Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

that’s because it is, and we can’t help but notice.

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I’m not really in on this argument but my position would be that what’s commonly available will be just one big polyhybrid cross of X x Y x Z x Q to the point where nobody knows what anything is anymore.

As far as fems taking over and ruining things, hogwash.

It’s the outliers I find most interesting anyway :shushing_face:

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Most cultivars are polyhybrids anyway. Good luck finding a true cannabis IBL (landraces excluded cause thats gonna be the common answer)

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Actually what I’m currently most interested in is sativas that have just a small percentage of indica to tame them a bit so they don’t take 24 weeks to flower.

Very different from NL x WW x G13 x Cookies x Snickerdoodle dildo pops.

Not going to get into a debate about genetic purity because we’ve all seen where that leads throughout history.


Clean building blocks? The man is intentionally breeding with herms :see_no_evil:
No wonder so many people say his gear is full of herms.

Not to attack you, but this is telling by itself. You’re shilling ethos, with known herms, while having never grown a single bean he’s produced :face_with_monocle:


I agree with you but is it possible that the example picture in question is an STS example?

If not that’s a MEGA herm.

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He uses intersex males. The idea is intersex tendencies in males don’t necessarily result in intersex tendencies in females. No idea if that’s actually true.

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You can’t STS a male. You could use Ethylene on it, like Florel or something, but no he says this is all natural, and he uses it on purpose.

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Ok then. Maybe there’s a market for that. But I’m sure as hell not in it.

I have bags of hermi genetics already :joy: maybe I should start a seedbank (not an advertisement - yet)


A few pistils, not a hundred is usable, if it’s frosted. And that male is far from frosty.

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OP is concerned about photo period seed becoming scarce or muddied with hermies but then list ethos as someone doing it right??? I laughed out loud at that one


Care to elaborate? I’m not even that old and things were sooo much worse even 10 years ago. I was looking at 1-3 years in prison over an ounce…so…seems like things are going well.

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Besides Colin’s paperwork for animal and domestic abuse that’s easily findable on the internet, this video from Dark Horse lays out pretty well why many people don’t have any interest doing business with Ethos, besides the questionable breeding techniques:

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Do you think there is any chance these genes could have already been corrupted?
Not pure?
I feel this is the real question that should be asked.

How many pure unadulterated landrace genetics still exist?
I am not a fan of phylos but the answer lies in the testing.
How many of those have plant patents?

So a better question is…
How many pure unadulterated landrace genetics without plant patents are currently available to the public?
If someone is able to provide that info it sure would be some good reading.


Look many people have paid big money for his seeds and swear by him. If he is a smuck then so be it. But it’s hard to go against the testimony of so many people. They swear by his seeds, could they all be wrong, theoretically YES, but highly unlikely. But I agree with his theories. And I arrived upon them independently from growing and testing. If I didn’t have a thousand seeds I might buy his seeds to grow. I’m not an expert and I know it. I’m a hobby seed breeder that is having fun.

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Thanks I will probably watch this video. But personally his morals don’t matter to me as I’m not supporting him. If a video was just focused on breeding techniques I would watch for sure.

I have heard other say this also.
Dunno if it is true but OGKB is said to be bag seed.

Their patents can suck my balls.


And they will.

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Dude, you’re supporting him by riding his dick this hard when you’ve never cracked a single seed from the guy. You don’t have to spend a dime to be a part of someone’s hype and shill team, it’s honestly more understandable for the people who have invested their time and money than for someone who seems to have picked a (very strange choice of) hero to defend.