Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Thought I’d drop another update for a fellow LL grower.

Day 77, and I haven’t chopped yet (but I really want to):


So close! Great shots and thanks for the update! :sunglasses: :metal:


Stopping by again, because my blumats are clogged, and I really don’t feel like cleaning drippers, lines, reservoir, etc. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

“Are we there yet,” he whined.

Girls are looking half-dead (underestimated flowering time, so they got a bit starved):


I think I see at least 10% amber.
I’m sure you can take her down. But again, it’s personal preference.
Great looking grow bud! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


I think I’ve waited just a hair long a few of these. Except #4 looks just about ready






Looking good!!! I’m sure production slows down, but everyday they’re growing, they’re gaining weight…should be a fat harvest!


They are ready? :sparkling_heart:


How long they been flowering?
Have you checked the trichome color?
You can not tell by the color of leaves or pistils- as environmental factors can make them change…
Take some close-up bud pics–load them into a PC an zoom in-- the trichomes should be headed up and cloudy… an if you know the strain you are growing, you can find how long they need to flower online…
That said-- they do not look ready to me…but without more info- hard to tell.


So my first outside photo and I have high temps so trics aren’t best indicator. Not all the pistils are brown most are tipped brown at least and 96% pistils have curled even white ones. Any ideas if not what type of pic would help? Thanks


From what I’ve learned/researched, the color of the trichs is rarely affected by growing temps-- just the concentration…
They all go through the heading-up/color change process as they ripen.
You need a photo as close as you can, then zoom-in on screen…
They don’t have to be ‘‘THIS’’ close up to see them… just enough to you can see their color and opacity. And the thin spiky clear ones do not count…they are non-glandular trichomes, and do not carry THC , or change color.


You harvest according to how you like your weed… the earlier harvest with not quite all milky is gonna be a more ‘up’ high… all milky is usually closest to what the breeder describes, and a few gold will bring it down to a more couch-lock body buzz… but it is ALWAYS strain dependent! This photo is an ‘OK’ example- but the cloudy section is already getting some minimal amber- so is not exactly at peak. :blush: :+1:


Hi community!
Photos taken in northern Virginia (a colder climate).
A lot of the leaves are yellow and dying off. I got some bud rot as well.

I like my bud with a little amber in the trichomes. That said, what do you al lthink about these images?


Right on! Just from what I’ve noticed in my one summer of growing outside :rofl::rofl: is the 110°+ days would burst my trics before the were cloudy. I also have a hell of a time looking through loupe or holding still enough for the camera to pick up the trics when zoom in. They look good at first but zoom in and nope I’ll figure it out.

That is good to know though so I can practice with my phone. Oh wait or I could build a little stand to hold my phone steady. Maybe a microphone pole that’s adjustable or something.

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whats everyone take on my girls?my guess is 1week freezeland
2-3 purple punch and 4-5 green dope

this is all based on flowering time advertised im guessing

She is ‘ready’ but still ‘skinny’ and soft. the other pheno(jaggerschnitzel) is fat, but not yet ready. How long should I wait for her to ‘swell’ before harvesting what I have?


We are coming down the home stretch!


Is this too early to harvest? I think I let my other plant go too long. It’s got a lot of dead parts on the buds and a lot of mold. Threw most of it away. This has been sprayed with AACT twice.

Thank you! I’m totally lost.



Better a little early than lost to mold. I see lots of dark pistils probably fine to take if you can’t get a better look at the thrich heads. Looking mostly cloudy from what I can make out but difficult to tell for sure. If you are outside like I think you are I’d only keep them going if you have beautiful weather and dry right now


I’m on the east coast US in the Washington DC area. This place is swamp land. It rained 13 days a week ago.

The advice is much appreciated. I’l be cutting this one tomorrow.


Probably for the best.


I was born and raised in DC, don’t miss the humid summers one bit since I moved.

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