Psychedelic Strains

i wouldn’t hold your breath


so, does it out of body? said your college or you?

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out of body? i mean yeh… eehh… yes!
thats literally awesome. need a flight right now, send it! one dax probably… i hope :blush:

can i buy a testsmoke?


I loved your smokereports. there must be something special in it. im shure.

your reports remind me of pot when you smoked it, and thought…owowowow, its so strong, everything feels stone hard, like its all ot of steel. You feel like Mama, what do i need to doo…?
It wasnt my preffered expereince, but better than most Hybrid weed. Its really like bam! and the mama crying starts… And once over you think, how would it be to smoke another (i didnt have the courage/or didnt find it benefitial)


@Blu-Tri sell @romanoweed a test smoke! I wanna hear what he has to say about its effects.


Selling anyone anything like that is highly frowned on here and by dem peoples bro.
NFS, fepo.

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African land races are supposed to be super psychedelic.


Ethiopian and Malawi are the ones you want.


Or is it. Sounds like you on some trip

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“” is your answer (check-out)

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Got to add a new one to my list today. Peach Congo Haze which I guess is a pheno of (red congo x neville’s haze.) Red Congo is an old school norcal heirloom sativa hybrid (Congolese x (Purple Mexican x Afghani) so crossing it with neville’s haze was bound to create something trippy. Smoking it I found it to have incredibly potent psychedelic sativa effects. Definitely a creeper. I took just two rips off the bong and got blasted. The high was classic “eye” weed insofar as it makes you feel like you have your eyes super wide open no matter what you do, with pressure behind the forehead and cheekbones and super bloodshot eyes. I experienced open eye fuzzy perception / tunnel vision as well as mild tracers. Surprisingly relaxing weed considering some of the psychedelic pyrotechnics at play. (but, I do tend to find the more narrow leaf plants more relaxing than some of the heavier broad leafs.) The experiences was fairly similar to a small dose of mushrooms. The body load and open eye visuals were quite comparable, although the actual shapes of the tracers were more bead like and less geometric/octagonal. Either way, it was some extremely potent, gnarly, psychedelic smoke. Highly recommend for anyone seeking out those kind of effects and I’m going to have to hunt down some beans!

edit: Also, the sample I smoked was grown outdoor and tested at 28% THC :flushed:


Nice! Thanks for sharing that. I’m all about ganja that brings visual enhancement. I’d be interested to know which cannabinoid brings that. I’ll bet it is related to THCV.


I’m growing Transkei x Durban Poison right now and I’ve got a transkei pheno and a Durban pheno, when they are dine ill post how “psychedelic” I find them, lol. I’m purchasing Malawi next Friday. I think i can do it justice, ive got 10’ ceiling space, gonna get thise suckers BIG


swazi gold was supposed to be a mind bender


Man lol… what aren’t you running :joy::man_shrugging:?

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have heard that Malawi is the strongest strain - Yea ! thous sativa’s need a long flower time some are 16 weekers


Lol I’m not running any kush… which is, generally my go to’s :laughing::rofl:

I am fortunate to be on acreage with a full barn and few other out buildings :metal::metal::metal:


Any idea where to source seeds of that peach Congo haze? Sounds great!


I’m not interested in ruhipnol weed.
Shroom weed yes…blacking out on the way to the post office not my cup a tea


One to beam up. Energize…Star Trek Teleporter