Psychedelic Strains

(edit, i didnt trip, wrong wording)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Now, that is good trip! Dude… you can hear the shape/density of trees? Nice! That weed takes you on a mind hike through primal states of consciousness, beatboxing with elementals. I’ll bet it would be even better cobbed and fermented in corn husks. 2.5 years, it sounds like it did actually ferment and decarboxylate some. Great smoke report Thanks for sharing that.


Damn, I’ve gotta plant mine.


yess, i heard a treeshape sing like birds. you got it right.!


Sign me up, that sounds completely wild. What a long strange smoke it’s been!


Like most of us here, I take my bud smoking seriously. After sampling my harvest I begin hot notice something about the high that’s is produced by the crosses. That is they do not produce any type of psychosis.
I found that to be strange because what is marijuana that doesn’t produce any type psychological effects. I mean it’s still good and all. I take that back, it f’n great.
The red eye, grin inducing high is powerful to make you forget what you are doing and catapult you to your feet, only to have you walking back to the first seat that you can find. I feel really f’n awesome, and probably the best I have felt from smoking bud in a long time But what am I missing?
For as good as the bud makes me feel, it’s still missing the the darkness. Turn off the lights and you will know what I mean by darkness. For some reasons this bud is not messing with my head even though I’m high as fx.
By now everything should have been dark in the room as my mind travel to the mysterious place where time and light does not exist. It’s the place where the mind no longer feels the body as an appendage and is left feeling free to travel beyond the light.
Beyond the light, my eyes are useless. And so are my other senses serve to constantly “remind”me of my physical form. I’m now free, to transverse the realms the universe as I now assume my Metaphysical form. From here I’m now able to transcend into the dark void of the Omniverse. From here, my only limitations are my own because I refuse my to let the darkness hold me back.
To know what it’s like just walk outside at night and gaze up at the stars that fill the darkness. I know many that will give their soul to reach such a place. It’s no easy journey because you must go through the trial and tribulation to reach such a place. Fear of anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis are few of many barriers along this dark path. To ascend to the next level, these hardships must be endured.
You ask where the trip is, but still you breed bud that doesn’t conform to the idealism of what cannabis once was. There is no need to complain about what it has become because we know how it got there.
Now it’s time to look to the future of cannabis and shape it into the type of bud that we want to leave for future generations.
This is how legendary strains are made.
Power to the Bud Smokers.


so youre saying something like, i dont show or own the bud that once was, plus i complian.
So, basically it implies that its not a reality what im talking about , (i dont show /own) , and just complain around…

jesus, please stop such implications…
I said, that old Lines are hidden in Breeders Breedingstash, and they did NEVER IN WESTENER HISTORY get shared. Besides a very few occasions, and i was so lucky to get a single joint of one realdeal 70s Tripweed relase…

THERE ARE very few that listen to music that i burn for. Very few listen to my music. Its same with bud…thats she other reason., why its not around…

You come and claim its only idealism, just stop it.
I AM THE ONE hunting it, not growing every next strain i see, i am spending 7 years of my life, and you just tell me im mistacken or whatever… STOP IT RIGHT NOW. Please college

I tripped on weed, and thats a fact. Would anybody other trip? i dont care in the first place, but acording my research some did, so… dont know what you trying to do about that. and i dont wanna know…

Above is the renewed explonation 2nd time why you dont see the bud i smoked… i think i dont need to say more.
and i guess the old stoners are sick of such claims, that its just idealism. thats why im pretty lonely here… Just stop claims like this. you claim things that are disprooven, for me they are… I had my strongest substance-experience with weed , i tripped on weed fullon. two times… that my fact.


its a sunshiny day, so peacefully, stop claims like this

Brother i understand the frustration but I’m just sharing my trip and in no type of way trying to offend you.
I took a couple of hits off a blunt and it compelled me to share the ride. That’s all it is bro.
Brother I’m looking for something to breed to because like you, it’s appears that no one is passing this type of smoke around.
So never think I’m looking to disrespect, or discredit your thoughts, because I’m hoping like hell that you find it.
And hopefully you will also divulge where you find it at so may also get some. Can you imagine the synergistic effects from breeding to known psychedelic lines, or plants together… talking about a trip. We can only hope brother.
That’s because I’m sure you know what will happen if I breed to it. I’ll tell for those who don’t know, the trip will become even more psychodelix


yeah, just seen Thailand semmingly has really legalized it. People buy weed in shops now, goverment even reproduces Thai Lines. !!
A good chance for us if we find the trippy Thai, to reproduce it there.


They said that the Thaistick" Seeds/anchestry originally came from Meo Tribe (Hmong?). They seemed to say that before that they didnt really be big Cannabis growers, or stoners in that regard… (So that matches with the good Anchestry coming from Meo Tribe)
They said that it was called Silk Tail, that it was grown beisdes Rivers, and a secound Run was done in the Riverbeds when they were dry (not 100 percent shure if they said they grew two crops?) . Later in the 2nd Video they eplain that they grew only one crop seedless,… the other for seedproduction. so i guess that confirms they said two Seasons per year.

Also they said i think that they either grew 2, 3 Plants / or otherwise a field.
Smelled like Cinnamon as Stick and the good stuff did stick to the Hand.

That matches in many points with what the Thaistick book author said.

The YoutbeChannel has more vids where they make further eploration wich i will now watch. GREAT!


Brother I don’t know what you are getting at. I don’t feel like I have to go all the way to Thailand to get the type of high that I prefer because I already have it. What I smoked this morning, my wife also took a hit from it as well before heading to work. Only minutes ago she said that she was tripping because she thought she saw someone walking around her truck with her. But still it don’t mean that the bud will have the same effects on you.
So I’m just going to say it. Please feel free to correct me where I’m wrong. I deal with people all the time that take offense to others for very little reason. So I feel that even if I attempted to prove my finding to you, you will still find reason to cast doubt.
I have seen guys get furious at me when they see for themselves that the bud is as I describe it. So I see no benefit in making a negative person even more upset. It’s all good bro, for real I wish you the best of luck so maybe one day you will find your trip weed. :+1:t5:

i dont see a reason why, doubt, mamamia… thats wordgames.

Am i suppose to believe everyone?
Ill anwser myselve, imho nobody has to believe another, jesus…

BUT i find it nice to be respectful, and not imply trough certain wordings that somebody is making it up…
But believing you…Nobody has to do that, . instead one just can ask, things, to difer what he is talking about, like when i asked you if you seen things with bare eyes…

I think you just have awrong picture of me, if you call me in a doubtful deminor…
I call it beeing not an easy believer… I am hapy with that personality. thats how i am, so if somebody says i tripped, and i outofBody, then i still ask him about facts that i remeber, and its just: have you seen things, with your open eyes…

and i did ask that once, you did give a not very clear YES. Then a little later i mentioned, “hey you didnt give a very clear YES”… so since then i have these conversations with you…

So, why not come forward , and if my conclusive statement was wrong, and you seen things with your bare eyes, not transparent, and tell me that it was infact like that…

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again, not believing everyone is nothing bad… The point where its questionable is when one then goes, “oh thats not the truth, not true”… Or implies this type of thing…
Its possible that you didnt imply it… you just said something like “there is no bud shown from the tripweed, and there is a idealism…”

College , i try to uncover the bad implications, and i cant do it without making myselve guilty probably …
But i just do it…
Just cause…

Have heard so many people go like “there is no tripweed”, or, “it was laced”. Or lately: “its romantism”.

And your comment about me not showing off any tripweed, and beeing idealistic., ,kind of fitted into this type of response… But of corse you DID NOT SAY ANYTHING. thats the bottomline… Of corse you probably just said , ment, that i just dont have the same weed as 70s tripweed anymore. And that i adore it…

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God im also guilty of concluding, after you anwsered to my question if you see things with eyes, with “i saw shades” that i concluded, “it doesent sound super conclusive”.

plus i concluded after you told me that you dont see the place where youre at, or something like that "that this is kind of like disapearing, and i compared it slightly with alcohol where one dissapears (koma)) .

But i just brought those concerns up.
And im probably guilty of doing that.

All is well

Hey guys I’ve figured out how to get a nice feeling when your tolerance is jacked up….
What I’ve been doing is hitting my nectar collector after I let it cool from red hot for ten seconds rip that bad boy and then stand up and hold it in for at least 10-15 seconds. Blow it out before you pass out, be in front of the couch in case you do pass out. I have hit the deck, more than once… ha ha.
Ohhhh and it’s best with rosin cuz you don’t have to think about gas in your stuff and whatnot… blah blah


This video is really interesting. The guy confirming the seeds originally coming from Laos at around 9 min mark :exploding_head:

Thanks for sharing

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My last harvest changed how I feel about how potency relates to trippy weed. The reason I say that is because these crosses are hella potent.
As potent as their high is, it’s very relaxing and lacks any form of psychosis. To me their buzz is non traditional in the way they deliver a potent day time high without any of the psychological pitfalls such as paranoia, anxiety, and depressing thoughts.
What I’m saying is, I don’t expect anyone to be doing any detailed work while smoking it because I caught hell just making a big ass sandmich. So driving or operating heavy equipment is definitely out. The bud is debilitatingly potent without any of the common negatives of potent bud.
Now my goal is to figure out the cause of the lack of psychological effects within my crosses and see if there is a common theme that prevents them from being psychotropic.
I have several strains that supposedly lack any cookie genetics. I’m going to compare those to the ones that do have cookies and see if their is a difference in the psychological effects of them.
Personally I prefer bud that alters my mental state. Therefore smoking bud that doesn’t deliver a psychological response doesn’t seem right to me.
There is nothing wrong with Bud that don’t cause illusions, or out of body experiences, or any of the other goodies that will weird you out. But sometimes I need those things to help me deal with the stressors of life.
Hopefully I want have to drive to thai land, or south Vietnam to find what I’m looking for. Or I may have to just keep smoking my Nympho. Peace :peace_symbol:


Why’d you name it nympho? And when we gonna hang?

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