Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Greetings OG Community!

Do you all think these aread? Started flowering 6/28/23.

The strain is Serious Seeds Bubblegum. I’m thiooning it looks done.

What does the comminity think?



They look ready if you prefer a more “up” effect. Very frosty!


Percentage of amber trics? I like a nice mix. Amber and cloudy, seems to always be a little clear in the mix. 30% amber 60% cloudy reminder clear for a nice functioning high. I don’t need any help sleeping, I’m an all day burner.:peace_symbol:


@anonymous4289 original Blueberry Diesel at D55 of flower. this is from about 1/3 down the plant, could use a couple more days or not? what does the survey say? looking for responses, if you can not tell…



I’m seeing quite a bit of amber my friend.
But!..are you looking at sugar leaf?
I’ve found that leaves will show amber much faster than the buds, giving a false indication of maturity. You should try to look deep into the flowers for ambering on the calyx themselves.
Best of luck! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


well, i see some amber, but they always say when you think it’s done let it go for another week.


Thats^ the truth right there!

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Hey all — Bodhi’s Lazy Lightning, day 67 of flower. Thoughts on harvesting today?

Hope that’s not too many pics! Last grow was different genetics, and I saw lots of dark amber by this time. I also read that some Bohdi strains only show a very light amber, so maybe I’m good to go? Thanks!


I personally like to chop at this point because I like the uplifting effects that come from the plant at this stage. It really depends on what you are wanting, effects, from the plant. Beautiful and frosty, nice work!


And I’m a little different than @Tejas.
I’d wait another week or two for more amber.
Hell, maybe even take the tops and let the rest keep going. :slightly_smiling_face:


Appreciate it! I was thinking the same, just because my last run is pretty much an evening dose, and I wouldn’t mind a more cerebral effect from this one.

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Thanks for the feedback. I’m still on the fence, but I know I’ve gotta harvest in one go because my grow tent is also my drying tent. Maybe I’ll flip a coin! :yum:

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Day 66 of flower, I prefer less of a couch lock high, thinking of harvesting later today.

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That’s what it’s about, preference. I’m like @Tejas, I like a little less amber because I need to function. They look amazing to me.:green_heart:


I’m currently running LL. I’m at day 53 and plan on going to 77 days. Preference at this point.
Great job either way!

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We have had a summer of rain. I am not sure on when to harvest. I have attached two images.


Not even close! You want 0-10% white hairs left, they should be darkened and receded back

Pic doesn’t show a good enough shot of the trichomes to judge off those


Got a ways to go judging by the pistals.
Keep on eye on them as @AzSeaindooin420 has stated, she’s JUST starting to get a little color to the pistals.
I’ve got 1 coming down tonight or tomorrow, but it’s been in bud since July10th, and it’s still throwing white pistals. I’m pushing her a good 8 weeks, but Trichomes are right where I like them. All my others are going to take a bit and are just starting to get some color in the pistals.


Yes still some time left

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All great advice from the gentlemen above me!