Reefer’s Ongoing Auto Growganza

I need to get seeds popped pronto. Having a hell of a time deciding what to do…

1.) All Mephisto with 10ish strains in the tent
2.) 5-6 Mephisto strains and then run 5 of the list interesting freebie to see what she has
3.) 5-6 Mephisto and then a variety of what I’m wanting to grow most
4.) Mephisto vs. Fast Buds or some other popular breeder, or maybe smaller breeder in a grow tent death match! If anyone wants to step up… :joy:

Anyone want to see one over the others?

Mephisto will be some combo of…

Jammy Dodgers 2
Skystomper 2
Strawberry Nuggets
Double Grape
Northern Cheese Haze
Forum Stomper
Alien vs Triangle

Also, any you guys have grown that I absolutely shouldn’t cut from the lineup?


AVT was a decent sized plant for mephisto. I’d be curious to see what it does in your set up. DG and SN were both smaller plants with super frosty buds when I grew them.

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Thanks man, that helps!


Another DSD branch bites the dust!


Chopped her above the 5th node since she was collapsing on herself. Still plenty of beefy colas left, and man she’s a pretty plant… Also, I haven’t shown the plant closest to the door much, but it’s a good plant, just a little slow and overshadowed, literally and figuratively, by the beasts in there. It’s just Skittles


I’d say go with #3 option. And I haven’t grown it personally but the CDLC is always a frost giant when I see pics and is likely the reason I’ve seen numerous crosses made with it. Just my $0.02 though :call_me_hand:

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Doing awesome and takes me a bit to read through threads so why I’m quoting from a couple days back.

My experience at least in my small grows is typically if plants are more packed in they will fight for the light becoming stretchy unruley monsters, though when given enough space where they aren’t fighting their neighbours or only in mid to late flower they can fill out the canopy quite nicely at typically the same or bit better yields just with less plants, just saying with how many sites you have for plants and their potential root space they likely will continue fighting.


Thanks for the heads up and insight! This being my first hydro grow I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’d planned to space the buckets apart, but removing one plant and rearranging took care of crowing until later in flower, save for a few runts that were encroached upon. I just popped whatever I had leftovers of after a 5 day power outage wiped out my last/second ever grow. I think I’m going to switch to bins in the big tent, or at least space the buckets differently and also put them nearly on the ground to be able to accommodate 5’ plants. Might also go aeroponics for the bins, haven’t researched yet vs. RDWC

I’m not sure how lollipopping and heavy early defoliation factored into my harvest and how the plants grew, but a tremendous number of lower branches reached the top of the canopy and the plants that were lollipopped have very little lower popcorn, but crazy numbers of branches up top. It was a good learning experience. I’ll be ready to stake next time and will be doing more lst and hst on all my plants and experimenting. I think lollipopping and topping along with lst training will help prevent the unruly mess this became for the last couple days :joy:

I have a 5x5 that’s going up for overflow and a breeding project so I’ll have a little more flexibility to move things around.

Overall, I’m very happy and pretty proud of myself. I built and set the system up how I thought might work and might be best with minimal research and only Nagy understanding. No leaks, no water changes, no air stones, no bottles of anything other than GH flora trio. I’ll likely do a water change and switch to Jake’s, though I’m damn tempted to just keep it rolling with the same water…


Your garden looks great my friend.

I saw you mentioned microbe innoculents earlier. Idk if they still do it, but the fish $hit people used to give free samples if you pay shipping. Let me see if they still do that.
“Sample - (one per customer please) - Fish Head Farms” Sample – (one per customer please) - Fish Head Farms
Looks like they still do

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beautiful set up. Thank you for saying hi :grinning:


Thank you, and thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for the heads up and kind words!


Clone farm and seedlings doing well

Watermelon skittles coming down soon!

Variation in the WW with duck leaves? on one. And amnesia from the underside


Really crazy difference between these phenotypes of WW


Dense looking buds…
Beautiful girls!

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Many thanks my friend. If you’d like some seeds from my upcoming grow, take a guess at yields for any of the big ones. I could still get pollen from a few of these monsters. I hope…


Thank you for the kind offer. When I get a Grow opening I will surely hit you up. I will just kick back, and admire your work in the meantime. :v:
My yield guess is: PLETHORA :grin:

@Reefer will have a PLETHORA of weed at yield time.:metal:


@JimIsAlwaysHigh55 Thanks brotha! Happy growing


I’ll say! Hope to grow thicc stems like these one day! :laughing:


Some updated shots…

First shot is the smaller Amnesia overlapping lemon haze.

Second is the hollow stems from DSD, they’re crazy!

My last coco grown weed, perhaps ever. The 2nd and third to last shows three different widows across the back. The coco grow is three weeks older and I let it mature and dry on the vine so to speak. It is 2 plants in a 5 gallon to keep them smaller. Hard to believe the difference!

DSD and watermelon skittles are mostly down, but the tent still looks pretty full!