Preserving Useful Seeds Gear

One thing I didn’t list was Chocolate Fire Cookies S1’s made by a buddy on the forums. I believe the lineage is Choc D x Fire Cookies (they were originally regs if I’m not mistaken but he S1’d a female he found) since Useful didn’t make the S1’s I didn’t list them but those might be worth preserving as well.


S1 to S2 results will be based on the growers selection but does not mean the offspring in S2 will be prone to mutation or instability… the line and the plants chosen will always dictate this.
Think of it like this. With S1 , selfing a clone, you open up the possibilities contained in that one plant. From the good to the bad these possibilities will reveal themselves as the numbers of the seeds popped goes up. The idea is to find the ideal plant that is the best closest representation to the mother cut and then reverse that chosen plant onto the mother cut creating the S2. (at least this is my understanding). If the grower finds high numbers of plants with low vigor, mutation, instability in the S1 gen… probably a good indicator that the line might not be worth going any further with. Just my thoughts , I am not an expert LOL


Most of this is bro science at the end of the day. Gotta try and see things for yourself and go from there.


I’m not sure I’d want to take that pollen off your hands if you have plans for it. It would have to wait a while for me to use it so it may be better off with you using it. Thank you for the kind gesture though

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Yes I agree all should be preserved, looking forward to following along…the ones that caught my eye are the blueberries n chocolate, the gg4 x chocolate, and the pine n chocolate.


How did I not see this until now? Great collection and plan to preserve them, I love the intentions you’re bringing here and it sounds like you’re an old hand at growing, I wish you luck!


Hello folks, I recently received a pack of Mother’s Milk F2 from Useful, and they are now growing up. I was wondering if anyone here can tell me anything about how they were made? The pack says it is a reproduction, so am guessing not a directional F but rather a seed increase.

Any ideas?


I rarely know what I’m talking about, but to my knowledge Mothers Milk is a Bodhi cross. It’s something, Nepal Kush? and Appalachia.

You will probably have good luck searching the forum. That is a popular cross.

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Thanks @AppalachianBiscuits for the reply, it is definitely a Bodhi strain, but Useful did an F2 on it, I was just curious on those details of his preservation, so I know what I have here!

Conversationally I’ve actually got 4 viable MM F1 seedlings right now, but am curious how the F2 were made.

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@catapult is running something similar now, not from Useful, I don’t believe.

Mother’s Milk F2 reproduction

Let’s see what else I see. Im nosey about Appalachia, so I’m vested in this now.


I can’t help w details about what Useful did for a repro, but I am a big fan of the MM. I saw 3-4 main pheno’s in the F2’s I got from OG. Currently in process of making selections to take them to F4 this summer w an additional bx to the MM31 if all goes well:)


@catapult very very cool! I’m pretty into MM right now. I have a few crosses going, but I received both this useful pack, which are just great plants for me so far. I was thinking an increase because I have so many, but maybe I will just F3 my favorites.

@AppalachianBiscuits cheers!

I also received a vial of old original MM, and out of 12, find myself with these 5. I intend to take cuts and make beans from whatever I can as well, just to refresh the line. I have the space and am interested in it. As you can see, they are slow about it, but they are moving forward. I’m hoping for the best.


Useful had a thread on RUI where you can probably find out more. I’m an Appy fan, too, and I enjoyed MM. I’m a SSDD freak, though :rofl:


Hey, nice! I bet I will find what I need there. Many thanks.

OG is full of Appy fans :green_heart::muscle::raised_hands: