Reefer’s Ongoing Auto Growganza

Thank you, and thanks for playing! Good luck!


For sure, they all look nice. 12-14 zips is easy for newer autos. When giving the space, autos have a tendency to get really large. A 6 foot auto may seem huge to some, however, they really aren’t that uncommon.


Do you or anyone there think that LST clips will help with the flop? Not enough room in there to start staking things…


This is just my opinion, we all do things differently.
Autos don’t normally need support because of their thick side branches.
I used to wonder why my plants where floppy and have tons of smaller buds. I finally figured out that the “pk boost” was causing the vine like condition.
I prefer a plant to show me what it has, instead of trying to force it into doing what I want it to do. It’s just my way bro.


It’s almost showtime… This was just my first practice run in hydro. First seedlings for the next grow. 3 Jammy Dodgers #2, one is recovering from surgery and one of their sisters didn’t make it :cry:


I hear you, but I think it’s weight from the colas and them shutting down. Do you think it’s PK and me pushing nutes?


I think it’s the pk. I have done it plenty of times. I have seen autos reaction negatively to a 5 ppm pk boost.
You asked and i gave an opinion.


Thanks, will keep it in mind for the next grow :+1:t2: I was so aggressive with defoliating and lollipopping, but they’re still bushy monsters


By the way, I didn’t do anything to boost it other than use a little more bloom from the GH Flora trio as planned when switching to flower. I had what looked like a little P deficiency mid flower as well, but it also could have been me pushing the nutrients too high, I accidentally hit 1500 for a little while. With that amnesia it got even higher since she drinks so much and was switched to bubbleponics. It’s also been tricky to keep the PH in a good spot, I think definitely lost some weight and vigor from her as a result

Is it too late to do anything about it now?


They’re also reaching for light. But yeah, definitely need some plant viagra in a couple cases…:joy:


I was really hoping for pictures of backsides, I like big buds. Let’s see more junk in the trunk!


How about some young budding backsides from a few weeks ago? Just a peek though :rofl:

Left white widow, right DSD, middle, a very overwhelmed amnesia…


Also notice there was a bucket/site removed…

That’s where the amnesia that’s flying solo in the tent and that ya’ll are guessing on was. She was the first to get big, she got super cropped and then moved when all her branches were about to touch the top. The only one of the three not lollipopped and defoliate and cloned starting week 3/4 is the white widow, she just had some defoliation and a handful of clones cut.


A bit confused on what they look like for some reason. Im having depth perception issues. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: but I would say…15 oz ?


Some of them are zoomed out slightly, so a little circus mirror like, but it’s the only way I could get close to half a plant or full tent view. Those are 6 gallon buckets, tent is 80” tall, and the buckets are about a foot off the ground. Three had to be super cropped, the DSD three times :open_mouth:

Yes, it appears there may be some calculations and experience required to win those free seeds :joy: I’m not experienced enough to take a good guess.


Ahh ! 6 gallon buckets you say :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: well I migjt have to change my answer lol


But they look insane btw. Those are some damn big autos. Such a nice grow area too. Damn if only I was so blessed.

And I cant wait to hear how the Watermellon Zkittles come out.
I wanted to grab some beans online a while ago, but they were sold out everywhere I looked.
Let me know what kind of terps your getting from her when you check next.


I’m bad at guessing brother, nice looking plants you got there…
I hope it surpasses your expectations and some…
I’m glad someone somewhere will guess correctly and gets to grow your seeds…


That plant became my favorite almost instantly once her plucked leaves started smelling like something. She’s super fruity and sweet, berry, melon, and loads of it. The DSD is a close second, also has some fruity notes, faint citrus, but she has some sweet dough and all-spice with a little cardamom and a spice I can’t quite place, it’s almost like really mild sage and tarragon. The amnesia is pure gas and citrus, the smaller faster one is even heavier on the gas and white widow is as heavenly as ever and has loads of earthy woodsy spice with a nice citrus note. I swear, I’d wear the terp profile on WW as cologne… :joy:

In fact, I am right now because I just climbed in there from the backside and cleaner her up and “defoliated” a bit :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: There are colas just stacked in there, I was practically swimming in them
and I’m a little worried about it now that they’re getting heavier and flopping around :weary:

However, my forearms and fingers are covered in white widow goo :joy:

Any tips from more experienced growers about what to do with these monsters is appreciated!


I would maybe use a net next time. Also maybe some stakes.
But your problem is a good one to have haha

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