait until its ballsacks were ready to pop (gather in a bag), cure it same as buds, to sprinkle on something else.
It’s cool if you want to do that. The Powie Wowie grows similarly regardless of what you cross it with.
(short stalky Christmas trees that are easy to trim when ready to dry).


You really have your s$#t together! Looks awesome!


@BobbyBudz I did almost wanna shed a tear when I cut that powie wowie. I felt like it was gonna be a real beauty. I cant hold any of the flowering males rightnow, but I do still have cuts. I wasnt sure what the protocol was with testing and slinging pollen. If I can use them freely I most surely will.
I think powie pinapple #1 is startung to show male pre flowers

If i dont get a female outta one if these 2 I’ll have to pop somemore after I deal with the 11 zombie plants that popped up.( some of the zoms could be powie wowie/pineapple). Thanks again for letting me play with these I so looking forward to smoke these strains lol


How many times does the average guy say that in a lifetime!? :rofl:

Looking good! Other than the balls…
Im going to start some powie up in the next week or two!

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So, the Powie Pink 2.0 and Pineapple plants, last night were moved from under the LED’s direct glow, to stand along the wall, for a few days to ripen to what I want to see, then they will be culled.
They have a delicious stench, when plucking leaf, or moving them about.
pink 2.0 is bit more flowery scent, then the Pineapple, has a bit of flowery diesel scent maybe to her.
These are SO EASY to grow! A great plant to cut your growing teeth on IMHO!
I did NOT give them any bud boosters, I did one amending with kelp, gypsum, some Morbloom after the 3-4th week of flower.
My next post when I cull them!!

Well, I really did not do Bobbies work justice at all, IMHO.
They had to moved well into flowering them, then 10 days later MOVED again, after I rebuilt my entire grow to allow works in my area. So had to do a total rip and strip, then rebuild, all the while holding 30 plus plants into quickly made holding areas. Take about embracing the SUCK!!
I’m surprised any of them made it through that!
So I openly apologize to BobbyBudz, for NOT doing his work the justice I could have.
It’s just the world of clandestine growing.

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I am so happy you are liking the strain. I like the grow and smoke. I assumed I was bias. So happy you are finding them an easy grow! Can’t wait for you to get to smoke some.


Yo Bobby! Sorry I haven’t been back to post here as much as in my thread…but I wanna drop some photos for your other testers to see what’s comin’! Thanks again for these wonderful treats! Everybody that has tried 'em over here just loves 'em bro! The first of the SFV x BB are just budding out nicely now, as are the Baja Blasts themselves. I should have tried making seed with the first Powie Wowies…they filled a couple 3-liter jars with really nice nuggets and seem like they could make a good ‘backbone’ to each grow. The Powie Poisons and the Powie Pineapples are coming on strong now too! All have been really easy-to-grow plants and I’ve only had a few touches of budrot, but it’s been the driest part of the year!
