Reefer’s Ongoing Auto Growganza

I just did the math, we’re on day 83 of the grow for all but the three white widows. Those are at 74. I think most people would chop now, but it’s all milky or clear other than the buds getting blasted by light and the sugar leaves. I already have a giant jar of trichome filled leaves. Most of these even the fan leaves are getting frost.

I can’t tell what my abuse and HST did to them, but I think it’s safe to say they kinda liked the abuse. Next grow I’ll try a new technique, I may just go for it and make these plants my bitch and do every type of training imaginable… I hope #mephisto is ready for me, and I’m ready for it. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I get a bunch of monsters like this, but I do know a few of what I’m growing stays smaller


This wasn’t supposed to be SCROG… I thought I’d be walking around in there, not sliding in underneath the plants :joy:

The widow is 42” wide and trying to burst out of one side… she rocketed so fast into flower that I’d only cut two main branches for lolllipopping, and I thought topping her twice would slow her down… Here’s a little more mature backside for you :joy:


@Reefer great work. Your gonna have a ridiculous about of buds & seeds lol I can’t even start to guess how much you will end up with lol


Thanks so much, I didn’t know what expect it being my first hydro grow and being new to this overall. I guess being good at growing corals and knowing all about water and nutrients is good for something.

Also, I don’t think I’ll have much seed for this run. I’m only pollinating clones, assuming I get pollen, and in time. The female clones are growing well in low light, the reversed clones look fine but aren’t doing much :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m thinking of doing a staged harvest, do you think dropping nutes is worth it, or too late? It’s not worth netting these up at this point since the big colas can be chopped.

Thanks for any help!


Throw in some silica for them, it toughens up stems and branches helps stop the flopping over.

Too bigger buds is a happy problem lol :+1:


I used to actually have a Cannabis scented cologne many years back, it didn’t actually smell like any actual plant I’ve ever smelled but it was really nice. Never met a lady who didn’t like it


LOL, I still do but it comes out of a paper rather than a bottle :rofl:


:joy::joy::joy: good call brother. I prefer the fresh off the plant cologne myself. I love going to work straight from working in the garden. People probably think I’m a real creep walking around smelling my fingers and whatnot. Whatever :man_shrugging:


A lower and abused bud from watermelon skittles

DSD bud site in low light

Amnesia bud site


Worth it even if they’re getting chopped within the week?


Two big 6 gallon buckets full of dank is my guess.
Wow great setup.


@BeanBush Those look like some good guesses to me, good luck!


Two shots of the white widow, a shot of DSD, then a lower smaller bud of DSD


Had to trim a little DSD due to a break on a side branch…


I have grown a few of the ILGM wwa myself! They were my first grow as a matter of fact.

How in the world did u squeeze all that in a 2x4? :flushed: they look great :+1:

I’m horrible at guessing! Especially through pics! :joy: BUT you can’t win if you don’t try right?

ILGM White Widow (just the big one): 120g
Barney’s Do Si Dos: 170g
Barney’s Watermelon Zkittlez: 110
Seedsman Amnesia (just one): 90g
Combined weight of all 4: 490g?? :rofl:

I’m probably way off :triumph:


That’s a 4x8, the amnesia is in a 2x4 by itself lol. Might want to change perspective on the totals… :rofl:

Good luck and thanks for playing! Next grow is mostly Mephisto and some things on top of my list of things to grow. Now that I understand cloning I won’t be missing pollen next time! Hopefully we’ll both have some good stuff to trade!


A few bud shots for ya’ll! That northern lights won’t be much of a producer (shots 2 abd 3), but she sure is frosty! All stems were covered with tricomes early in flower and all leaves were covered by a week in…

Anyone see any amber? I swear, I never get amber… :thinking:

Also, I hope that DSD with all the rest tastes as good as she looks and smells

Is DSD usually this color?


I trimmed two side branches that couldn’t hold their weight from the dsd tonight. Wet, buds and some leaves but large fans removed, big stems trimmed, 120g. The one I showed a pic of a couple days ago was 80g and the other 40g…


The main cola is about to collapse…