Pricey Beans

I really try to stay out of things but I have alot of respect for Professor P of Dynasty and Mass medical did him dirty just ain’t right he deserves to be recognized at least it’s his 10+yrs of work being stolen from him and being used for profit. Gotta call these people out and let everyone know the truth. It is what it is.


No hybrid f1 is worth more than say $10/bean. And even thats a lot considering that the breeder just has to throw 2 plants in a room together and can use shitty lights and not feed much to produce thousands pf seeds.

Now something like gg4 IBL or Magnum Opus (royal kush f11) has years of work and effort put into it probably deserves a hefty price tag.


The breeders only get about 40_50% of what the merchant seedbank is selling them for.
Soooo this is not the breeders fault for the high cost of the seed, all them seedbanks are making just as much If not more than the breeder. Overhead dont ya know. Lol
You’re barking up the wrong tree start bitching at the seedbanks.


I do not have any issue with expensive seed prices if you are getting what you pay for instead of over hyped pollen chucks. Fire on the gram bro
Actually working something takes a lot of time , patience , skill , knowledge , hard work , and luck. That is why very few seem to do it anymore.
I do not mind spending the cost of an oz or even several oz for the ability to produce unlimited oz’s .

But ya there is no shortage of complete douche bags in the seed world just like the world in general. I don’t care how good something might be I refuse to give a dime to any of the douche bags.


Well im ready to chip in 25-50 $ if someone’s ready to do alot of seeds for everyone in here and even a whole bunch of those to @Sebring


Let me say from firsthand experience that it is easy as shit to produce thousands and thousands of extremely high quality seeds for only a few dollars. Holding clones doesn’t take much money, just time and effort. And most “breeders” don’t do much selection or testing and still gouge you. I don’t care about worked lines, since most of that is lies anyway.

People say “F13” and shit but they have no proof, they have no evidence to show you their selection process or even prove they grew it that long, and who gives a shit anyway? It’s highly unlikely a 13th gen IBL is going to be any better than an F1 you buy OR make yourself. There’s too much potential for the breeder to fuck it up with selections along the way, if they’re not lying through their teeth about it in the first place.

I would encourage you to find some weed you like, make F2 and chuck it to other plants. You are much more likely to find enjoyable phenos out of those plants than randoms you buy because of sexy pics on IG.

And here’s the real dirty secret of the industry:

You’re going to find just as many keepers from a $30 pack (during a GLG BOGO) as you will from the $500 pack. And you won’t feel the need to brag about it all over social media. And the breeder of that $30 pack probably encourages you to do some of your own pollen chucking and share with friends.

So any breeder claiming they’re not making ridiculous profit for their input is a lying sack of shit, even if the seedbank cut is half. There are only a few breeders worth buying from, bodhi being one. The rest are mostly snake oil salesman and almost none of them do real selection or testing.

Please go out and advertise Overgrow to everyone. Tell them about how we’re creating a community of sharing, paying it forward, honestly trying to OVERGROW THE PLANET. Invite them here and encourage them to save their money, support only the reputable no-hype breeders, and speak out against the greed, lies, bragging and exaggeration and bullshit hoarding this scene is known for.


Amen to that :pray::pray::pray:


Jeez…I thought $280 for 20 freakshow seeds was overpriced. My name is tappy, and I’m a strainaholic. Been hoarding seeds for just over a year, I currently have enough seeds to last myself and my kids and maybe grandkids the rest of our/their lives.


Brotha Nube
Preaching the truth to the masses !!!
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Funny story…daughter (6 yo) was helping me mix nutrients and she looked up at me and said, “dad, I want to do this when I get old too”…she then explained how she wanted to gift the plants to various people…lol. none of my in-laws know I grow…most of my blood family is dead except for a few siblings that arent even blood, but married into.


That is so cute. She is obviously being raised well with right priorities.


'tis better to give than to recieve. :purple_heart:
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Don’t lie or steal.


You should run for office.


Whose butt we gonna go kick? Let’s go, let’s get em!!! You got me all fired up man :joy:

Love the sentiments though. I’ve been telling my friends to join up. It’s hard to believe what a great place it is though.


That’s because OG runs through your veins, @Sincy!! When I see it’s all the $$$'s, I tend to start doubting self-serving data. I like the Auctions, Super Sales, etc. As always, you be safe/well.


You know it I love OG this is the best community around. Stay safe everyone


I just unfollowed that Masshole Medical guy off my IG, thanks for the heads up guys.


You guys realize taking two plants from a pack of something making f2 is no where the same as the mother and father plant bred to make the f1.
F2 are cool if you pack a bunch of packs looking for phenos to f2.
I don’t think allot of people understand this . Doing things how I first said are exactly what pollen chucking is.
Ypu can f2 some seeds to pheno hunt but would find what your looking for with f1 faster if you looking for the genetic expression of the mom and dad.


Bad name choice I instantly read hermi seeds lol


Sincy’s Gogi F2 about week 6