Psychedelic Strains

I’m your Huckleberry. I’m looking for the crazy plants to breed with. Found some keepers and finding more every year. Those small popcorn buds pack months of plant power into one pipe full. I believe there is power associated with and concurrent to flowering time. More time, more power. Power=legs. You can capture this power and even increase it by hybridizing, but keeping that power in a hybrid ibl is a harder task. I’ll get there one day if I don’t die of old age first :grin:


the strongest for me ever is Landrace pure

seeing more than ever on Landrace. its like this:
keeping the power of a Landrace, and finding it in the first place is hard too. lol

I mean. you really know that there is a stronger drug than ayahuasca then??? cause thats hw strong landraces are.

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hybrids are apperant… but thats all i ASSUME… they tickle your fear, your adreanalin i guess , they fire you up…

Ladraces show the effects beneath this adrenalin rush, and its a psychadelic effect for the Thai, and a Feeling-effect for Afghani or whatever, but an actual effect, a journey, a film, a video, a melody… a distinct one probably,

I think far Hybridisation is like two frequencies that dont resonate, and interfere. And landrace is a Frequency, or a Spetrum, but in any way cant be improoved

I mean , why are people not coming forward with over-ayahuasca-level weed then ? i just dont think thats really possible.

im very openminded, and good luck ! but i will not smoke hybrids nomore unless somebdy tells me honestly he created over-ayahuasca weed.

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I know, you think landraces are hybrids. i personally dont, so its quest of definition, but all i can stick to: what came out those thai regions, is like ayahuasca. my feelings lead automatically to think its inbreed, cause it only comes from there. probably from mexico, but… less shure.

so, again, good luck!

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I think some very powerful strains from the past were mistakenly assumed to be landraces but were landrace hybrids.


A crying shame your buddy lost it, but it doesn’t sound too good for mental health lol. How is he now?
I treated my PM with Sulfur over the winter and still have those plants I treated and never another issue. Made some great crosses since then with those plants.


Happy Memorial Day.


if we could just have peace, why do we fight? why are people sick, if they could have lived a healthy life?

Well, in Case of Tripweed you provided Anwser: ONCE anyone finds real Tripweed, he keeps it for himselve, he never wants to give… thats sadly what i think…

SO: dont ask me why people are like that… Dont ask me why Breeder doesent sell all his extensive Collection right away, dont ask me… Im not him…

Ok, my part of the Anwser: Tripweed flowers almost alwas 16 Weeks Plus… Thats why it doesent get shared, thats why people dont buy it, even its sold… How often have i bagged People to grow THai68 Ofrom Oldschoolba… I HAVE hunted very long, so I found out most Landracelovers rather choose Realseedcompany, or other Names CAUSE Reputation. Also People choose Columbian much more often then Thai… ACE Sells pure Thai from 1985… Not seen much interest, not as much as for other Columbian Lines…

Next Reason, its fragile. The Tripweed i smoked was soft, AND Intense… My Friends i guess didnt trip but i did… Tripweed often has a very fragile soft side… A Trip-pheno can only stemm from a Tripweed Line. But those Tripphenos will not express in every single Pheno one grows… So the other Phenos will show alot of this soft side… and Conaisseurs often tend to like strong weed… Its fragile…

So, as fragile the genetics, so are Brainchemistrys, and my Coleges who smoked tripweed with me didnt trip. Crazy! I think it may been due to they smokedWeed with CBD already, or theirt Brains are different, or they smoked more than me, or. or, or…

It needs to be grown relatively well aswell… So, its not a save Bet to grow a Tripweedline, it will be expensive… And most people dont want to Gamble as i said, not even Landrace Lovers…

And then comes preservation. If those lines get reproduced in Foreign Climate, slowly but shurely they may Change… They get inbreeding depressed every generation. They adapt , and so on…
So, many Lines died, and the few that still have the Lines, and are aware, they rather sell it for 10 000s to another Breeder…
I recall Shantibaba from Mrnice Seeds sold an old Australian Papua New Guinea Line for 100 000 Dollars… That might happen sometimes…

So, again,
-Tripweed is very unconsistent cause such lines are very kind and soft, thats what i experienced.

  • The Brains of people are not all made for Tripping, as they also arent for Tripping on Dmt…
  • Its very Epensive to grow, and highly complicated to preserve propperly, so it decays
  • Once you found it, you probaly never talk to anyone else, and rest in your peace with it??
    -People preffere Save , reputated Seedvendors, they all buy gfrom Realseedcompany… Sadly, none of the goto Sites carry Tripweed, i never heard about that.

And the last one: PEople really smoke too much… They know Cannabis as an Enhancer and therefore smoke it way to regularly to trip… If you smoke Dmt every Day, im unshure if you will ever Trip again… Thats too much…
Thats why i have no big problems smoking seldon, cause one day i Tripped on weed, and found out its sooo intense, and after that day, i had no big interesse in continuing just the next day…
For me its easy to threat Cannabis as a rarer Occasion (not more than once a Week or two). But most people dont have this Weed that i had, so they become regular smokers, and probably will never find it cause this reason ASWELL… thousand reasons…


So, its complicated for someone that didnt Trip on Weed before, to even get exited in a Tripweed-sale, right?

Most just anwser me, it doesent exist… So, how big is the SellingPoint, if your sellingpoint is so unbelevable, that people turn away? haha,

I know its hard for anyone to put trust into me, but i can change that: I know that Weed has a very veeery steep Intensity-Curve… Like all of a sudden one Weed grabs you by the Throat , and completely smashes your Brain, and anyone experienced in Weed will aknowledge this… So, probably a random guy can confirm that, and give me bit more Credibitlity, even Hybridlovers know that!! i can only tell what i know…


Super interesting.

William O’Shauhnessy writes about how chronic users would eventually go “insane,” from use of the herb. They only had access to landraces for the most part I’m assuming(India) they DID have charras though as he used it in some experiments with a dog, so someone was cultivating it for sure. Even in the 1800s…here’s a really cool excerpt that sounds to me like a psychedelic trance haha

" Elsewhere O’Shaughnessy describes a somewhat surreal episode in which a rheumatism patient administered with cannabis enters a state of “catalepsy”, whereupon his rigid limbs could be moved only with the help of medical staff, who could place them in “every imaginable attitude” where they would remain “no matter how contrary to the natural influence of gravity” — all while the patient remained completely “insensible”. The commotion of events ended up rousing a second patient, similarly dosed, who became “vastly amused at the statuelike attitudes” he witnessed, and then proceeded, after a sudden “loud peal of laughter” to exclaim that “four spirits were springing with his bed into the air”. After a subsequent “uncontrollable” fit of the giggles this second patient then took up the strange condition of the first, his arms and legs “remain[ing] in any desired position”. Despite the slightly chaotic scenes, within a day or so both patients were much relieved of their rheumatism, and in three days, were completely cured."

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so you see: every growers desinteresse to accept a link advised from me, the thai68 oldschoolba, is probably proove that people dont take risks in buying seeds, they dont listen to guys that tell they tripped on weed and advise something, they dont listen to me bagging you to preserve this line, they dont…
i know that pretty shure, i sent the link in PMs, everyone told me: probably later or so… everyone

(Thai68 is not a Tripweed line, but probably hallucinogenic in few instances atleast, probably, but still… nobody knows who, and why to trust, wich is ok)

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Brother I’m just trying to understand your perspective. You say real seed company got it, then where is it at? Why are you still looking for it if they got it. With all the customers that rsc has, someone wound have broadcasted the find by now.
We all know that shit is rare. But every time a breeders announce his find, it’s the same ill respect time and time again.
I’m getting mixed messages. And I understand that you want it. Hell who don’t want it because every body is looking for trip weed, rks, super potency… but let’s see a show of hands from those who actually have it. :wave:.
Brother I mean no disrespect to anyone and their choice of gear to grow.
I’m willing to bet that anyone who has what your are looking for, is saving it for those who want it the most.


I tend to think that as we are all unique like snowflakes, that we are each affected differently - so while most would call indica - down and sativa - up ; not everyone does…

In my experience from the 90’s:

Vietnamese smoked in Saigon was beyond
Charas (hand rubbed) hash on the beach in Jamaican was beyond
Thai smoked on Koh Samet was beyond

Can we really expect a Nepali grown at 3000 meters to show the same characteristics and have the same effects - grown in a basement at sea-level in North America ?

I’m trying lots and sharing what I love…


All landrace varietals are grown in Promix so it’s easy to replicate terroir.

I’m old and have never had psychedelic weed.
I have had weed with intense clear headed highs which is the goal.

If you’re willing to wait 14-16 weeks it can be done. You’ll never find it at dispensaries. The acronym is CRAP (can’t realize a profit.)

If you want it you have to do it yourself.

The seeds are out there. You need to know a generous guy or buy them from reputable niche breeders. They exist.

I’ve got some very interesting haze that is nothing like a standard 8 weeker.


No, i said the opposite: i said Realseedcompany has never caused a single Tripreport to my Knowledge.


i asked you if you have seen solid hallucinations, like actaul materia, and not transparent
you didnt give a very clear Anwser. so… im not shure if you have it then.

i dont know theyre the same, but YES the Tripweed i smoked was like first Generation Vietnames from 1970 GROWN IN EUROPE… I know it was grown here, cause it was totally fresh bud, and still a bit Wet, like 10 Days dried… And this was Ayahuasca-degree. So…

aahm, i think its the opposite, its super complicated and one can only come close…

Acording my tiredless hunt, i suspect Climate was the most important Factor that decided if Tripweed was even possible to beeing created… I believe this cause all Tripweeds come from basically same Latitude… So this points thowards Terroir as very important ingredient for me!!

Then i found out that certain Smokedescriptions always come from a certain Regin, like “caffeine-like , energizing” Descriptions from Africa, or “spiritual experience” coupled with dreamy, that comes from SE Asia… Mexican desriptions are bit simlar to SE Asia. BUT, so: if such clear Differences exist in certain Regions, like the Difference from Africa to SE Asia, then it leads me to think that those subtle nuances in African VS SE Asian Terroir are insanely small… I think its close to impossible to imitate those, Just ur IndoorLamps are not very Sunlight like, i know that, but we can atleast try to come close…

To my Knowledge there simply is no tripweedline sold… Nor Circulating, i never heard about a single Hallucinogenic Line… Da We Dalat is the only Line that one single person halluicnate on. Ok , one Line, but seems to be rare… And this guy was from a speanish Forum, so it could be a lower Generation of Dalat ? Less downselected? But i need more… Just one person of 100s Hallucinating… But i take the Thai68 first…


Running Metal Haze three ways this summer - hoping for nice fast(ish) flowering sativas :wink:


I need to come over to your place and hang with you someday brother. Trip or no trip, just be cool to shoot the breeze and smoke some j’s. Maybe when I visit my family in Texas in the future. I don’t go back very much since I’ve become spoiled with this California weather.