Psychedelic Strains

I show you Japanese People, and you know theyre Japanese… I show you Thai People and you know they live more at tropics because the Skintone. I show you African People and you know they live right at the Equator…
See how gradually the Skintone changes… Adaption at play, probably?

Anybody given much thought to the idea that the cure might be bringing out the psychedelic aspects of the bud?

I hear stories about Thai sticks tightly bound, Oaxacan spears also bound tight, or one story that DJ short tells about Black African Magic on the Potcast talks about this — he said the weed was all compressed and nasty looking.

Then I found this thread about cob curing on IC mag and it makes sense to me.

TLDR— Essentially, you’re compressing and fermenting the buds similar to how tobacco leaves are fermented to enhance the smoke. It supposedly brings out the full potential in the high and makes it so you can chew the raw bud like an edible.

I had this one plant a bit back that was particularly good, but knowing what I know now I had accidentally sweat cured the weed in a brown paper bag because I didn’t have time to dry like normal so I was trying to rush it to the jar.

Similar to the cob cure but without tying it up. Got darker and looked “bad” but boy howdy was it good.

The effects were strong yet smooth, well rounded, and lasted substantially longer than my other plants. And I had no tolerance build up. I thought it was just a special plant until I read this thread on cob curing.

Anyone else have any experience or thoughts? I’m starting to think our western methods of curing might be depriving us of the full healing and psychedelic effects people are chasing.

I know @ReikoX has done the cob and had his results tested. Curious if anyone else has thoughts as well?


My tripweed finishes in 8-9 weeks and I gave and traded 400 plus seeds, so I didn’t hoard it. And I’m rebreeding it in 4 weeks as I critically low. Hit me up in 10 weeks.


I am unsure of his current state. He was getting worst over time and I had to quit associating with him maybe 10 years ago due to his delusional schizophrenia and rage issues.

 Because the hybrids flower faster,  potency is more consistant, they yield better for their size and are much easier to hide. A crop has to survive 3 months instead of 6-9 months. Can grow an extra crop or two a year as well. And modern hybrids are just different. Most of us like a change after growing the same thing year after year. They do too.

I think you might be right about fermentation and potentially increasing the effects of the weed. I would try it myself if i could afford to lose it. After growing a Sativa for 4-6 months I hate to take a chance.


Just finished cobbing a few ounces of Zipolite Oaxacan x Acapulco Gold and from sampling after fermentation, it’s definitely worth it. :call_me_hand:


Yep. The longer it ages, the better. I have a small chunk of Malawi x Panama cob that I made in December 2018. Blissfully powerful. That stuff stays in the “special occasion stash”.


Can’t wait! I’ve got some Golden Tiger flowering now that I’m excited to cob. Sampling after fermentation and before curing, it had a deeper, more hypnotic and body quality than the line dried flower off the same plant I smoked right before sampling. I’m looking forward to the change in effect people describe after a month+


I noticed a smoother smoke and a more powerful, and evolve version of the dry flower. The decarboxylation makes it even more enjoyable than concentrates for me. Golden Tiger is some good ganja. Are you growing the standard version, or is it one variants that ACE created within the last few years?


Thats great and I’m excited to try it with Malawi. It’s always been one of my top 5 and the idea that it could transform that absurdly powerful high into something more functional or profound is something I’m excited to explore.

I last ran GT in 2013 but this is the new Chiang Mai or Third version. I’ve got a great male I’m dusting some branches with this run including Nigerian Haze x AfPak, NL5Haze x Nevil’s Haze and a GT f2. I’ll send some your way if all goes as planned :call_me_hand:


Sativa on sativa on sativa on sativa. You are a beautiful pollinating machine


Nice! Thanks, much appreciated. The Chaing Mai version of Golden Tiger offers a much more mellow experience than the Meo Thai used in the original. I have grown the Vietnam Black x Thai, which contained the Meo Thai. That stuff is gloriously trippy. Dubi is considering bring it back. Although, I wonder what kind of magic lurks in Doc D’s Vietnam Black 164 x A5 Haze/Thai cross. Inquiring minds want to know…


Oh man, the Zang! is special stuff. Unreal drunk effect, really strong stuff like Malawi but drunk instead of intense. Both phenos are my end of the night knockout.


Dangit out of likes. Too busy wiping drool off my chin to hit the like button anyway lol. Sounds like some keeper smoke!
What is " the zang"?


Yes, please tell us more about that Zang brother.

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Zang! - Vietnam Black (164 kiona cut) x A5 Haze/thai bx - from Doc D


That is a promising mix indeed!


Here is a smoke report by @iamyou_youareme of the Vietnam Black 164 used in Doc D’s ZANG varietal.

This is very similar to the effects that I remember from the Vietnam Black Thai cross. I have a pack of ZANG! and I’m looking forward to the treasure chest of possibilities.



tried Snohigh VB yesterday the first time.

While cleaning my Room found some “Molding Bud” that i collected 2, 5 Years ago. Long cured.

Vietnamblack is good, good good goooooooooooooooood…

Heard Birds sing in the morning, and they were a Swarm of birds blying, and these Formations sometimes look like Treeshapes, right, it sounded like a Tree… I cand beleive this was synsthetic , so i heard a Tree, it was very clear isualisation…

This stuff is so mindblowing, and again on the 2nd best weed-in my live Rank…
Its more clear than Hoabac,but it starts with a bit of “negative Thoughts” as you know me, i hate those…
The whole start of the trip im pretty unusable in those depressive thoughts, or atleast slightly, thinking my Music i hear is absurd, i am absurd, and such.

So, thats just the start, in the middle of the trip the pure Vietnamese is felt more, at some points i feel not high, clarity, and also my thinking is uncompromised in some moments…

I feel like on something drug, seriously,
And i tell you something, the first time, since i tripped on weed 20 years ago, i had it back, the weed that is zero -thoughtspiral, i felt it for the middle part of the trip.
This is what i remember, it was ZERO of it in the middle of Trip, unbelevable unbelevable…
I have never felt this for 10 years, and its…

It ends with a bit of headache, thats cause the Chinese, an uncultivated Strain, not as cultivated atleast as VB… So sad the pure VB died, its so similar to what i had, i tell you this may teach you guys why im so wild for just Vietnamese. I never knew how VB was, since i always smoked it crossed to hoabac, its a beast.
I can imagine some people wont find this speacial, as im experienced most people have individual taste, and wont react, and i look at them Eyebrowraised, but with full respect… But …