Purple blotches on outdoor plants

In my empty brain there’s always room for acquiring new knowledge icon_e_confused|nullxnull, thanks for sharing yours … beer3|nullxnull


@George1961…Oh George, always acting like you’re a newbie but growing plants that are nicer than mine😁


Do you think this has had any ill effects on flowering progression
How far along they should be is the real question


Thought I’d post an update on the purple skidmarks…

Seem to be on its way out without me doing anything. Barely noticeable :+1:

Still have the puffed ridges though, that too should be gone in a few days…


Flowering is definitely delayed and I would assume Harvest weight could be affected, although the year I experienced this and fixed the problem I averaged almost a pound per plant. Once they caught their stride they seemed to catch up and I harvested on the same date I always do.


I still get a few purple leaves right when flowering starts and they usually disappear within a week or two. This only happens with the plants that are in containers that have heavy amounts of my garden soil mixed into it and only from the garden soil that has had the Horse manure mixed into it recently (over the last year. )


What’s that from do you figure? I thought raised ridges were either from Salt build up or too much heat… can it be from phosphorus issues too?


I’ll have to check mine when I get home to see if there’s any change.



This is what makes the diagnosis so difficult in this instance. Why is it showing at the tips? Makes no sense as you have already mentioned it is a mobile nutrient. Still baffles me…
Another thought occurred to me over the years that perhaps it is some sort of pharmaceutical given to the horses that affects microlife that provide phosphorus. Just a thought…
Or perhaps ph related? Hydrated lime will raise the pH quickly. Or lower quickly too I suppose…and that could fix the issue if ph related. @Rabeats2093 I don’t suppose you have gotten a pH test?


In my case, the p deficiency is no surprise…
They were fed with veg osmocote exclusively up to this past weekend and they were already well into stretch and had started to flower.

I still think these purple blotches are from a dual deficiency. On the other site, one guy had his soil tested and it looked OK except there was f all boron.

I’m no pro, but maybe p helps mask b deficiency, but when both are low we get these weird symptoms?

The puffed ridges look like an overwater symptom, which in my case is very unlikely, or a zinc def without the paleness (?)

I was away for 10 days and had setup a ghetto irrigation system that definitely leached the soil, so yeah, my soil is probably all kind of fkd. :laughing:


climate change :-/


Seaweed foliar. Next up is preventative powdered mildew sprays! Fun times :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


both calcium and magnesium are crucial for the plants ability to uptake the nutes it needs. calcium and magnesium levels need to be kept up for fast growing plants. good call on your part @Upstate. gonna have to check that book thanks for the info.


Some r budding up way quicker some seem to appear in the blink of an eyes let’s just hope she gets herself sorted out these few seem the most delayed …I gotta defoliate but don’t wanna stress them atm… they r already heat stressed enough

I have a soil testing kit that test the npk in the soil with capsules for each nutrient and also test the ph will post results !


A bit some more confusion … frech|nullxnull

A cell phone closeup image of a purple budding marijuana plant, blue dream as well as the highly renowned purple kush and the pistils and tiny trichomes that are covering the sugar leaves


give them a good dose of epsom salt too. you covered the calcium part. the epsom salt will give you the magniesum and sulfer that is also needed for flowering. 1 tbl spoon per gal water. really makes a big boost for them as they flower. you can actually see the growth spurt of the flowers.



This showed up on a few of the girls now that we’re talking about magnesium


Really cool test Arriba|nullxnull, so what are your conclusions? Phosphorus depleted, soil a bit alkaline that makes even P not available? If so I propose one :1st_place_medal: for @Upstatebeer3|nullxnull

Soil pH chart


I have no conclusions ! I’m a “learner” at this point … the test results …I’m saying everything is sufficient for the most part ! But we will see what he has to say !
I’m keeping faith in the hydrated lime …

Amend with bone meal ?