Pre 4/20 sales… Thoughts?

I’ve been looking at these but according to the light specs I get better output using 2 lights than I would switching to 1

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Pretty sweet! Thank you. I don’t really have any knowledge of Viparspectra always thought it was more of a knockoff kinda brand but they seem to get good feedback

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Current deals its $160cnd up here before say a ccfc discount, even though appetizing would be over kill for my space, what ive been looking at is their v1000 which they only list on amazon and not their sites, and id just modify it to remote mount the driver for clearance, its currently running around $80cnd after a $20 coupon.

Do i need it no, as already have lights plus enough strips to make two more if i wanted and also a ts1000 sitting in a box, i just have a curiosity for cheap panels and not the super junk ones.

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I’m trying really hard to find something I like but I’m not doing a great job.

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yeah the bar style lights for 2x4’s that your considering they went away from pretty quickly, there are options if going the dual panel route which is what alot have offered for that 2x4 slot, and by dual panel im me joined as one unit.

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I’m trying to stay away from boards. I’ve got some. Great tech. But I feel like it’s moving in the opposite direction and I don’t want to buy any more boards.

There are bar 2x4 options but the one I want is…a bit much.

I love my HLG but not sure if I’d buy another one.


There is kinda two thoughts on the bar vs panel and im not one to say which way things are going but i have guesses.

Panels are easier to make in a sense and if one can get past the more condensed light output of them they are fine, such as that new xs1500 it supposedly has a really good and even 2x2 coverage due to its lenses on the outer two strips.

Bars = more parts but the ability to spread the light out for more even distribution that way, but also a bigger light space wise.

Currently id say if other manufactures start considering the lense route and get into the position to just make their own its gonna go that way, as back side even with an efficiency drop being able to direct the light in a more focused way imo beats out the loss, plus they have been working toward the water proofing aspect more so and lenses could accomplish that, plus modern leds like last gen or two expel their heat out the back of the chip so your not gonna run into the heat issues of the past of say how cobs and the likes were.

… correction mixed up looks like that xs1500pro isnt available up here yet

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I don’t know much about lenses I just feel that bars are the foreseeable future and I don’t want to put money into old tech.

And I want a Migro array 4 dammit.

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@Foreigner keep an eye on the Solstrips vendor thread here from @Baudelaire he’s dropping a 4/20 code soon there and this one would be pretty killer for your 2x4, with the X3 strips you’d be pretty much at the same thing as the MIGRO Aray but for much cheaper, and IDK how Canada is for him but maybe sending parts over the border instead of completed lights helps with customs duties?

18x36” 280w driver in the kit but you could talk to him about going to the 360w, those X3s are rated up to 80 watts and change each, and the Rax kit uses five so you could easily hit 360w or over for peak flowering.


Dual spectrum controllable which is nice

I’m only slightly annoyed by the hot spot under my board.

But the HLG100 is amazing for 100 watts it’s killer.

Each tech has its place and for my veg the board is fine but for my flower I’d like the spread from the bars but it’s just personal preference.


btw Shane “migro” just did a vid on that new xs1500pro its worth a look

the thing is with optics vs a reg led output one has quite a bit to gain light output wise when you consider beam angle as alot is wasted once you get past say 40degrees either way from centre , with reflective walls and such that light is still utilized just not as efficient.

Like HLG’s new diablo’s have angled baffles for reflective purposes to prevent that stray light and even their old board were all designed to actually use optics but those optics never came about.

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Are you suggesting some kind of gullwing board? That’s a very interesting idea.

No but they do exist as of late, thing is having your lights on adjustable wings is one solution to evening out distribution though you still get that side radiation from the led its just at a different angle now, i just see optics being able to make smaller lights with good distribution vs say bigger lights you have to assemble and take up more room on a shipping pallet, and or the same goes for lights with reflectors, its that whats easier to make and sell vs what may be more ideal

Bar or strips lights just have an advantage when one has limited headroom and your trying to sneak those photon in from multiple angles vs blasting from one spot, but raised above the canopy enough or utilizing a couple lights then that all evens out pretty quickly.

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Boom that Gavita is down to $250 with free shipping now!



I’m not in any hurry. My lights are perfectly serviceable. Just some gear lust is all.

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And you only have to buy one.
The deal at LEDGrowLightDepot requires minimum of two.

I wish you hadn’t posted, because I really don’t “need” it, but I’m probably gonna end up buying it.


Advertising for xmas starts in like, what, April?


It’s the most wonderful time of the whole year! For the whole year!


Just cut that Gavita in half and stack the two pieces with the bars alternating between each other, boom instant 2x4 light