Psychedelic Strains

It’s just the way it is.


Thanks for the name story. Now when we gonna kick it?
My buddy said his older brother gave him a few hits off a joint back in Florida a couple of decades back and said it made him blind for like 30 seconds or so. Made an ass of himself in front of his big brother and his friends screaming, “I’m blind!” Then it went away.

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Yeah the type of bud that I’m talking about. Are you in the states?

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Yessir, I’m a Texas boy living in Los Angeles.

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Then you have access. I grew up in Houston but now i more the country surrounded by bottoms and pine forest.
My bud can have a tunnel vision effect where everything goes dark. That’s when the strangeness will start to occur. I can’t say how she will do you because I have seen the most.
I have seen people take off running after a few hits, some start crying or laughing uncontrollably. We have to brace ourselves and just say f it when we smoke this stuff.
I know a lot of people aren’t up to this type of so we don’t give it to the younger crowd because it always weird them out. There are people who still think the bud is laced after all the years of me having it.
There isn’t but one way to smoke with you because you are out of driving range. I got people in Sacramento. Let me check to see if anyone is in LA.

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I’m from Houston as well fellow Texan and graduated in the Summit Arena where the Rockets used to play. My last place of residence was in the Galleria area off of Westheimer Blvd. Man, some good times were had back then.
I’m a daily smoker so my tolerance is pretty up there. Sacramento isn’t that far off from me my man. I’d be more than willing to partake in a small adventure if you’ve got no-one in the LA area.


It’s good in my book


I live in San Francisco and have had experienced multiple extreme strains in the course of my journeys. Sacramento isn’t that far from me… May I get in on a sampling sesh?

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Is that the osb thai 68/69 your on about ? Do you know if thats the one they got from reef (charles) .The one reef got from sam, the same one sam uses in his thai haze skunk that he collected in person from thailand in 1968/69 ? The one that Reef used it in his phenom phen cambodian x thai haze seeds too.

possible. not knowing , but yeah, reefer lines probably-.

all i know (inner eye) is the thais are real…

i mean hoabac and cambodianhaze are pretty real

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Thanks, do you know if there are any pictures anywere of the 68/69. Im sure mr skunkman has lots of old southeast asian lines i think there is a 73-75 one he has used in somethings too. I recon reef got afew from him. But mr skunkman must have a large large collection of a lot of 60s an 70s landraces.

i have pics, yes.

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its time college to get them, ive asked many many to preserve em. they will now otherwise get bought up by breeders who outcros it. same old story… seen it too often… lets hope… 100 dollar per 10 seed.

sent them to many folks in pm… sadly sadly the first and last 70s thai link in internet history will die probably… dont think? lets see if i wil proove right… good stuff always is limited… atleast often was the case.

up to you of corse


I short: yes, it could definitly be sam skunkmans thai, i am aware of that, i mean Mel Frank, (he has the same collection as Skunkman) showed a "Hoabac2 from cambodai 1 weeks flower, same look, description like Reefermans Hoabac.

Oldschoolba copys all reeferman genetics. I am to this day unshure why, and wether its deserved, or not…
but all i know out of respect i waited 2 years before i saw hoabac on oldschoolba out of respect for reeferman, but the real reeferman has since never relased his hoabac again, so i finally bought em, and theyre realdeal, gives me a good vietnamese vibe… its real, everything i post is real. Anyone interested, i cant believe nobody buys this, im so causght up with other things, and just totally broke, i would buy it in a millisecound. it dave watsons thai, yes , most probably, he had contact with him somehow. im overworked i cant… this is silver or gold. realdeal, mamaia preserve 70s thai, i made it so easy… this site is real, everythign i bought, or heard its real reefermans lines, the thai should be no exeption i bought the thai78, couldnt afford the thai68 on top


Heres one for those looking for psychedelic weed. Look for reports from before 2002 of the nevils haze. Thats one strain were you will find tons of consitant reports of it either being one of the most electric an psychedelic strains that even rivaled the old thai sticks, or reports of it being too strong to the point of people being unable to breathe or it causing paranioa an being too dark. I bet 90% of the reports from people who tried the original version available mostly pre 2002 are like this.


You’re describing weed with THCV and High THC. My modified Thai had tons of THCV and has passed it on to the second generation in my Red GSC breeding project in a cross. Some three alarm fire weed.


Not to stir up anything but you mentioned electric and psychedelic and it got me thinking of something that happened a couple of wks ago. Well it has happened a few times, but but now it happens more often. I didn’t know what to think at first until seeing the post above.
The first time it happen, it was as if I could see the formation of ball lightning. The situation was like being in a dark closet with your eyes open. Then all of a sudden I’m watching some type of electricity being formed…. But not with my eyes of course of the darkness. The image was totally cerebral. But not only could I see it, I could also hear it began to form. The sound of static got louder as the lightning increased. Here is an image similar to what I was seeing when it was at full intensity. image
The craziest part is that I could feel a sharp crisp pain as the object reached full intensity.
I’m not making this up. The visualization was somewhat enlightening as it left me wondering what just happened.
As I’m typing this, I think I got a handle of what the visualization actually represented. Here me out because this isn’t going to sound real to anyone. While sampling my photo crosses I notice an electric type high from several of the plants. One of the plants caused me to have a tweaking event. Long story short, it really scared me because I was steps away from a full blown panic attack. Saying to myself the entire time, “keep it in check brother, it’s only weed.”
As frightening as the event was, I did notice that I still had cognitive function. Which would alternate from a docile relaxed nuclear physicist to an almost glitch like state where I had little to no control of my hands arms and legs. I would be good for 5-10 mins then the tweaking for the next 5-10 mins. The timing between episodes were random and was the length of time and intensity. I’m thinking it the effects of the hybrid high. I don’t know :man_shrugging:
I talk too much but I’ll have to tell how the events tie to one another. While tweaking I could feel and hear a build up of static electricity all around me. It got very intense and the small surge of electricity gathered itself from the air and settled on my body as if someone has been charging their shoes on the carpet to create the the static shock from hell. It felt like a bee sting. There was a crackle, pop, and prick and then a wtf is that buzzing around my head.
I found hear and feel the flutter of a large bee as it flew by my head. I assure you that there was no bee in the room with me. Did I mention this crap really happened.?¿
It’s just a theory, but I believe the first image in my ahead was a premonition of the second event. The differences is the first event gave me a much prettier picture, while the second event had was more pain. For real it was like what just but me when I could not see anything in the room. Before you call me a liar, I have a nice video of the second event.
As if this post wasn’t long enough, but I have to tell of the visual even that happen. And I’ll be brief.
Smoking, see shit… the usual. Lately they has been a little white light hanging around. I mean it’s been here a couple of years darting around the house. I see it, I don’t see it. You know the business. I smoke weed and I see shit. For the record, he’ll, I see shit and don’t have to be smoking.
But anyway, for the past week or so, this little white light thingy has been giving me the business. It here, there, everywhere. I’m ducking and shit trying to dodge it. Laughing at myself every time because I know it ain’t real.
So here comes the little white light doing it usuals floating around the house thing. I’m ducking and dodging it as I keep asking myself what is that.
“The thing flew in as if it came across the room and landed in my eye. I usually shake my head and it goes away… everything back to normal. This time things were different as the white light landed in my eye and began to play a scene. Of course I panicked because I have never seen anything like this before. I literally was ready to run but my curiosity left me trying to view as much as I could before I did. No I didn’t take off running but my mind sure did and I was scared Af. Hopefully next time this happens, I want be so scared and will be able to watch more of the vision.
i can understand why brother is so adamant bud that causes visuals because that shit is truly unique. When stuff lie that happens, it make take a lifetime. Before it happens again.


Friends,is there any strain avaible commercially that could give me more of a light head/psychedelic experience?All the autos I have smoked Just felt heavy indica/body leaning.
Possibly as Autoflowering plant


eventuall, thai68 from oldschoolba acording my meditation should be psychedelic, not tried it, but i guess, its 70s thai.-

Panama red from snowhigh (some others have this Panama too, is also kinda high rated)


but garantied visuals, nope. cant give garanty… Thats very rare on the market… (kindof nonexistent . The last time i heard someone hallucinate on aviable Strains was in a Post from 2005 , he smoked DA WE Dalat, a Vietnamese . Not shure if someone sells it still, and most likely a tamed Selection with short floweringtime…

That was the last time someone reportedly hallucinated on weed on aviable Strain (i research alot),.