Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

Building Blocks I call them. I’m accumulating distinct Regulars and testing for Intersex Traits.


I like it! And think the same. I have two strains that I can’t hermie. My 22%THC Thai that flowers in 8-9 weeks. And my 25% Flaming Red Girl Scout Cookies.


“Especially if I could get my hands on some Landrace or OG genetics.” I got both but took a while. I’m on my 5th year as a Hobby Breeder,


In my testing and breeding I’ve done the same thing and a F8 will clean a hermie scumbag partially with just one breed. I bred a hermie machine to my Red GSC and Thai, both F8 equivalents. So far the test is supporting my theory. Fifth week of flower so we shall see.


Not at all. If there was a shortage of tomato or pepper varieties, I’d be worried.

But there’s so many available, at a far cheaper price point. Those who care, preserve.

It’s not like determinate tomatoes supplanted the indeterminate.

Stoners always think the sky is falling. Vestiges of the paranoia in the scene, I guess.

There’s more variety available than ever before. Landraces are readily available…moreso than ever. If you wanna be a collector awesome, but it’s not a speculative investment lol.

As far as selection, grow and breed the plants you like. All there really is to it, IMO.


There’s more landraces available now than ever before in history.

Everyone rags on Arjan but there’s a reason most growers switch to better yielding faster higher quality buds as soon as they are available.

Northern India and Nepal are covered in wild Cannabis. It’s not going anywhere. It’s not going extinct.

You don’t need wolves to breed dogs. You can still buy the original ancestral corn plants. And many heirlooms. None of this stuff is going anywhere.


Shortage means not readily available in this case. You can have lots of seeds but when everything is turning up hermies? So the shortage could be knowing what is not hermied up.

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It’s just awesome to find someone who wants to keep intersex traits out of cannabis with fine breeding practices like using GSC as a building block. :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:


I would be interesting to see the mutations they your f8 is producing. Have any pics of them?
I wouldn’t ask you for anything that I couldn’t produce. So here is the mutation that’s carried within my f8 showing up in a f1 cross even though I didn’t use a mutated pollen donor. The tops will randomly spit and form 2.

Cannabis breeding 101. You cannot remove genetics from within a gene pool just because you breed away from it. When given the right situation those genes will randomly reappear.


Have you ever grown landraces? They are almost always intersex to a degree lol.

Herms are not “getting worse”. Bagseeds have always been a thing.


If you knew anything hermies can be cleaned up by breeding many times in regular seeds. It’s the feminizing that’s messing everything up. Check out what Ethos does, he’s all about having clean building blocks. That’s why he’s killing it and has his own hate club from other breeders. Where there is smoke there is fire. And anybody can make fun of other peoples theories, actually do something and come back!

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lol do you work for Ethos? His gear is known for being laden with nanners.


Experience is the key but some people never ask questions with an open mind. So experience with an open mind is valuable. I test things and my logic brought me to the same conclusions as more experienced people like Ethos. And if I went further down the road I believe I would be thinking like him only way behind. Effort is required to discover stuff. My hobby is breeding seeds, it’s a hobby! Some people collect Matches.


I admire his work, he is a hard working breeder that has a big fan club. Some are people I’ve talked with a lot. They are not all wrong. I never planted one of his seeds. And feel I have a few great strains as where he has numerous.


I look forward to any science you can present that backs this up. As far as I know, we don’t even know what causes hermies, much less how to breed it out. Culling anything with herm tendencies is generally considered to be the best course.

Also, I’m curious why you think feminizing is messing everything up, if everything can be cleaned up by breeding with regular seeds. Do you think the supply of regular seeds is going to disappear? Seems a little silly, most of the time it’s harder to find feminized than regular unless you’re going to a big seed bank whose business model is based on keeping people coming back.

You’re just as much of a nobody as I am, buddy. :slight_smile: Also, since this is the second time you’ve responded to criticism with ad hominem attacks, I’m gonna go ahead and put you on mute for eternity. You’re too much of a child to bother talking to.


I read up on all breeders. Each have a different mentality and way of doing things.
I judge then by their smoke. It’s all gud though.

You won’t stay away, you can’t. All you know is to attack. If it wasn’t me you would look for someone in traffic. And yes stay away, please. You’ve yet to add anything to any conversation you attacked me in. I’m not your enemy and my thought on intersex traits is from actual research, not internet research.

Some of my best plants came from bagseeds.I’ve popped tons of them I always giggle to myself when I get one.I was gifted 2 eighths last year for my 40th birthday Had one Fat goose egg tiger striped bean in the middle of the biggest Buds in both bags.Both are Females Really hearty and vibrant very stinky .When I find like a single bean in the whole bag like that I notice that those ones are always female.The other seeds I find that are like maybe 6 seeds I get these days those ones will be male and female mix that varies variety to variety gender ratio.I don’t think I’ve had a herm problem yet with bagseeds . im mentally prepared if they come so Meh.Now the pinhole light leak I had one time that’s another story.That was an idiot induced unwanted consequence caused by yours truely.


I’ve acquired seeds as if they are real gold and paid enough to have a pile of actual gold sitting here instead of seeds. Not sure what the moral here is but I’m sure it involves fools gold. :joy: :v:


@NIGHTMARE i just was re-reading your answer. it is a great analogy, and helped with what was confusing me. i do hard ass labor. i am getting old. i wish i was selling fire seeds instead. its great to think of things that may be possible because of the great people here on OG. like you. that are here to help other people… hope u r enjoying 420. once i get to the proper level i have a lot of seeds to share and just give away too.