Reefer’s Ongoing Auto Growganza

Shots of STS’ed clones

Any signs that I’m going to get pollen? If it’s happening, I thought it would be more obvious…


Sorry you will not be getting any pollen from those clones. if you where it would look something like this.


Yeah, I kinda figured… :weary: I think I waited too long to spray. Really wanted pollen from that big colorful widow! She’s trying everything she can think survive :joy:

Looks like those who are playing my little contest are getting Mephisto crosses and photos!

Those clones look shockingly good for having just been thrown on the basement floor in a pan of water for a month…


I’m pretty damn happy with how this brow turned out. First hydro grow, growing mostly freebies, questionable genetics, and whatever I had left.

First shot is the cola of the one of the coco grown widows. Goodbye Coco, it was fun while it lasted!

For those of you playing along… This is the last shot you’ll see of Watermelon Skittles. Maybe this will help with the guessing! By the way, anyone who guesses and wins will have the choice of a list of beans I currently have, or to wait and get a 10 pack from my next grow which is a planned seed run.


Ok, maybe not the last, I let one branch survive. Don’t forget to factor this into the watermelon skittles guess :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyone else have a hard time letting go of good plants? :joy::cry:


Well, I got 40 grams dried (subtracted a little for that twig) from those two DSD branches. I left the sugar leaves on since they’re soaked in resin and they’ll just break off during cure. Let’s see what the rest of her brings…

I’ll be running some trizzlers along with watermelon skittles this next grow to make some side by side comparisons and maybe try to select some plants for F3 trizzlers and some crosses with Barney’s Watermelon and DSD along with Blueberry and Mephisto genetics. Oh, and photo strains. They were simply too nice to not grow again if the high and taste is good.

And I can tell you now that the high is top notch… I’m way too relaxed and happy! Started in the head, after about 5-10 minutes (I’ve lost track of time) it almost rushed over my body in a wave. I haven’t had that for a while… She’s gonna be a good one! Oh, and kind and pleasant fuzzy head feel behind the eyes.

The middle pic is the first bud, may she Rest In Peace!


Amnesia coming down, this is the free seed contest plant. That’s a 6” basket for reference…


Big root ball… I’m so behind in trimming I’m just putting branches in bags. Got two like this from her…


Congrats on the Amnesia, looks really good in the pics. Brings back memories of my first grow with Amnesia Haze.


@darkillusion Thanks! It was a fun one to grow, what a monster. Had a planned better she would have yielded much more. I also nuked her with high nutes and low PH a couple times. Having her offline was a lot of work… This one plant required as much maintenance as my entire RDWC system, she had an airstone, nothing else did, just flow.


One of these days I will finally be able to buy a house and then I can give hydro growing a try.


I grew two amnesia and two lemon haze thjs grow. At first I didn’t care for the smell, but now I kinda love it!


It’s fun! There’s noticeable growth every day, it’s wild…


That is why I have a soft spot for Amnesia Haze. The lemon taste it had was amazing.


Well there is that but also in a hydro grow you will get a higher thc content vs. the same plant in soil.

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I hate to admit it, but I’ve never smoked either before… I’ve never had anything with this profile before. I’m such a noob with strains, plus these were mostly freebies and all the seeds I had left after a 5 day power outage wiped my tent and all my reef tanks in early fall. The power company strung us along, I saw them working on it, it was my neighbors tree, then by the time they said “just kidding” about it being back in a few hours and then I spent the next 24 hours looking for another generator to no avail.

So anyway, I was even going to grow these seeds because I didn’t think I’d like amnesia or citrus haze :joy: Now I can’t wait to try it!


Power outages are a big worry for me with a hydro setup or even my current setup. I live in Florida and it can take a few days to get power up and running again after a hurricane.


The first test nugs of watermelon skittles and DSD are crazy strong! Like I haven’t been that high the past two grows strong, this was after a 5 day paper bag dry.

They are delicious and I can’t wait to see what they’re like after cure and to see if hang drying or paper bag drying makes a difference.

The coco widow vs. the three other widows, this one grew in stagnant water in a container barely bigger than a 6” basket, then placed in a bucket to live out its days in comfort. It was shaded and had little little throughout the grow. I will do more like this for seed runs.

It’s like my canary in a coal mine plant…

which are all the three basic phenotypes I’ve seen, will be an interesting comparison as well.

Watermelon skittles vs skittles is another, as well as the two hazes.


Paper bag drying and hang drying both work well if done right. I just hang dry for 5 days then start curing.

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I kinda like the method of cutting big branches and standing them up in the paper bags and letting them dry on the vine. Hopefully I don’t regret trying it this way…