Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

It all depends on the trichomes. It’s usually a varied opinion by most. But the more cloudy the more stony. Some say 20% some like 90% like myself. Get a scope out. Also the pistils aren’t always a tell tale sign of when to harvest. Handling them or brushing them gently can cause them to red or brown. Get a loupe. Like 60x 90x. This will help.



That’s a pretty plant. When I enlarge the photos im seeing bits of amber here and there and most the trichomes look cloudy so it’s total preference. If you want to get high take her now if you want to get stoned give her another week.


I will give my opinion on finishing. First off it all depends on the variety. Some Afghan and Pakistani(and others) hashplant landraces are known by the locals to not get harvested into late, meaning nearly 100 percent amber, and well into the plant dying. However with other varieties it is advised to harvest as soon as even 10 percent amber shows. Those tend to be the sativas, and even some of them can go a lot longer. To really dial in, you need to learn the varieties you plant and try them at different levels of maturity to find their sweet spot.

Generally speaking for all varieties except a rare few; the signs your getting close are either a yellowing of leaves, to color changes in them. All white/pink/brown etc pistils should be dried up and red to dark brown, calayxes plump. However, even when all said is showing, sometimes they still need longer. Even if all leaves appear to yellow and die, some plants need more time to finish. I recommend having a journal to document when a plant first starts flowering. Write it’s expected finishing time down, and when it gets within range, start paying more closer attention to those.

Keep a jewelers loop 10× minimum if possible to inspect each plant.

Sometimes it’s better to harvest some portion instead of the whole plant all at once.

Not every plant despite the variety is done at the same time as others planted. Again, pay attention and harvest accordingly.


Love this! Appreciate all the feedback fam. This strain in particular is a cross of Lemon G and skunkband… was on the hunt for lemon G for a min (what I grew up on) and this is the closest I’ve gotten and it has me reminiscing of the good old days (terps wreak of the same stank). The lemon is strong in this one! Def two specifically different phenos, but I’m excited to see how both turn out. Would’ve loved to let one of the males go, but didn’t have a dedicated room/tent for my other lights at the time. I’m going to flush for another week or so then chop. One looks ready now, but unless amber starts showing clear as day I’m going to keep em both on the same schedule. My go to play is a cerebral heady high. Just my preference and most conducive for work, but I worry leaving something on the table after all the time and energy raising the ladies

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Look for mainly cloudy then.



20240328_02_01_24 20240328_02_04_32 20240328_02_06_25 these plants were the result of a mystery pollination. I think maybe another 2-3 weeks


Ok I think we are actually closer to ready now. its incredibly hard to convince my phone to take photos through the jewelers thing and my microscope thing is broken so ehhhh sorry




20240408_00_32_28 20240408_00_35_31 20240408_00_36_20 20240408_00_37_17


20240411_01_13_53 20240411_01_13_22 20240411_01_09_11 done yet? Or “two more weeks”?


The most one more week, you still have plenty of clear trics, once you start seeing some ambar ones you might want to go for it or wait longer for a phisical high.

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pretty neat how the withered pistils look like an old frayed rope under magnification

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Best i can do for photos, im at 7 weeks 2 day’s thinking i should start my 10-14 days of just water flushing, what do yall think?


Tenth week of flower for these hybrids, those trichomes have been milky for almost 2 weeks, going for 20% amber but these ladies seem to be maturing very slowly.


They look great, but who am i to say Im always here for input too. Mine look similar with mostly orange and a couple white pistols, alot of guys say no white pistols, or wait till the leaves change. Im about to post mine next. See if anyone has any thoughts.

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9 weeks 1 day, hoping tp finish in 6 days any thoughts. Best cam i have sorry.


6 days for sure. I might be tempted to cut right now but that’s just preference.



Sorry for the blurry pics. It is hard to hold the damn thing still.
Durban Poison, middle of 8th week of flowering. 4x4 tent, noepar led, don’t know the watts. Bio365 bioflower soil, biobizz, bio bloom, fish mix, 5 gallon buckets, 6.3. 5 plants.
I have clear, opaque, and a few amber trichomes. Hairs are all red, with a few new white. It is starting to foxtail on a few of the bigger colas.
They are hungry tonight and I was going to plain feed and chop tomorrow. Just curious if I should give them a day or two. There are not alot of amber on any of them, but I see a mix of trichomes. All of my last grows showed me clearly the time to harvest.
Should I chop now?


When you want to chop them down, wait another 7-10 days. They look close. Anither week or so


They are still fairly clear to my eye. I’d check again in 7 to 10 but I’d guess unless you want a really head buzzy type high they’ll want another 2 weeks or so.

Great looking plants though, good job!

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