Psychedelic Strains

But where do discussions about any relatively tripp strains lead? thowards truely hallucinations?

Sorry if im bit nerv, im super tired, but need to speak sometimes, of corse you all tripped heavily on weed. ok, haha, man got it, but sorry i wanna fun.

My intensions are that, if i tell people something, they go like: wow, are you shure this is trip-degree 9 ?
Then if that happens i speak up. sadly, very very rare someone wants my links, nor wants talk about tripweed that i smoked, im getting bit bored, im sorryā€¦ But on the other hand who wrote n this thread in the past 6 months? and what? nothingā€¦ imho or without much clarification/differentiationā€¦, i have things that help, thats what i speak ofā€¦ If you wanna trip i can help. But mostly with links , so i only save you decades of hunting.

If someone WOULD show this exitement for what i say i give him special links, but of corse if there is just some smalltalk, wich is super duper ok, then, well, ill keep em for real interested. me, lol

So, you see a guy asking for , woh wowh wow, what tripweed, where can i buy, im shurely try to give him links that help. and i also do it by describing why they help. i not just trow ā€œUltra dupper Tripwwedā€ claims outā€¦ Cause Tripping is a strong statementā€¦ We can debate over ā€œpsychedelicā€.

So, yeah, i just talk, i dont care so much, probably should i just talk less. HEard that alot in my lifeā€¦ So, it kind of doesent work to tell me that, lol, i dunno man. sorry if you just want any degree tripweed, and wanna discuss about thatā€¦ i wanna talk about lifechanging weed , as close as possibleā€¦ as aviable.
Cause its much more anxietyfree IMHO to fullon trip to highest cloudsā€¦ Its actually MUCH MUCH MUCH different, IMHO, for me.

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Im fan of oldtimerhaze thats a nice one im shure. woho,
lately i seen a suspected original NY Piff, but those are all 16 weekers, no?

Thats true, everything partake in evolution and there is nothing we can do about it. Afghanistan got multiple regions and their very diverse in their cultivars. We in west have used their short flowering weed to shorten the flowering time, but if you talk to hashish smoking afghanis, they think their long flowering types makes the best hashish. That why the sell all their short flowering hashish to europe and keep their long flowering hashish for them selfs. This is ofc different from different regions within the country. Everything Afghanistan and Pakistan has to offer isnt just ā€œindicasā€.

Also, i dont think most breeders what to keep stuff for themselfs. But what breeders do like is to make money and If they cant make money on something. They probably wont breed with it. Remember, everyone is selling you something. Even the most kind hearted breeders like Bog or Bondhi was/are making new strains of lineage they think the broad mass will like.

Tbh, weed will never be as trippy as a molecule thats totally messing with your serotonin receptors. It will never come close to something like a full dose of DMT and If it does, you shouldnt smoke weed because it have triggered psychosis for you and you have a chance of developing schizophrenia from smoking weed.

OTH is 16 to 20 weeks of flowering. They are really finicky and doesnt like N or low RH. If you grow it inside like me, you had to tie the tip to the ground. It took me 2 years just to learn the ins and outs of the strain but the patient i had payed good and kept pushing me to get better and better. Today im glad to have had the experience.


Not happening anytime soon in my opinion. These chemicals simply take time for the plant structures to synthesize.

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Itā€™s entirely possible the mother from previous iterations was failing, sheā€™s pretty old now, and they had a good one of the new addition which they added to renew vigor. Thatā€™s my intuition.

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It would be awesome If you got anything backing up these claims. Tbh ive grow ALOT of different land race cultivars and ive never experienced that time have anything to do with it.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah, maybe they try to hype it or its something to it.

Pz :v:t2:


Well someone might have effed up and it died. lol

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any evidence that im having psychoticisis. I mean not for my case, you dont know me.
I can honestly not fight that claim im no expert, are you? and please stay very true to what you really know, your implying someone elses sickness. wich i find very very sensitive, you know.

I think ITS POSSIBLE you just have no idea what real tripweed is like.Cause yes, true jungleweed is absolutely differentā€¦ It difers same like average nice hybrid weed to the one and only HYbrid weed smoke. The only one HYbrid smoke is somehow like @Blu-Tri is exited about his smoke. i had that exitement and strong presence ONCE in my life. Probably you never experienced that type of Difference when smoking Jungleweed.
BUt you understand, when implying mental sickness, i fight back. So, you bring the evidence as you claimed, please?

Ergo ā€œintuitionā€.


Genau. Ride theā€¦Tiger? LMAO


i mean, i dont want you to anwser that really. I have bad feelings about psychologes, thats just how i am, they decided wich profession has to be mineā€¦ I dont like them really, so i wont read it really, or just sporadicallyā€¦ as its also not an exact science they themselve say! did you know that?

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There are no exact sciences romano, only different degrees of veracity.

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Was it something I said? lol

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Well for something to be like DMT, the molecule needs to select serotonin receptors. The molecules in cannabis does not do this. They instead increase the serotonin production in humans which gives a trippy effect. I would say that cannabis can be as trippy as shrooms, but will never come close to smoking dmt. Trust me, ive done alot of dmt :grimacing:

Im not implying anything. Its a fact that cannabis in some individuals will start psychosis and If it does that individual is at risk of schizophrenia. Dont shoot the messagerā€¦ :slightly_frowning_face:

Pz out :v:t2:


no college, i ment the other guy,!

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Kein sorge kollege!

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His points on body chemistry are important. About provenance and varieties we are all sifting bs for truth but our body/brain chemistry is perhaps the most intensely studied aspect of human physiology.


Hehe sure. The thing is that from my own experience i havnt noticed that time is the factor. Maybe for some strains but i think we are looking at a profile that might need some time is some strains and wont in others.

In OTH for example, one individual would take 16 weeks to finish while another take 22 weeks. Both are very true to the profile and the 22 is not ā€œstrongerā€ in any way shape or form. They are 6 weeks apart so it should be like measuring a 10 week strain vs a 16 weeks strain by your standards.

Pz :v:t2:


i think youre mistacken, Cannbis DOES act on the 5-HT2-Rezeptor :crazy_face: Chronic cannabis promotes pro-hallucinogenic signaling of 5-HT2A receptors through Akt/mTOR pathway | Neuropsychopharmacology

I already wrote about it, with multiple links about itā€¦ It up/or doenregulates somehow in a weird way on this receptor