Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice šŸŒø

Plants will continue to push out new pistils right through to their end of life. Fade happening on the leafs is an indication sheā€™s coming to the end of her life. You now need to keep an eye on thre trichomes to gauge Chop time. :v:
Them plants look mega.

This is gonna be my first harvest!! I grew it outdoors so Iā€™m assuming a wash is in order but Iā€™m not too sure where Iā€™m at or what to do at this point


Just my opinion but I think you still need more flower time @Sodapop. Did you check the trics are there any amber?


Yes still pretty milky, not a lot of Amber at all.

Itā€™s pretty much a preference thing. How do you like your smoke? I prefer to have just a little amber with more cloudy so I can function :green_heart:

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Getting real close, canā€™t really see the trichomes too much but from just general overall appearances Iā€™d let the pistils retract some more, maybe another week. But you are entering harvest window (ā€˜Cept the blueberry, seems to have a few more left than the others).

Some strains will keep throwing new pistils til the end, or in response to stress, but it seems that BB just isnā€™t close yet IMO.

Good thing is I donā€™t see many, if any, seeds in those pics, so thatā€™s good :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

Yeah thatā€™s not the problem room :wink:

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75-80 days post flipā€¦. Still donā€™t see amber just foxtails ugh so confused


Hey bro just wanted to chime in here ā€¦
I see some possible nanners in previous post 1645 of yours ā€¦this leads me to think sheā€™s about done ā€¦thatā€™s her last ditch effort to self pollinate herself before she dies in this case anyway ā€¦if you wannaa try to go longer dim them lights down and shorten up the daylight hours that might help !
Good luck !!
To harvest or not to harvest is always a battle in my mind

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Do you have a magnifying glass or jewelerā€™s loop?

From where I sit, Iā€™d say youā€™re in the harvest window with some. But, I stick with what I said beforeā€¦When you think theyā€™re absolutely done, give em another week.
You could also just harvest the top quarter/third/half and let the rest mature for another week or two. Iā€™ve done this many times.
Best of luck to ya! :slightly_smiling_face:

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What ya mean nanners? Seeds?

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Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re nanners or the start of foxtails.


Bummer. Are foxtails and nanners different?

Yes. Very much so.

So Iā€™m still having issues figuring out when outside autos are done. The trics are very amber when the plant is still swelling so I canā€™t go by that. The strain is white widow auto breeders description is 3-4 wks veg and 7-10 wks flower so I take that as 10-14wks which is huge difference. These is no more white pistils as of yesterday canā€™t tell if swelling still and starting to drink less but temps have been 95-99Ā° instead of 103-110Ā°. Took night pics maybe better idk also big older fan leaves have completely yeloowed and mostly fell off.

Damn wind lol


I wish I could help but Iā€™m not really versed in autos, I did my first auto grow last year. I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t this year, I did a couple different things with mixed results. :peace_symbol:

I would go based on the trichomes and the fact the pistils are no longer white. How long have these run? Take a tester and try it for doneness.

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When in doubt, sample the goodsā€¦


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Keep in mind, that your heat down there might have an advanced ambering effect on the trichomes. Also, trichs on autos has always been hit-and-miss in my experience. Best of luck brotha! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ya that is all about what I got. Iā€™m at 65 days with the min being 70 so I guess will just have to try :rofl:

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