Psychedelic Strains


I am in a diff camp than most here. Granted, I have not smoked your ‘trip’ weed. But i have smoked alot of weed, from east to west, europe, tropics, se asia, you name it, anywhere i set foot i smoked weed. i have only had one or two occasions where i semi-tripped without the aid of real lsd or shrooms.

Both times were at concerts, when i was lit up, energized, and somewhat dehydrated. I went into a translike place, where i had unlimited energy and visuals galore. Again, this was pretty drunk and high, and expending extreme amounts of energy. I believe these were mid-late show ‘flashbacks’, my body and mind were calling on my past experiences, and all the lsd built up in my spinal cord, to induce the trip.

I do not think it is physically, or mentally possible to TRIP OUT, from cannabis. It’s just not what the drug does. It gets you high, but not tripping out.

If I am wrong, thank GOD, congrats on your find, and get here quickly with this elixir, cuz i’m ready for a short trip right now.



nice to have people not making themselve so big (big Claims).
Yes you didnt trip out, but i did.

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that’s cool. i’m not disparaging, just chiming in, with a different point of view.

for most, in almost all situations, it would be very difficult to achieve that level.

if you did, great, if you can repeat it, even better! not looking to be big or shoot anyone down, just bringing my point of view, for others to read.


let me add my humble oppinion. Not a single old Thailine representative of god ole Thai is making its rounds.
The fact that we dont have even a single true Thai in “circulation” is such a discoloring circumstance.

So, IF YOU NOW HAD OLD THAI or not i dont know. If the anwser is no, then i know why you probably didnt trip. Thats my subjective Oppinion .

Old Thai (pic not mine)

Thats Thai. Beauty trogh and trough… Thc-readings like modern Hybrids, smell and crystals like modern Hybrids, thats Thai collected in the 70s. OLD THAI


Check out that jungle frost. Nice.

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regarding your experience at the concert, dancing is one of the 5 D’s that shamans use to enter trance-like states to “…commune with the divine.” Very possible that a confluence of factors allowed you to enter that state.


Good point, but i’m no shaman :open_mouth:

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Yes there are psychedelic strains, let me tell you about the one time I have ever been impressed by a leaf joint… back in 1991 by the guy who gave me the Herojuana. I had been growing and met him at a get together at Golden gate park. He was rolling an ultra pinner of some leaves and I broke out my “Killer bud” telling him he didn’t need to roll up leaves because I had buds. He laughed and rolled his pinner, lit it and passed it to me. I took a puff and passed it on. Next thing I know, there was a purple haze across my vision, the trees were melting off into the sky as fractals and I felt like I was coming on to LSD! Needless to say, I was hooked. I followed him around for 2+ years begging for a cut before he finally gave me one.
What is sad is that the herojuana would make you sleep hard… crash for 8 hours and wake up stoned-over with munchies from HELL!. So, regretfully, I slept away many years of my youth and the prime of my life – fully content because the blissful mindset that the hero would give – it WAS like heroine in that sense and I do sometimes wish I had not slept all those years away. Right after the guys who grew the herojuana and I lost the strain there was a Star Trek movie about the Nexus. I watched that on LSD and I swear the Nexus was a reference to the Herojuana :raised_hands: It’s stone was as extreme as a haze high, with that intensely different headspace, but it was a 42 day indica. Of special note, we made a ton of Herojuana crosses but the descendents never had the full spectrum of special qualities I am so desirable of; you may notice my constantly circling back to mentioning special one-off plants – this is highly influenced by this experiential observation. I am open to the possibility that the “magic” I am seeking is NOT passed on simply through a commonly expressed gene variation and requires cloning in order to be sustained… at least within our currently limited genetic pool.


I see that osba has herijuana …do you recommend buying the seeds?

Prolly no huh


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Since losing this strain, I have been searching for for 27 years for a replacement and have tried all the HerIjuana’s… Hillbilly Dreams (Steve Tuck’s), Motarebel’s, Meduser’s. And recently there was a Peanut butter Herijuana and some breeders are using the HerIjuana in their crosses… Those all grew out fantastic and delicious kush plants, yet none were the HerOjuana I was seeking @Trowertripper . I love herijuana’s Kushy taste so I say try it!


If you haven’t already, check out and for some old school herijuana.

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Both Sinister and Sannies sells Mota Rebels Heri. Sannies sells directly from Motarebel and sinister seeds is using their pheno found from growing out Motarebel seeds. As mentioned, HerO was not HerIJuana and the Herijuana that is available nowadays just seems to be a nice kushy plant; I didn’t find it to be any stronger nor any unique attributes compared to anything else currently available and its yields were pretty pathetic. I personally passed on growing it again as I have better yielding, tasting and hitting heirlooms on hand.


I have a Thai weed that is supposed to make you trip if you are a rookie. It packs an serious upper punch and destroys my inflammation. But I use it all the time so I’m used to the terpenes and THCV so I never trip.


Sounds interesting. Have pictures @SativaKid ?

Yes the Thai is below. But I’m out of seeds to gift and will be replenishing soon as I get a chance to breed some.


Those are some big nugs there @SativaKid Beautiful plant there! Tag me if you ever do a grow journal on this lady please.

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I’m going to grow some more seeds soon. Maybe I’ll do something then.


I’ll describe a person and I bet someone on here from the old site recognizes who I am talking about as he posted quite a bit and was known for being crazy… I had a buddy with silver haze from what is recalled to be AAA Medical seeds in Canada. These were tall stretchy plants that yielded very small popcorn nuggs but they were definitely psychedelic and brought on a feeling of interconnectedness that literally drove my buddy insane… he started feeling people “sucking his energy” and began to actually pointed out things that were about to happen, before they happened! And the oddest thing was that his paranoid-ranting observations appeared to be correct! I couldn’t smoke the strain because it seemed like the day after smoking it I would be in a state of extreme anger that I could not control but it was definiyely an amazing plant to experience. Once I took a batch in to sell on Haight Street but they turned me away because they wanted larger nuggs. I gave them a few nuggs to sample and walked out. Next thing I knew the clubs buyer was chasing me down the street to tell me that he wanted the small nuggs after all! He claimed he had never been higher :sweat_smile: This individual eventually lost the cut when he got PM and didn’t want to treat his plants because he didn’t believe in using anything on them even though I tried to get him to use horticultural oil to defeat it :roll_eyes: I think there are psychedelic strains out there but most breeders breed away from the psychedelic aspect because it also causes paranoia, sometimes anger, and delusions which can lead to schizophrenia. DJShort himself said that he liked to smoke whole joints and bred away from the paranoia and racing heart that was predominate in the landrace Thai he had started with because he said he had a weak heart. I would like to see people breed towards the extreme qualities instead of away from them.


Actually those buds were a really great crop, usually a little smaller.


Good God! Frosty little buds. Rocket fuel for sure!

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