Psychedelic Strains

Well it doesn’t look like I’m ever gonna get a chance but I guess we can take your word for it.
Meanwhile let’s talk about equatorial Sativa’s.


I’ve had a strain in my past that was like a level 3 mushroom trip. I’m still trying to find it again. Was my favorite weed I’ve ever had. No paronaia or racing heart, and didn’t feel “stoned” were I think everything I think is dumb.
Just a nice happy giggle kind of high with complete OEV
I think it was the Haze or the Thai I now know to have been in it.
All I know is that in 25 years I’ve never found a strain to duplicate that effect, and also that it didn’t have that effect on my friend who smoked it with me back then.


Has anyone ever tried “curing” bud in mushroom tea, then letting the H2O evaporate? Or doing a alcohol extraction using shrooms and weed so you get shrooms hash? (I don’t use shrooms myself…)


no i never tried Mushroombathing. but the beauty of a cannabis trip is what makes it so perfect. Exactly like @HappyTrees23s mentioned it, one of my trips was anxietyfree, just zero sideeffects… and thats the beauty of it


I read in some threads that cob curing for like a year or something creates a different, deeper and more psychedelic high. It’s done especially with long flowering sativa strains


Watching sativas grow is pretty trippy.


Agreed completely on this point

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I’ve experienced some truly… non-standard moments. All of them with unknown/unconfirmed strains, with others (not solo), where set and setting were seemingly important. What is interesting to me personally, is that these non-standard moments are NOT a goal state. It’s not something you hope for or brag about having created or developed. It isn’t ours to make or destroy. If we happen upon it, we can either share it or share the knowledge. Brother is sharing his ego’s wine label review. I believe him too. But I think he might be at odds.


Yeah in a time bending way. Stare at them and 16, 20, 24 weeks of flower just fly by


It’s, like, the world, is like, in slow motion maaaan!


Cambodian. It was a brown/orangish color that looked like shwag and tasted savory but wow, landraces are the way forward.


the consensus seems to be that cobbing can definitely elevate potential


What’s your experience wirh Cambodian? I have some freebies that are crossed wit it

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I don’t want to ruin the surprise for you but it had a profound psychedelic nature and no ceiling. You may not get the full effect in the hybrids. Malawi Gold was also excellent as it had a spiritual side as well as a “everything seems brighter” effect during the day. Purity is paramount! As I’m sure you’re aware, there are varieties from different parts of the country but I do not know where this Cambodian originated or where you should look to find more.

@romanoweed seems to be knowledgeable about the SE asian cultivars and could possibly point you in the right direction.


I know where I’m not wanted. Peace.

A Hypothesis:
You know when you know.
as long as youre wondering if you tripped on weed (is that what youre dooing?) then you dont know what tripping on weed is.


i said it already, you ask me things i said like 5 times in this thread: Cannbis causes Hallucinations, to differ from imagination.


Oh yeah. There is absolutely no question when you do. You don’t have to wonder if this is what tripping out is like. You know.

Full open eyed hallucinations all from my own imagination. Like seeing in a different light.
A hum or buzz but for the eyes and mind. Just completely different then being high in a way.

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Grew 2 feminized autoflower seeds from a 4 pack freebie called Black Jack. Started them inside but had to move one outside because it started to herm. The one outside I had to pick about 6 ball sacks off each week until it finished. 10 1/2 weeks from seed I harvested them both. The one grown inside was very low-mids for sure but the one that hermed and grew outside smells more fruity sweet and does a strange trippy effect on me on the exhale. At about on the 3rd to 4th hit off a joint on the exhale I felt like I was gonna pass out but didn’t and then made my body feel like I was wiggling in S’s from head to toe from side to side. It was very short lived, like 10 seconds then went into the normal stoned vibe for me. Kept happening for the rest of the joint. Next day I went to the dispensary and purchased 2 of their “most potent” joints for $55. Smoked them both as well as some other strains I grew at home earlier this year and none of them did anything close to that effect. So the next day I rolled a joint of the herm Black Jack and puffed away. About 5 hits in it started happening again, the dizzy almost passing out feeling giving way to the body wiggles for about 10 seconds that happen the for rest of the joint.
That plant didn’t yield very well so I don’t like dipping into it too often. About almost 2 ounces jarred up for almost 3 weeks now. I’d like to see what a good long cure would do to me.
Any of you guys ever feel that? It was an autoflower so there were no taking of any cuts or let it make seeds unfortunately. I’ve got a buddy I’m gonna smoke some with to see if it hits him the same way.


Have had weed make me feel like I was gonna pass out(like head rush, bright colors, loss of vision) while seated. Not pleasant and freaks me out. Also is more related to tolerance than being a strain specific effect. Usually lie back with my feet elevated and get a glass of water if it happens. Has happened to me a handful of times.