Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

This is my line of thinking. I’ve got a one hour window to do something right now, after that I’m away for 4 days. If things keep getting worse I won’t be here to monitor.

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I’d pull all sus leaves. Do they come off stalk easier than they should? If so thats a flower that should be removed immediately cuz it’s rotting.

Neptune’s Harvest has good stuff in bottles that should get you to the finish line ‘organically’.

Good luck

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As others have said, it doesn’t quite look like it is ready to chop yet, but those leaves are definitely getting gnarly. I would keep an eye on it. Right now it just looks like the leaf tips are drying, I would wait until they get to the buds to chop.


per reddit - if you are asking, they need 2 more weeks

edit - per my own eyes - those pistils are still way too white, and reddit might be right


I would pull the worst of the leaves and let it ride if it isn’t ready. It isn’t a good time when you pull your flowers too early and the thc isn’t matures or developed yet. Keep an eye on it and pull any dead leaves.


I’d say they’ll probably be perfectly ripe by the time you’re back. Just make sure humidity is as low as possible, they seem to be just drying up, mold needs moisture. So keep it dry and it’ll be fine. I’ve had shriveled up dried leaves on a grow for weeks without issue.

Removing the worst leaves may be good idea too, giving a final push to the buds.


Thanks everyone who chimed in! You guys are awsome! :pray::+1::beers:

Gonna clean all dead leaves (they are still nice and healthy/green at the bud), feed her some fish hydrolysate and hope for the best next week!



what week is this?
what have you fed?
whats your medium?
whats the strain btw?

based on pistils… they look like they could use more than just 10 days.

If youre doing organics… theres not much you can do, as it takes time to respond. I would mix some general purpose fertilizer (20-10-20) in low dose (1 to 1.5 EC) and water with that for these few days(it doesnt matter if youre doing organics, you can still mix it up with that).


Pic 4 almost definitely rot :slightly_frowning_face:

Start prying those buds open yesterday

I pull any brown/dead/necrotic anything

Stop watering

Go the 10 days

Happy Harvest :call_me_hand:


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That is a very nice looking plant.

@Ottafish @Tripl3fastaction @Esrgood4u

What’s everyone think took some pics tonight… not the best but I think I see some amber in some finally?

First off is my blueberry. I’m at a loss here. Leaves are starting to die off there’s tons and tons of orange hairs but tons of white long pistols too

Then some others you guys see amber here? Im 65-70 days flower on all these


Great looking plants bud.
Just wanted to drop a little input about the white pistils. It appears that she’s foxtailing. And generally with foxtails, come new white pistils. This is normally caused by light stress, or sometimes it is genetic. Just my two cents.
Congratulations on making it to the home stretch! :smiley:


They look good, first go by the trichomes. I see lots of white hairs and calyxes that aren’t swollen on the first. I’d let it go another week on that one. Second one looks done. But check the trichomes. You can buy a cheap magnifier on Amazon.
Your plants look great man! I love the last chunky one!

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I got a few plants doing that … or they’ll looking like they’re turning dark and finshi g then pop some bright green foliage out of the nug it looks weird. I guess almost like a foxtail. Is that cause hermie? Bad bud? Or is it generally ok?

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The second last is really chunky. The very last is that blueberry w all the white pistols all over still but a retarded amount of orange hairs

No, foxtailing doesn’t meen hermaphrodite. You might have just got a little overzealous with your lights. Hell, I’ve done it more than once. The only real downside to foxtails is the trimming. I think it absolutely sucks ass, and I basically refuse. I’ll do a little bit, but eventually just get agitated and start chopping the whole damn thing up for extracts, lol.
As far as harvesting goes, there’s several ways to do it. And it’s mostly all personal preference, but here’s a starting point:

  1. Trichomes - They will turn from clear, to cloudy, then start to amber. Some say that to much clear can be a racey high. When you have almost all milky(cloudy) trichs, the THC content is believed to be at its highest. And as they amber, certain cannabinoids start to degrade. But amber is where you will find a more sedative high. Myself, and most I know, will generally harvest with 10-30% amber.
  2. Water - Is she still drinking? I can usually tell when they’re about done when they start to drink less. If you monitor your inputs, you will notice that most plants really slow down on water consumption when they’re about done.
  3. Overview - The cannabis plant will slowly start to fade(like I see in some of your photos). This is her reaching senescence. Like leaves changing color in the fall. They know when its it’s time.

Overall, my rule of thumb is - when I think that a plant is absolutely 100% for sure done…I let her go another week. At least.

I hope this can be of some help to ya my friend.
Good luck! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


I noticed some of the pots they stay heavy now so I’d assume plant done drinking as much almaot finished.

Why is trimming foxtails different?

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Exhibit A



Yeah I have a handful those. Why do ou say they are worse to trim

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Just the annoyance of trying to get in between all the little “buds” growing out of the buds.