Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Nice one. You did a great job on these. Really enjoy the 3bog I grew. Chucked some triks pollen onto mine so I’ll have to check em out eventually. As far as if yours are done, look good to me. Depends on how you like yours. A touch of amber is where I like mine. I’d chop.


These look beautiful, well done. I’m about to start my first outdoor mephisto grow next week. Their genetics look great


Thank you for your input. I am very pleased with mephisto. This is my first tent grow, first grow ever was 15 years ago in a cardboard wardbrobe box, so this has been enjoyable. Super cool you pollenated your 3bog.


Thank you. Mephisto seems to be quality genetics, especially being able to handle my newbie eperience with it lol.


Nice ladies @iliketogrowtoo they look great. Congrats to you for an awesome job. First tent grow?? Phenomenal!
As for being done/finished, I’d say they are looking ready but it ultimately comes down to your preferences.

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Take em, they look perfect to me for most, I like a lot of amber but I smoke a crap ton and for pain/anxiety so my circumstances are different. Btw a stellar job my friend, these look great, I think as far as autos go mephisto is up near the top of the game and I’m sure will remain there as they basically single handedly blew the industry up. I would be happy to harvest those by the looks, enjoy my friend


Day 90…. Will I ever turn cloudy? Cali connection poison OG auto that doesn’t want to finish!


Some Tampa Crippy at day 67. I will chop at day 70


I know I’m not at harvest but I can’t really get a gauge on when I should? I feel like I’m 2-3 weeks out from it, organic knf fed, sunlight only, outdoors, 5 gallon pot.


Nice buds! What strain is this? You running in soil?

Looks really early to me. How long has she been flowering? Looks like maybe another month to go? I shoot for 70 days for most strains

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She’s been flowering since early June but it’s been a weird grow cycle for her. I can definitely give her another month. She’s not getting as much Sun as she should be so I’m gonna try and find a better position for her in the yard.

Oh yeah, early June she should have still been in vegetative state since the days were still getting longer until the 21st… if you put her outside after being inside she may have gone into flower early and could have started flowering then, but that has only been a month and I would assume she needs a good 9 weeks minimum

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She’s been outdoors her whole life, two of her sisters went into reveg. I’ve had to shuffle them back and forth through different parts of the yard for various reasons so the amount of light they’ve received haven’t been consistent. Thank you for the feedback! I gotta keep that in mind for summer growing.

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Nice, I think you’re right. 3 more weeks at least.:peace_symbol:


I have a plant that is running out of food. She is starving and the leaves are really starting to get nasty. I am not really used to top dressing dry amendment so I mistimed everything. Ideally I would leave this plant another week or even 10 days but I’m worried about if these decaying leaves are going to be an issue? Will this cause some kind of rot within the buds if left to carry on? I could chop today and trim all these leaves off but I’d rather wait if possible? What’s everyone’s thoughts?

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I’m in a similar boat and made the decision to chop tonight. Most my leaves are dying off like yours, in fact even worse. Says it’s a 100-105 days train I’m on 95 so going to call it. I know nothing about whether or not it will lead to rot but I figured if all the leaves curl up inside it can’t be good. Pic below was about 10 days ago. It’s got much worse looking (leaves) since then.


I’m not sure what to do here, It cannot be good for the buds to have leaves curling up inside them and rotting but soil growers deal with this often so hopefully someone can help both of us :grin:

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Agreed you don’t want dead leaves mixing in with your buds.

I have manually removed them but it’s a pain. Massage into bud, pull out the leaf stem and all.

I’d say they’re too early to chop but you do what you gotta do. Better than catastrophic failure.

Best of luck.