Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

I like a lot more amber in mine, but that is just me. It all comes down to personal preference.


O wow, that’s a hard pass for me. I like me some couch lock 80%amber :closed_lock_with_key: :relieved: :yum:


I prefer saying stoned like a biblical wh##e.


Wait…. At least 20% imo but I like 25-30% amber


That’s a good one man

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Or there is stoned like a gravel road.

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Ha man it’s always fun when people say funny stuff after you just smashed on some hash


I tell everyone at work if I give up culinary, I am doing stand up comedy.

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Make sure they smash some hash :wink:

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Depends on what you’re feeling… I’d chop in another week or two myself but then again. It’s nice to get a baseline feel on a cultivar at 8 weeks to see how they do and find out in the future if you’d like to take it longer.

Decisions Decisions! :wink:


so the situation here is that this plant flipped to flower early for some reason no doubt some kind of stress I caused it but now my other 2 plants are completely shadowing this one out and I had a mold scare. I dont see any ambers but to my eye things look pretty cloudy . Honestly Id like to get the space in my tent to train the other 2 plants into(well more I have already done that training I guess) but I dont want to ruin this one if its way too early.


I’m seeing a few clear trichomes, plenty cloudy (if you want to get high this is when it’s best) not seeing any amber (amber is what gets you stoned. If you want your weed to couchlock you the more amber the better).


yea I am honestly not looking for much if any amber I think in general I wouldve preferred to wait for atleast some but my concern is with the overcrowding that my mold scare will be less of a scare and more of an infestation

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Mostly cloudy to me. You can take them now in my opinion. Before you do let a few other members comment on their own opinion. :v:

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oh yea its gonna go for atleast 2 more days I wasnt planning to harvest at different times so I am having to setup a separate drying area


You’ve got this :+1:

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it would kill me a little bit to loose this plant it smells fantastic. (I just did the thing where you run your finger under your nose and go mmmmm cause its all over my fingers currently)


What usually causes growers to loose plants is giving them too much attention and fucking about with them.
It’s a plant. It doesn’t need our intervention or help. Just let it do its thing and watch it grow.
Once you’ve got a few grows under your belt you won’t even check on them until you feed them.

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That needs weeks still.

What’s up fam, great thread! Curious your thoughts on these ladies? Thinking about flushing for the next couple weeks then possible harvest… currently week 8 of flower. Still some white pistils, but would appreciate any feedback on if you think it’s appropriate to start flushing now? Getting antsy lmao

@Esrgood4u @Pawsfodocaws