Preserving Useful Seeds Gear

I luv me some chocolate.

Cool man! Good luck with your repo! My vote is for 91 oranges! Bet you could find some sickly, orange chem goodness in those babies! :grinning::fire::+1:

what is your plan for reproducing fems?

Wish u were here a few months ago when I did the chocolate diesel pollen giveaways of 76 packs, those fems would have had a great daddy to play with :slight_smile:


I’ll pretty much open pollinate the packs. Maybe reverse my favorite 2 of the bunch and let them pollinate the rest.


If you have some Choc Diesel regs I could run along side the S1s I’ll do an IBL of sorts as well as make S2s. From what I’ve heard things get funky when you work a selfed line so I’d probably stop at S2


Pine and chocolate
Hoping you find the pine sense from back in the 80s that only came around at Christmas


I’m most definitely going to preserve everything on the list it’s just hard to pick what to tackle first. If I could do them all at once I would lol. I think I’ll get the easiest of the bunch out of the way and do the Pine N Chocolate regs first.


GG4 x Choc Diesel sounds wonderful :muscle:


RIP Useful, he was a great guy and will be missed especially on RIU. I think the Chocolate Diesel S1 would be the best thing to preserve considering his love for that strain. I also want to preserve what I have, and I want to make Black Lime Special Reserve F5’s and further using his F4 seeds. I have one pack of that as well as his Bag of Oranges S1 which I want to hunt and make S2’s out of as well.


I grew his Christmas tree bud and wow. It was insane. Very old pine smell, like when I was a kid and smelled my parents smoking. The buds were huge as well.


I have a bag of choc diesel pollen from @AzSeaindooin420 I would be willing to donate to the cause. I had a few crosses that sounded really nice to me but it’s likely for the greater good here if you want it @InfiniteIndo
Disclaimer: unsure on viability after mailing through the heat from there, here, and to you.


thats hard they are all great hybrid strains

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Sign me up <3 would love a pack bahaha.

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How would you reproduce the Fems?

By reversing one and making more fems.


Chocolate Diesel S1 and Pine N Chocolate most definitely for sure!!! I’d grab those in a heartbeat!!!:drooling_face:

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Awesome list of genetics. I think the gg4 x would be an awesome project. I’ve been thinking about doing some open pollination myself to preserve some strains I’ve acquired. Awesome project you have going and I’ll definitely be following along for the ride!

Would those be S2s? Do those come out stable?

Another option is if you find a good male (or just open pollinate) from the reg pack, f2 those, and outcross everything else to the male.

Most of these fems aren’t S1s. I don’t think stability is an issue in S2’s it’s more so lack of vigor and mutations being a possibility from what I’ve heard.