Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Two more weeks.


Yeah I think you have a couple more weeks.:joy:


Anyone have any idea on if this one is toast ?

this girl won’t turn…over 120 days I would say flipped 1st of August
oh my math is very bad hahaha 90 days LOL

second photo is a week + ago


I think we need a close up picture of the trichomes. We need to be able to see if they are clear, milky, or amber.

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I see clear trichomes in your images and the plant looks very young in the distant shot of the entire plant .

How did the harvest go?

It is going well. The pic is from a very top bus that was still throwing pistils a little. The lower ones have much more cloudy ones and a sheet ton of dark tan to brown ones. We will find out soon. Making hash with the clippings next week… We will have to wait at least 30 days to find out bud wise. It was vegged for 90 days and flowered for 64 days.


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Cool. Iam interested to find out. It’s all the white hairs in the pic that gets me. Usually whern a plant is ready, those hairs turn red, but I see a lot of white ones in your pic.

Thanks and take care!

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That was a sample from the very top of one of the top buds. I have trimmed buds now that I will pull a micro tomorrow and give a final reading.

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I’ll get the scope out. I honestly haven’t had a chance …but I can usually tell pretty good with my eye or zoom on phone .not this time however. they all seem clear and white.

it’s been flipped since Aug 1 lol

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If deff sayy just by appearance that plant looks done …

She deff has done her time and the trichs look grainy
I’d check for mold as well


I’ve had a peak around inside a few buds.

some light green and clear/white crystal.

no mould or rot.

humidity has been low and I’ve had a fan on her 24/7 lol

will chop her down today!!! better than raking leaves hahahaha

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It looks done in those pics, but always good idea to check the trichomes.

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A previous grow I did, one plant had red hairs before any of the others. I decided to let the all or most of the white hairs turn to red before I chopped. When I did, I chopped the others which had 50% or less red. The more mature one cured and smelled the best, but was the ‘weakest’ in terms of THC, and the others were way stronger. I just look at the trichs now and try to cut after 20-50% amber.

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Maui Mango Haze: 10 weeks on this coming Monday, 11-21-2022. I think she’s ready, what’s y’alls thoughts on the subject?



She looks ready.


Oh yeah, I agree personally

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Just sharing how quickly things change when you get close to harvest time.
This is blackberry kush.
10 weeks

Thursday micro

Friday Micro

Sunday Micro

Needless to say… This plant will be chopped today.


PS ignore the dates on the micros. I still havent set the D&T yet on the scope.


Looks ready to me. I grew the MMH and got 2 distinct phenos but I think yours is done :money_mouth_face:

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This is the best blue cheese pheno i got from a 12 pk of hazeman blue cheese. I feel this plant is very special. I grew her out in absolutely terrible conditions, and too small of a pot, but regardless she reeks like blueberry cream cheese. Didnt take clones, but planning on uppotting her and revegging. Im thinkin about giving her a trim and taking the top colas within the next day or two. Yes or no? Should i wait a while longer? This is always the part that gives me anxiety.