Psychedelic Strains

And yes, i welcome a reply for Cannabis acting on Seretonin receptors wich is prooven… Youre welcome to go into depth on this specific point as much as you want, cheers!


I don’t recall suggesting a “standard”. I said Ergo “intuition” meaning lacking the necessary information I made my statement based on my personal reasoning.


That Is true,and a stupid episode comes in handy:me and my friend tasting a gorilla Autoflowering plant that I grow last Summer;he had a very bland effect,me was becoming numb,Lost sense of time and everything seemed like a rush,like time flows very very very fast.After the effect was gone,we had very different things to Say eachother…fast forward to last Christmas,We tasted my First gelato Autoflowering plant and me was GETTING nothinf but a body High,very bland.He was tripping High like a kite.I suspect It Is related to out brain endocannabinoid system

Edit-We smoked the same plant each time,so we can exclude pheno variations.

Also,we smoked the entire plants in a matter of weeks and the effect was the same Always.I May generalize that gelato was getting me Stoned,the gorilla had a more sativa effect


This is from long term exposure. This would not relate to weed being trippy. Did you read the whole thing? They are describing how long term THC exposure will alter the serotonin uptake in children growing into adults and why it might cause schizophrenia… You are not making the case you think you are. Also its not a foreign molecule thats selecting for serotonin receptors in the brain like DMT does.

Pz :v:t2:


I read some time ago that until Age 23 smoking a lot pot causes brain cells damage or issues,but up from 23 It Is not relevant

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yes, but if i reached the same states like dmt-guys describe. if it was also the most calm, anxietyfree weed in the same time that created this effects. then i stick to my idea, that i simply hallucinated on weed.

If YOU read a bit more then just the Link i showed, tired and exhaused as i am, go google it, you will see the people reason still about if its a psychedelic. So what i present is something that including one Report from a “scientifical” sounding guy, that resoned if it really is a Hallucinogen .

So, you anwser me that more scientificall than him, and i really listen… with those oneliners, you dont get me., AT ALL
Im listening truely, but explain, study it deeply, then explain


OH sry. I didnt mean to jump the gun at you. But IMO i think one can select for trippy fast flowering weed If one would choose to do so. :pray:t2:

Pz my friend :v:t2:


I’m sort of in between and undefined in my position here, mea culpa.

I’m with @romanoweed regarding where these varieties are (were) found and the underlying environmental influences that brought the chemistry about.

I’m generally on @LonelyOC side regarding body chemistry and its processing.

Remember literally every day your body chemistry is different. All day throughout the day it changes. You could smoke the second half of a joint that made you trip balls the day before and not have that experience. On any given day


I found out smoking same plant of that strain Always gave me the same type of effects.It Is more a question of setting/Mood that modifies the outcome.Well It Is changing like our emotions,emotions and mood are determined by body chemistry right?


No apology necessary. A passionate argument is best.


Influenced certainly. Determined? No.

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Sorry,not english mother tongue so I cannot speak accurately selecting right therms


I think last i read about it, doctors even said that it was probably around 25… That means im smokes… Literally :laughing:

Pz :v:t2:


Oh no,we are done,I thought I was in the safe zone

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Of course we are electrochemical entities but I do enjoy the illusion of self determination. lol


Love the Evolution of this thread
Thank you guys,we having a fun time here,gotta roll one


Nice grenadal, i also believe that my Bodychemistry is different hence a certain Degree of Perceptoonal Differences is true!

More mathematical: Some can Trip on Weed, some others Cant.
But the secound Site, or secound Factor is the Weed.

If someone that can Trip on Weed like me, and smokes any average “strong weed”, i dont trip at all, thats honest. I dont see the colors getting stronger even when i smoke “strong weed”.
But if i smoke an exact Strain that i once had in my Life, it is different… The Weed i smoked that day had the longest Hairs i ever saw, it was obviosly the Weed that was different.
It was also the Thinnest bud i ever saw (besides on the net searching for stringpearl phenos) .

Thats almost proove, or call it evidence that weed is important factor…
The other secound time i hevily hallucinated was special too. It was smelling gassy, airy, slightly spicy, i KONW i never smelled such weed…

My Experience tell me that BOUTH matters : Bodychemistry, and Weed.

Also your idea that i had a specialy Brainchemistry that day and thats all i rule out trough that. Cause the weed looed different. (thats ok to softspoken tell me that, thank you, but nahah)
IM 100 percent honest in this Post, swear to god and mother theresa. The weed was different each time i hallucinated. And the difference was distinct like i say. i describe it 100 percent accurate. It cant be placebo, or placing wrong memories after i tripped. I didnt change in my mind how distinct the weed looked. I DONT.


It’s very hard to offend me @Andrexl, no worries.


Well the endocannabinoid system is proven to increase both dopamin and serotonin levels in the brain which will give you a trippy effects. But the release of these molecules are not in the same quantities as smoking dmt would. Im not arguing anyone that these effects wouldnt be present. But making claims that its like smoking dmt or smoking salvia is very very incredible.

Having hallucinations vs DMT blast off are two completely different things…

Pz :v:t2:


I didn’t meant too at all,Sorry if my words are badly organizer

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