Qtip's Automatic Bloodbath

nice man!! look at the size of those things :wink:


There does not seem to be much pollen from the few balls I have cut off and dissected. Hoping it’s not all show, no go.



Let them mature a little. I find very little pollen in premature balls… From the looks of it, you hopefully will be swimming in powdery goodness soon!


Photo dump update
Gg4 55 days since germ
Tycho and do si lo: 45 days
Fogdog and trizzler: 27 days


looking great man!


I topped or fimmed everything, to keep them small. I’ve mashed a few early flowers from the sts, gg4, on the other gg4, and will wait for the pollen to fully develop to do the rest.


getting any pollen yet?


I had my magnifier on and using my electric toothbrush I vibrated pollen out of a few of the most mature flowers and put it on the GG4. Going to exercise patience now.


ha - sounds entertaining to say the least. i hope it takes!!


Gettin cold… relax by the fire.

A Breeze blows whispering pines branches together, bringing lit watchers eye’s alive to say, whoooo‘s there everywhere above the ridge. Crackling pop forms jumping firefly’s into harvest scented air, huntress talons sharp and frightening hold vigil over the canyon from the top of her tallest tree. On the horizon a sun sets aside for moon to rise simultaneously, orion’s hunter plays cupid as Taurus kicks the big dipper.

Awaiting Milky way drifts mixed in a whirling circle of thought, stars possibility shines deeply from worlds beyond, never seen. Smokes mystery rises with fiery thoughts for yesterday’s loses of hopes and despair, just then… snap of a twig jumps my heart fright!

Darkness settles in from the east with the friendly memories of light huddled in tight around the fire, shutting out the imaginary of things heard but not seen. I start making whistling noises to cover my want to scream. Loneliness is worst at night, locked in piece of mind, rolling on and on about what today really was. A piercing cry grips the timid soul of every creature that knows the feeling of racing heart beat and being hunted. Hackles on my neck stand for attention, jumping up and then crouching in my delusion of what it may be so near. Banshee scream echo’s through the canyon and rolls back to me, as she lets out another shrieking bellow… I see her, just as the majestic night hawk leaps into her element.

Swiftly pumping hard against gravities graceful desire, seeking a higher something, lifting yet further still, she throws her wings into a hard banking right and dives out of site around rivers bend. Thunder rumbles in futures distance, magnifying my feeling of disturbing spirits with my presences, trembling ripple pulls at the lower muscles of my back. Twitching and itches request scratches at my legs, as I wonder if my tent will protect me from the elements at play. Thunder from the strike of a hammer on anvil cloud formation above the earth rains down miles away and moving east… I should get some rest.

A blind moment of terror dilates my pupils to focus back on… a tearing at my scalp, pains rip across the scull, pulling hair from my head, hurling myself backward from balanced standing. Grabbing at my head and smoothing back to find bloods warmth on my hands, I roll over for protection with eyes bulging wide from fear! Running for the largest rock and safety, she climbs into the moonlight with my blood and hair in her claws. She’s crying victory into the night sky. Feeling for a serious wound, I find only

minor injury. A sigh of relief is replaced with shivering terror from her screaming by just over the top, flying high out of the canyon and hopefully away from me! After long minutes of stress induced thinking, I decide she’s done with her attack.

Warily approaching my camp site while staying low, seeking the safety of my tent. My ears pick up the hint of air being forced over the pressure of wings, just a moment before she passes with a startling scream, rising high to come back again. I grab my backpack for protection scrambling for the trail to the top of the canyon with ever increasing momentum. Over and over she cries into the sky. Moving with panics attacking grace, I don’t care what her location is now, moving higher up the canyon wall every second, the full moon lights motivations way.

Tripping over crossed shadowy terrain, I’m close to the top, on open ground she can’t get me! Then I will have the advantage, a sensation quakes in my feet… no lightning flash, but still the earth shakes with growing vibration. Rolling thunderous roar of water breaks the northern bend with a chest sinking splash of crushing force, then comes a paralyzing wall of water storming through in it’s disorderly waves. River stones grind together after rolling like marbles in front of this enormous hissing snake. Mist from foaming froth blasts up the canyon walls as it all blows by me, empowered by the winds of friction.

Turning to see destinies choice behind me, the river swallows a well-planned fire, ripping up shelter and moving on, the camp site is gone. Rushing water climbs as I do, reaching the ridge and sitting down to review what has passed I collapse.

One last time she cries in thoughtfulness of our night of saving grace, a whispering saved soul echoes in my mind a thousand times ten… all painful moments lead a path to clarity. You know… in hindsight.

Thank you for being a sponsor, your patience is one of the many virtues you show. Have a great day my friend.


Just beautiful @Heliosphear, thank you!


Do si do

Tycho monolith



GG#4 on GG#4 action. :clapper:



Officially a fan of auto flowers. Love being able to look at flowering plants c whenever I want and at multiple different timelines.


GG4 heavy with seeds and frost.

Do si lo pregnant with GG4 feminized

Do si lo not pollinated

Tycho monolith pollinated with fem gg4

The STS flipped, GG4 spending some quality time with Fog Dog or maybe it’s Trizzler. Still two fog dog/trizzler unpolinated and I think I will let them bud out. My apologies to @Corey and @Mr.Sparkle for mixing up your strains :unamused:


:man_shrugging: no issue here nor would there be, also not my strain sure i made those seeds though i don’t claim it.


My cavalcade of mistakes shall continue, I’m honored by your watchful gaze!


Lol. I’ve done that before.

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